Writing Poems For You/C4
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Writing Poems For You/C4
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Teacher Li, you just said the tattoo on my shoulder? That's not true, I painted it myself, hahaha, did I cheat you? I quite like this design. "

Su Feifei said naively and romantically: "How about, Teacher Li, I draw one for you too?"


Lao Li was startled, but Su Feifei had already pulled up her blanket and jumped off the bed, skipping a beat as she said that she would like to get the pigment and draw a tattoo for him as well.

Lao Li did not say that he wanted to paint at all, but Su Feifei had already happily come over with a paint brush and paint.

"Teacher Li, can I also draw an identical butterfly on your shoulder?"

"This …"

Lao Li originally did not want it, but seeing that Su Feifei was so positive, he could only agree.

"Then how should I draw it?" The Lao Li asked her.


Su Feifei thought for a moment before replying, "How about this, Teacher Li. I will kneel on the bed, and then you rest your head on my lap so that I can draw it for you."

As they spoke, Su Feifei had already stepped onto the bed with high spirits as she knelt on top of the bed with her two long legs. She then beckoned for Lao Li to place his head on her thighs.

Lao Li secretly swallowed saliva, his eyes spitting fire as he climbed onto the bed. He carefully laid his head on top of Su Feifei's long legs, placing his head between them, and smelled the young lady's enchanting fragrance.

On top of his head was Su Feifei's innocent smile. She held her brush and said to him: "Teacher Li, then I'll draw it for you. Close your eyes."

Lao Li had no choice but to close his eyes. Su Feifei quickly picked up the brush, pulled off his clothes to reveal her shoulders, and started to draw the butterfly tattoo on his body.

Su Feifei was drawing very carefully, she was completely focused on the tattoo and did not realize in the slightest that at this moment, when she was slightly bent over, her two small and straight bodies were already sticking onto Lao Li's face.

Following the rise and fall of her tattoos, she kept rubbing them on Lao Li's face.

She was only wearing a thin layer of pajamas with nothing inside. As she rubbed against Lao Li's face, a wave of scorching heat swept across his face.

Lao Li couldn't even breathe. If he opened his mouth, he could directly cover his mouth with his clothes …

He and Su Feifei were practically stuck together in the most ambiguous position, yet Su Feifei didn't feel this wasn't right in the slightest. She had naively treated Lao Li as a harmless senior.

There were several times when Lao Li couldn't control himself anymore. He wanted to flip Su Feifei over and force him onto the bed.

"Teacher Li, look, is my drawing good or not … Ah, Teacher Li, you … "

Su Feifei was finally done drawing and was jumping in joy when she accidentally saw Lao Li's crotch. Seeing that it looked like it was going to explode, her beautiful face immediately flushed red.

"..." Teacher Li, I didn't see anything … I went back to my room. " Su Feifei quickly said a few words before she ran out in a hurry.

Su Feifei, who had escaped back to her room, felt her face burning hot, her heart beating wildly like a little deer.

Oh my god, Teacher Li is my elder, how can he be like that … But he looked so strong!

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