Yin Yang Alternates/C12 Phantom First Appearance
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Yin Yang Alternates/C12 Phantom First Appearance
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C12 Phantom First Appearance

Brother Lin hurried into the elevator corridor. Under the dim light of the corridor, he found that the second and third elevators were both closed. Only the one at the very end of the corridor was automatically open.

Instinctively, he hurried into elevator one and flipped the switch. The elevator doors closed automatically with a thud. Brother Lin hummed a lecherous song as he pressed a button on the third floor. With a thud, he felt an overweight pressure pressing down on him from above, and the elevator began to rise.

For some reason, he turned his head to look at himself in the mirror behind the elevator, where he could see his own bearded face reflected in the mirror, but he realized that for some reason his own face had turned very pale.

The elevator door opened automatically. Brother Lin turned on the flashlight in his hand and walked into the pitch black elevator corridor. He realized that the elevator corridor on the third floor was much colder than the underground lobby, so he couldn't help but shiver, "Strange! Why is the temperature here so low? "

With a thump, and the sound of leather footsteps, he walked softly out of the cold elevator corridor and into the dark lobby. The beam of his flashlight shot through the dark sky, swaying back and forth in the great dark hall until it revealed a huge, dark moving halo. Under the high ceiling, it looked so ghastly that it sent shivers down one's spine!

As Brother Lin walked, he shone his flashlight left and right. He noticed that the lobby on the third floor seemed to have become even colder than the elevator corridor just now. He could not help but feel the chicken skin all over his body.

Suddenly, there was a "ding" sound, and two curved white lights lit up in the darkness in the distance. Brother Lin looked carefully, it was the light of the elevator that connected the third floor to the fourth floor in the west end.

"Strange?" Lin Ge couldn't help but think, at night, the lift was off, but no one turned on the switch, so how could the elevator on the third or fourth floor automatically light up?

Before he could finish his thought, the light in the elevator suddenly went out again. Suddenly, two long lines of white light disappeared, and the east was plunged back into darkness.

"There must be something wrong with the switch on the third floor!" While talking, Lin Ge had already walked over to the east side of the Aalai Toy City supermarket. He came to the door which was made of the feet of a giant clown. The clown's upper body was looking down at him like a tiger eyeing its prey. Especially the half-white and half-red face of the clown. In the darkness, he seemed to be emitting a strange aura that made Brother Lin's heartbeat quicken.

"Damn, you're too fucking ugly!" Brother Lin raised his head to look at the face of the giant clown, and shone his flashlight on the clown's strange face as he said in a strange tone.

At the same time, with a swoosh, he suddenly felt that the little clown's oily face seemed to move a little, but he calmed down and looked again. There was no change? But for some reason, he suddenly felt that the giant clown's eyes had made his vision blur, as if he was in a daze!

"It must have been an illusion! A ghost was born from the heart! "Hahaha!" Lin Ge loudly said to himself. Lowering his head, he walked through the gates of A Jin's Toy City and entered the city.

"I heard that the coward Sima Ming met a ghost here last night!" Lin Ge thought as he walked towards the northwest corner of the toy store. This glass-walled mall looked extremely dark under the dim light of the flashlight. As he walked, he inadvertently shone the flashlight left and right. He saw a few children's cloth dolls sitting on shelves by the wall that seemed to be staring at him, their eyes flashing in the yellow tube light, which made him feel strangely afraid. He turned back to the beam of the flashlight and hurried past a series of shelves of toys and into the corridor of the washroom, which was close to the northwest.

He walked to the men's room on the left at the end of the corridor, pushed the WC door open with his hand, and pressed the switch next to the door. With a swish, the entire bathroom ceiling lit up with yellow light.

"Damn old geezer, you don't need a washroom on the second floor. If you want to come here, you must be constipated!" As he spoke, he looked into the ornate bathroom. Six closed toilet compartments came into view.

He hummed and counted to the fourth, then walked straight to the door of the cubicle and pushed it. Sure enough, there was a yellow Playboy magazine on the top of the toilet bowl.

