When I Saved The World/C16 Preliminary Forbidden Fruit
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When I Saved The World/C16 Preliminary Forbidden Fruit
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C16 Preliminary Forbidden Fruit

"I'm going to get pregnant, I'm going to have a baby!"

Suddenly, these words of Baijing's cut into my ear from the still air.

I stood up abruptly and looked at her in disbelief. How could the girl sitting in front of me have such a thought?

"Are you crazy? "You're still a little girl!" I asked her. No, I'm questioning her!

"I'm not crazy, I want to get pregnant, I want to have children. That way the old man won't want to marry me anymore. Yes, that's it. I'm going to be pregnant. Cheng Tao, can you help me? "

As she spoke, she gave me a pitiful look that I couldn't resist.

"White crystal, you have to think this through. You are now as clean as you can be. Once you take off your clothes, you won't be able to keep clean anymore. Besides, I'm not a proper person, I'm a... Duck! "

Actually, I don't want to admit that I'm a duck at all, and I hate to hear people say those two words, but I have no choice, this is reality.

Now, to save this girl who was as clean as I was, I had to prod myself so that she would wake up. Furthermore, she has a good way out, so she doesn't have to be like me.

"Cheng Tao, I won't allow you to speak of yourself in such a manner. You must have your own difficulties." She stood up and covered my mouth, tears streaming down her face.

"That's right. I have my reasons, but you don't need to do that. You …"

Suddenly she kissed me on the lips and stood on tiptoe, wrapping her not very powerful arm around my waist.

"Mm …" "Mhmm …" I pushed her away with all my might and she cried.

"Don't cry, I'm doing this for your own good …" I coaxed her, and for a long time, she kept crying.

"Cheng Tao, help me. Otherwise, I'll complain to you." Perhaps she saw that I was too stubborn, so she could only use this method to deal with me.

"Sure, I'll help you!"

I was speechless. What's wrong with this young man now? What a headache.

Hearing me say this, White Crystal immediately jumped to my side, smiled and said thank you, and also said that we can be friends in the future. This time, she owes me a favor. With that, he skipped to the bathroom to take a bath.

Although I was a very just person and didn't want her to fight against this kind of marriage that she didn't want, looking at the reflection on the bathroom glass made me want to go with her.

I was a little excited, even a little touched, thinking about the first time I hadn't told anyone. The heat from below made me want to undress.

"Go take a bath!" There was only one towel on Bai Jingjing's body. Her skin was white and the towel was also white. Wow, this was so seductive!


I walked into the bathroom almost mechanically, imagining what might happen.

I finished washing quickly because I was too distracted to continue.

When I came out, White Crystal was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Her eyes were still red and swollen, probably because she was crying too seriously.

She had her white legs over the edge of the sofa and her arms wrapped around her chest. Half of her white, bleached hare was exposed, making me want to take a bite.

"Why are you looking at me like that …" White Crystal asked me. Her little face was flushed as she lowered her head like a young wife waiting for her daughter to say something.

I walked over and sat down beside her. I grabbed one of her hands, but before I could do anything, this girl had already stuck close to me.

She was sitting on me, naked under the towel, and my legs felt warm beneath her.

I put my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me with her little pink lips.

We were both nervous, and it didn't seem like we were making a deal. It was like two men and women who had been in love for a long time and were about to steal the forbidden fruit were slowly being released.

Gradually, I didn't want to just kiss her like that. I moved my hand from behind her back to my chest and pulled off her towel before she could notice.

I'll go …

When I saw the snow-white body in front of me, I felt like my nose was going to spurt blood and die!

She bit me, then pulled away from my lips and asked, "Is it beautiful?"

It was indeed the Little Scouts. It was said that every girl would ask such a question for the first time.

I nodded and continued to kiss her swollen lip, which I had bitten, and ran my hand over her chest.

Not long after, I caused her to pant continuously. Her legs were clamped on mine as she continuously rubbed against me. Her body kept on twisting. I knew that her feelings had arrived.

I am very happy, my first time with such a beautiful woman also has no regrets. After all, under normal circumstances, how could a poor girl like me sleep with such a good-looking girl?

"I want to …" It was the word she whispered in my ear, in a low voice.


I picked her up and carried her straight into the bedroom, where there was a large bed.

I laid her gently in the middle of the bed and caressed her like the most beautiful baby in my heart.

I leaned over her and whispered in her ear, "This is also my first time!"

Her eyes widened, obviously a little surprised.

I ignored her and gently parted her legs, using my fingers to tease her about the prehistoric land that was already flooded.

She wriggled her body and hummed softly in her throat.

"Don't be afraid, I'm coming!"

Then I inserted it, slowly, slowly, for the first time, and for the first time.

"It hurts ~ ~" She bit her lips, just like the first time for every girl. She frowned, beads of sweat trickling down her forehead.

"It'll be fine in a moment, be good."

I cajole her like a peddler luring a little girl, licking her earlobes and her breasts.

Gradually, she seemed to have gotten used to my speed and size, and actually let me speed up a bit.

Well, hurry up!

I was getting faster and faster, and her screams were getting louder and louder, causing my back to hurt more and more. But at this moment, there was no feeling of having the first taste of the forbidden fruit!

We've been doing this for a long time. We can't imagine a person having such a long first time. I was really happy. Even though I was forced by her, I was extremely comfortable right now.

In the end, I was finally unable to control my power and shot it out.

White Crystal's body was trembling. Her face was as red as a ripe apple. I really wanted to take a bite.

So we ended our first painful and joyful journey, the two of us lying side by side, she in my arms again, and I holding her as if it were not a deal but love.

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