Mystique Chronicles/C8 The Heart of a Girl
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Mystique Chronicles/C8 The Heart of a Girl
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C8 The Heart of a Girl

"Oh, that's what this is about!"

Gu Xiaoxing's eyes twinkled as he chuckled, "No problem at all!"

The fat man let out a relieved breath, "Junior Brother Gu has been splitting wood all day; you must be exhausted and haven't eaten yet, right? Consider this meal a token of appreciation from our kitchen staff!"

"Then... please extend my thanks to all the Senior Brothers."

Gu Xiaoxing seemed humble, but in truth, he was already salivating at the sight of the three radiant dishes before him, each shimmering with vitality. Even the bowl of rice glistened enticingly.

With a heartfelt sigh, Gu Xiaoxing dug in, savoring the exquisite flavors that were beyond words. Only those who have tasted it could understand.

The portions were modest, but upon finishing, Gu Xiaoxing felt surprisingly stuffed. He sat cross-legged and activated his spirit control spell to aid digestion, feeling his cultivation level steadily ascend.

Before long, he sensed he was nearing the Qi Condensation Second Layer!

He quickly realized the spiritual cuisine from the kitchen was aimed at boosting cultivation, while the spirit fish he had eaten the day before had a greater impact on strengthening the body.

"Is Junior Brother satisfied?" The fat man asked, his voice noticeably more at ease. Regardless of the other's formidable connections, sharing this meal made them comrades in arms.

"Absolutely satisfied. Rest assured, Senior Brother, if Uncle Bai doesn't inquire, I won't bring it up. But..."

Gu Xiaoxing paused, coughed deliberately, and shifted the conversation, "After all, Uncle Bai is my elder and has been kind to me. If he asks, I really can't justify keeping secrets! Senior Brother, you see..."

He trailed off, giving the fat man a look of feigned difficulty.

At these words, the fat man felt a pang of anxiety. He realized that despite Gu Xiaoxing's seemingly innocent demeanor, the young man was quite cunning. Such a person was tough to handle, especially with a protector who was not to be trifled with. The fat man's brow furrowed deeply with worry.

He dared to deal in spiritual cuisine within the kitchen, clearly having some support behind him. Yet, no one could hold a candle to Taoist Bai, the Great Elder of the Devouring Spirit Sect. Second only to the Sect Master, he stood above tens of thousands. If Taoist Bai discovered the kitchen's unauthorized food sales, the fallout would be severe.

Eventually, the hefty chef bit his lip, a scheme forming in his mind. In a hushed tone, he proposed, "With Elder Bai's esteemed position, why trouble him with the kitchen's petty issues? Junior Brother Gu, here's the deal... Should you ever crave a special meal in the future, our kitchen will always welcome you with open arms. And..."

He paused, then deliberately extended a single finger, adding, "From now on, I'll cut you in for ten percent of the food sales profits!"

Gu Xiaoxing chuckled at the offer, mimicking the chef's gesture by slowly raising three fingers instead.

As Gu Xiaoxing walked away, the once jovial mood of the kitchen's courtyard dissipated, leaving everyone disheartened as if they'd been stripped of pounds of flesh.

The chef, in particular, clutched his face, the very picture of agony. "Thirty percent! A whole thirty percent of the profits! That's a fortune in spirit stones!"

In contrast to the kitchen staff's gloom, Gu Xiaoxing's demeanor remained unchanged. With a humble smile, he arrived and departed in high spirits.

By the time he made it back to the firewood yard, dusk had settled in.

Du Siyu, having just returned on the wind, was taken aback once more. "How has his cultivation soared so much? He's nearly reached the Qi Condensation Second Layer."

Sensing Du Siyu's astonished look, Gu Xiaoxing allowed himself a moment of silent pride, yet he didn't return her gaze. She was simply too "ugly" to warrant attention, he thought, and promptly retreated to his room, shutting himself away.

Du Siyu let out a dismissive snort, uninterested in engaging further. She cast a glance at the night's full moon and settled into her cultivation practice.

As the night deepened into silence, Gu Xiaoxing, feigning deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes. He quietly opened the door, sensing the subtle pink mist that wafted through the yard, and stealthily peeled the yellow talisman from the door.

"Now... the surname Gu reigns in the firewood yard!"

As the morning sun peeked over the horizon, Du Siyu breathed a sigh of relief, emerging from her meditative state. A joyful expression danced across her exquisite features; her cultivation had advanced, bringing her closer to the Qi Condensation Eighth Layer.

Du Siyu possessed an extraordinarily unique constitution. Unlike those with a Devouring Spirit Body, hers was innate—a natural charm body.

