World's Unparalleled Emperor/C4 004 six dao arts
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World's Unparalleled Emperor/C4 004 six dao arts
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C4 004 six dao arts

The green light flashed continuously in the five areas. At first, it was extremely fast. However, it only slowed down after a quarter of an hour.

Just then, Zhang Nan realised that the green light was orbiting around the five areas of the cultivation method's divine disc. Very clearly, when the green light stopped at the grid, he would be able to obtain some sort of cultivation technique, and furthermore, it could only be cultivated, it could not be changed.

The green light was moving slower and slower.

And this trajectory was in the clockwise direction, respectively the heaven and earth profound yellow's mysteriousness. Every time the green light jumped, Zhang Nan's heart would involuntarily beat once.

The woman was also staring at the jade plate in her hands. Although she wasn't too optimistic about Zhang Nan, to be able to obtain an Earth or Profound Ranked beast was already quite good, but she was actually a little nervous at this moment.

"Why would I be nervous? Was it just because he looked like him? Is it right or wrong for me to take him in as a slave and keep him by my side? "

She felt all sorts of emotions in her heart. After so many years had passed, she had actually met someone who looked so similar to her. It was just that his face back then wasn't that young and tender.


Zhang Nan clenched his fists tightly and called out to himself in his heart. Because at this speed, it proved that he was running out of grids, and it felt like he was playing with a slot machine, the only difference was that this time, the bet was huge. He did not need to ask for Heaven Grade, Earth Grade was already very satisfying to him.

However, with another flash of green light, he reached the Black Level region. And his current speed …

"Stop, damn it, we can't go any further."

Zhang Nan was speechless, his nails almost digging into his flesh, if he continued walking, he would reach Yellow Rank, then wouldn't he be like a tortoise when he cultivates? Rather than dying, he might as well die.

It seemed like they were either Xuan or Yellow Rank. Under normal circumstances, the Earth and Heaven Rank cultivation techniques were usually given to the talented, and only those with high potential would be able to obtain them.

However, after the green light stopped for a second in the black level area, it flashed again and ran to the yellow level area.

"It can't be. Two more boxes to go to Heaven Stage. "

's heart went cold, he could not help but shout out loud. It was extremely difficult to reach the mysterious region, because his beautiful master had once said that it was extremely difficult for a million people to obtain a cultivation technique inside, but now that he was stopped here, what did he mean? Therefore, Zhang Nan could only pray that the green light could go on another two steps and run to the Heaven Ranked area to change his fate.

"Yellow rank cultivation technique, it might not be bad."

Seeing Zhang Nan's disappointed look, the woman consoled him with her words and sighed in her heart. Indeed, not everyone could be like him, it was just that they looked alike.

Five seconds had already passed. The green light did not change at all and stopped at the Yellow Rank region. Zhang Nan, on the other hand, was extremely dejected.

"Cancel my slave seal. For someone like me, being a slave is just a loss of face for you."

Zhang Nan laughed at himself.

"How could the decision I made be so easily changed?"

However, the woman was very resolute.

Suddenly, the green light that had stopped at the yellow rank region started to flash continuously …

"This... How is that possible? "

The woman was surprised. Her red lips were slightly parted. She didn't dare to believe this was true. Why was this green light still flashing?


Suddenly, the green light jumped to the mysterious cultivation technique area, making Zhang Nan extremely happy. Even if he didn't leave now, staying here would be better than staying in the Yellow Rank area. At the very least, he still had a fifty percent chance of obtaining powerful techniques.

"It won't stop here, right?"

The woman swallowed her saliva. She found it hard to believe. The green light had stopped for a long time just now, but this had never happened before. And right now, this place was indeed the region of the mysterious technique.

"Swish …"

A ray of white light flashed and entered into Zhang Nan's head.

Zhang Nan carefully sensed the additional information that appeared in his mind, and immediately he was overjoyed, he stood there in a daze, unable to calm himself down, and only by looking at the content in front, Zhang Nan was able to determine that the cultivation technique was most definitely heaven defying, and that was already enough. When he wanted to look at the later details, he felt his head grow dizzy, and immediately retreated, looks like his current cultivation level was not high enough.

"How is it?"

The woman swallowed her saliva, feeling incomparably excited in her heart. After all these years, there had finally been a person who obtained such a mysterious cultivation method. If it was a heaven-defying cultivation method, then this world would not last many years. Of course, if it was a cultivation technique that was even worse than a Yellow Rank cultivation technique, then there would be another suffering in this world.

"Hahaha, Six Paths of Dao, the technique is called Six Paths of Dao, a heaven-defying technique."

After a long while, Zhang Nan finally regained his senses, and laughed out loud. He was so excited that he grabbed the lady's hand.

