Wife's Secrets/C11 Shutdown Again
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Wife's Secrets/C11 Shutdown Again
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C11 Shutdown Again

By the time Ma Bu Ding and Liu Mei had finished eating dinner with their client, almost two hours had passed. However, there was still no reply from Li Sisi on WeChat. Her phone call was still turned off.

At this time, it was about time to get off the plane. It had been more than two hours, why was her phone still not working? Was going on a business trip an excuse? However, he clearly heard that there was a female colleague on Li Sisi's phone saying that she was on a business trip to pick up her luggage.

He wished he could follow her to A City now, but his work wasn't done yet, and he couldn't get out of it.

"Has an agreement contract been drawn up with the third party?" At some point, Liu Mei had appeared behind him. After what happened, the two of them were more or less embarrassed, avoiding it as much as possible. Liu Mei also spoke in a businesslike tone. In his heart, he thought to himself, "This is nothing. Just put it in your normal state. Could it be that I am not even comparable to a woman?" Only then did Ma Ding Ding come back to his senses and hurriedly said, "It's done, as long as they see there are no problems, they can finally settle it. Can you take a look at what needs to be modified first?" Liu Mei's eyes flashed. She paused for a moment before saying, "Okay."

He tried to call her, but she messaged him on WeChat: "Hubby, I'm at the hotel. The plane is late, my phone is out of battery. I forgot to bring a charger. I bought a charger in A City and called you right after charging it.

Looking at this WeChat, Ma Bu Ding felt a mix of emotions. Ma Bu Ding returned to the room and saw that Li Si Si's explanation seemed reasonable. She was just a little muddle-headed and it was normal for her to forget to bring a charging line, but Ma Bu Ding felt that something was wrong.

"Video!" Ma Ding replied to WeChat.

"It's not convenient right now. Wait a moment, I'll call you!" Li Sisi replied.

Inconvenient? What's inconvenient about it? He couldn't help but wonder if there was anyone else in the hotel room.

He had already made up his mind. No matter what Li Sisi had done, he had already planned to go through with it. However, he had been distracted by a single phone call. He couldn't help but pay attention to it.

About half an hour later, Li Sisi finally called. She answered the call and then appeared on the screen. Her face was red as she leaned against the bed and asked, "Hubby, I just finished my work. Are you busy over there?"

"A bit busy, but your husband can handle it." Ma Bu Ding could not help but feel slightly relieved. As expected, his wife was still concerned about him.

"Who did you travel with? Why did you suddenly travel?" Ma Bu Ding asked.

Li Sisi then narrated the matters of the school from beginning to end. Somehow, the other party had asked Li Sisi to negotiate by name. Li Sisi pouted and said a little coquettishly. The school decided on the spur of the moment that I didn't want to run away. "

Ma Ding's heart softened as he looked at Li Si Si, who was complaining coquettishly on the phone. He suddenly began to miss his wife, but at this moment, he realized that the blush on her face would only appear when they were very satisfied. What was Li Sisi doing half an hour ago? Why did Li Sisi say it was inconvenient? Instantly, he looked at the scene on the phone with great vigilance.

"You still haven't said who you were traveling with? Why did you say it was inconvenient just now? What were you doing during this half an hour? " Ma Bu Ding asked.

Li Sisi didn't realize that her tone was too harsh. For a moment, she didn't react to why Ma Dingding had suddenly changed his tone. Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes. "Hubby, what do you mean? You suspect me?"

Right at that moment, there was a knock at the door of Li Sisi's hotel room. Li Sisi went to open the door, and suddenly, Ma Ding saw Li Cheng opposite her! At this moment, Ma Ding Ding Ding had instantly become a Level 1 Guardian. Li Sisi didn't expect that Li Cheng would come looking for her. She thought it was a colleague from the same room who had come back, so she went to open the door without hanging up. Although Li Cheng was the parent of the students, he was actually also the person in charge of the investment department for the school project. Otherwise, this good news would not fall onto his school's hands.

"Sisi …" The moment Li Cheng entered, Li Sisi wanted to quickly hang up, but the more chaotic the situation became, the more she couldn't hang up. She still heard Li Cheng's words.

His wife and a potential rival were on a business trip together. Furthermore, it had been ten days, and he didn't dare to think about it any longer. If he hadn't come with Liu Mei to Beijing for a business trip, he would have rushed to A City long ago.

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