This constitution caused her to exude an alluring aura during cultivation, irresistible to men and even to women of lower cultivation levels. It was for this reason she preferred the solitude of the firewood yard, free from unwanted interruptions.

What's more, the truly frightening aspect of her innate charm wasn't just the aura she emitted. Without even trying, she drew the impure gazes of men, as if she were the one doing the seducing, which infuriated her all the more.

Yet, there was nothing Du Siyu could do about her nature. She had even resorted to dressing as a man, but to little avail.

"Hmph, they claim that a cultivator's spiritual resolve is unshakeable, immune to the allure of beauty. Nothing but lies!" Du Siyu was fed up with the covetous stares. If possible, she would gladly rid herself of this natural charm.

"But then again..."

A contemplative look flickered in Du Siyu's eyes as she remembered Gu Xiaoxing's recent glances. They seemed devoid of any lust, and she was convinced it wasn't her imagination. She could almost sense a trace of... aversion in his gaze.

Yes, aversion!

Her brow furrowed in confirmation, followed by a surge of inexplicable irritation. "Am I not attractive? Does he find me repulsive?"

Du Siyu's temper flared. Such is the capricious nature of a young girl's heart. She was about to angrily summon Gu Xiaoxing to expel him for firewood chopping, but before she could utter a word, the door swung open on its own. She stood there, stunned as if she'd seen a ghost.

Gu Xiaoxing, whom she hadn't seen since the night before, had transformed once more. His skin was fair, his muscles toned, and his frame lean. Aside from the odd appearance of the Devouring Spirit Insect on his forehead, he was the epitome of a wholesome and vibrant young man.

It was hard to imagine that just two days ago, he was nothing but skin and bones...

He's reached the Qi Condensation Second Layer?

Du Siyu steadied herself, struggling to believe it.

"Good morning, Senior Brother Du!"

Gu Xiaoxing greeted Du Siyu with a bow and a radiant, innocent smile.

Du Siyu opened her mouth as if to speak, hesitated, and ultimately let out a snort, striding away to avoid further irritation.

Gu Xiaoxing blinked, puzzled by her reaction. He couldn't figure out what had set her off this time, but he didn't care enough to ask. He simply started his daily chore of chopping firewood.

Time flies like a fleeting cloud.

Before he knew it, half a month had passed...

Gu Xiaoxing stepped out of his room, inhaling the crisp morning air. He felt invigorated and hopeful for the new day ahead.

With a flick of his wrist, an axe materialized in his hand. He was ready to resume his routine task of chopping wood when he noticed the dwindling supply of logs in the firewood yard.

Just then, Du Siyu approached, casting a glance at Gu Xiaoxing that betrayed a flicker of inner turmoil. It hadn't been long, yet he had advanced to the Qi Condensation Third Layer, and he seemed close to reaching the Fourth. Just how many cultivation resources had Taoist Bai left for him?

"No need to chop wood today. Follow me to the Blackwoods," Du Siyu said coolly.

"The Blackwoods? Where's that? And what for?" Gu Xiaoxing fired off a series of questions.

"We're going to cut wood. It's not too far, just five hundred miles east of the sect's gate," Du Siyu replied, her tone surprisingly gentle. Despite their mutual disdain, half a month's interactions had made them somewhat accustomed to each other.

"Leave the sect?" Gu Xiaoxing's body tensed, haunted by some frightening memory. He began to retreat, step by step, exclaiming, "No! I won't go... I refuse to leave the sect!"

The next instant, Gu Xiaoxing dashed back to his room as if fleeing, slamming the door shut behind him.

Du Siyu furrowed her brow, taken aback. It was just a trip outside the sect—what was there to fear? But she wasn't one to bend to others' wills. With a wave of her hand, she blasted the door open.

At that moment, Gu Xiaoxing was huddled in a corner, shivering as he pleaded, "Senior Brother Du, you're such a good senior brother! Surely we can negotiate something else. Maybe you could just keep punishing me by having me chop firewood? I really don't want to leave the sect!"

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. Du Siyu's delicate hands had a vice-like grip on him, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't escape. He was hauled out of the room, and with a graceful gesture from Du Siyu, a small boat materialized. It swiftly expanded in the breeze, transforming into a twenty-foot wooden vessel, and he was unceremoniously tossed inside.

With a light tap of her foot, Du Siyu floated down into the boat. With a flick of her wrist, she cast a spirit control spell, and the boat lifted into the air. In the blink of an eye, they were whisked away, leaving behind nothing but Gu Xiaoxing's anguished howl echoing in the air. "No! I made a vow! I must never leave the sect..."

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