"Reverse. Heaven defying level? "

The lady didn't seem to notice that Zhang Nan was currently holding her hand. His eyes were still filled with disbelief.


Zhang Nan nodded, he had never been so happy before and had almost fallen into the bottomless abyss. But in the end, he took one step into the sky, and this kind of feeling was as if he was going through another life and death experience. Indeed, with the eyes of the heavens, he, Zhang Nan, had hope to rise again.


The lady was actually holding Zhang Nan tightly in her embrace, tears flowing from her eyes.

was captivated by the woman's faint fragrance. But why would she be more excited than him? The current Zhang Nan, with his upper body naked, was hugged by such a soft body, his heart trembled slightly. What kind of woman was this?

However, the lady realized that she had lost control of herself and immediately let go of Zhang Nan. She took a few steps back and kept the cultivation technique and divine plate.

"Master, I'm your slave now, so shouldn't you tell me your name, and can you change the way you address the owner?"

Seeing the two of them in such an awkward situation, Zhang Nan changed the topic.

"Yeah, my name is Quan Yingcao, but you have to call me Fairy from now on."

Quan Yingcao quickly recovered from her shock, and as if nothing had happened, she became extremely calm.

"Oh, fairy? I might as well call you Fairy Quan, get used to it. "

Such a title, Zhang Nan could only smile bitterly, who would be so confident to call himself a fairy? However, with his current identity, he could not ask too much.

"You are not allowed to speak of what happened today. Otherwise, if my heart moves, you will die. Do you understand?"

Quan Yingcao thought for a moment, then warned.

"I'm not that stupid, hur hur."

Zhang Nan laughed and joked. If word of him obtaining the Six Paths of Dao came out, many people might be jealous and envious of him, and then find trouble with him. Of course, the Six Paths of Dao was his, no one could steal it away, because the cultivation technique obtained from the cultivation technique's divine plate was that special. Even if one searched through the soul search method, they would not be able to obtain the other person's cultivation technique.

He felt that Quan Yingcao was a pretty good girl, and that this was a big opportunity given to him by the other party, which was why he told the truth.

"Then, come with me."

Quan Yingcao didn't say anymore and was preparing to bring Zhang Nan back to Bright Moon Sect. Thinking back to how happy he was to actually hug this half-grown boy, her face also flushed slightly.

However, Zhang Nan once again made a request. He wanted to bring his parents and leave this place.

"Do you need my help?"

Quan Yingcao saw that Zhang Nan had made up her mind, and said.

"No need. One year later, I will go to Bright Moon Sect to find you. Don't worry, I believe that it won't be many years before I rid myself of my slave identity."

Zhang Nan waved his hand, turned and left. Although being a slave in the Bright Moon Sect was nothing, Zhang Nan did not like these two words.

"How many years will it take? I am waiting for that day. "

Looking at Zhang Nan's leaving figure, Quan Yingcao secretly thought.

The Sky Region City, with its tall walls, looked extremely majestic, emitting a faint domineering aura.

However, there were dozens of slums outside the Sky Region City. They had created a prosperous city, but they could only live in broken houses.

One family in the midst of all these slums sank into incomparable grief.

Only now did Zhang Yunshan find out that his son had died. Of the people who went out with Zhang Lin, only Zhang Lin had returned.

"My son is already in the Houtian ninth stage, how could he die so easily? No, I will go and ask for an explanation."

Zhang Yunshan's eyes turned red, he was so angry that his face had changed.


Finally, with a vicious smack, the wooden table beside him was broken into pieces, and the gold coins on the table fell to the ground with a clang.

"Brother Yun Shan, I can understand your feelings, but so what if you go?" "Oh, grieve!"

The man who gave Zhang Yunshan the pension patted Zhang Yunshan's shoulder. As a servant himself, he clearly understood the sorrow of these people.

As for the servants, without even reaching the Congenital Realm Realm, they would not be valued highly by the Zhang Family. For example, this time, some of the guards who were related to the Zhang Family had died and received more than 10,000 pensions while Zhang Nan's death was only worth 200 gold coins. Rather than calling it a pension, it would be more accurate to call it the funeral expenses.

"My brother won't die, he won't die. "Howl, howl."

A little girl of eleven or twelve years old. Her round face was very cute and her clear eyes seemed to have no impurities. However, right now, she was crying like the rain and burying her head in the bosom of a beautiful middle-aged woman.

"Right... "My Nan'er will not die, he will not die."

The middle-aged beautiful woman said firmly as she clenched her teeth. However, the tears in the corner of her eyes couldn't help but roll down her cheeks.

"Sigh …"

The neighbors in the courtyard shook their heads and sighed before leaving helplessly. They could not do anything about this kind of thing. This was the sorrow of the weak.

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