"This old man has an old heart. He came all the way here to read a yellow magazine!" Nutjob! Wouldn't it be better to go get a chicken? Lin Ge muttered to himself as he walked over to pick up the magazine.

After he walked out of the cubicle, he went to the bathroom mirror. He put the magazine on the side of his wash-tray, took a small break, then went to the wash-tray and turned on the tap water to wash his hands. As he washed his hands, he looked at his own face and said to himself, "Mom, it's all your fault! If you make me look like this, if you make me look like Liu Dehua, then I won't be able to eat women without having to work! "

Suddenly, with a swoosh, the ceiling light automatically flashed. Lin Ge couldn't help but raise his head to look at the ceiling light, but at this moment, the light returned to normal.

Before he could figure out what was going on? He looked down and saw, for God's sake, if you don't see it, you'll scream at the sight of it. God's sake, what was that running water from the faucet? It was a huge clump of shitty urine, like a clump of green, foamy, disgusting liquid that poured out and drowned his hands in a puddle of shit.

"No!" Brother Lin let out a long shriek, stepping back and raising his hands up to look, oh my god, his hands were already sticky with green paste of feces, smelly and disgusting.

Shua, shua, shua. At the same time, the lights in the washroom started flashing again, half dark. They also produced the terrifying sound of high voltage electricity. While they flashed in the dark, waves of faint "hahaha …" The laughter of a child came from the mirror, causing Lin Ge to look into the mirror involuntarily. Heavens, under the flickering light of the white border and the black edge, God, he saw his own face suddenly change into a snow-white furry fur. God, turning into a white furry fox face, his eyes flashing red as he stared at himself, he himself turned into a vixen security guard in the mirror, maliciously smiling as he looked at himself in the mirror and waved at him!

"Ghost!" "Ghost!" Lin Ge screamed in the mirror, and at the same time, with a swoosh, his face in the mirror turned from a fox face back into his own in the half-black light. However, in the mirror, his pale eyes were bloodshot, and at the same time, the skin on his face began to crack inconceivably, piece by piece. The bloody skin on his face fell off automatically like mud, revealing half of his face, a face covered with flesh and blood fibers, and at the same time, little black cockroaches and lizards began to crawl around him!

"Ding!" At the same time, the lights in the washroom turned off automatically. The entire washroom fell into darkness.

"NO!" "No!" Brother Lin was so scared that even his legs went limp. He could only stand, "No!" He kept shouting "no" nonstop.

"Pu!" Following a soft electric current, the ceiling light in the washroom mysteriously turned back on. Once again, it went back into the light. Lin Ge looked in the mirror in fright. What was this strange? He saw his face return to how it had been before, not a furry fox's face, not a rotten face bleeding, not a skin, and everything was back to normal.

He looked at his hands again, and they were back to normal. They were no longer glued to the big slurry of feces, and the stench of feces and urine was gone from the air. He looked at his hands again, and it was strange to see that the tap water was now pouring clean, the transparent tap water, and everything had disappeared without a trace as if it had evaporated! Not even the slightest scent was left behind!

Brother Lin took a deep breath and regained his composure, but his heart was still pounding wildly. He hurriedly washed his hands and face once more, then suppressed his great fear. He looked up in the mirror and saw that he was still normal, only his face was a bit pale!

"Haha, I'm fine!" He lowered his head again, then jerked his head back to look at the mirror. It was exactly the same as before! There was no abnormality.

"Illusion! Illusion! Everything just now was an illusion! It was all fake! "Hahaha!" Lin Ge loudly said to himself in the mirror. He picked up Playboy magazine and hurriedly left the room.

"Hurry up and leave this damn toilet!" Only one thought kept flashing through his mind! As he thought this, he rushed out of the bathroom corridor!

In the underground lobby, Sima Ming was reading the newspaper when a red light flashed on the walkie-talkie he placed on the table. At the same time, Uncle Chen's voice came through, "Uncle Chen is calling the lobby!"

"F * ck!" Reluctantly, Sima Ming picked up the walkie-talkie, pressed the switch, and shouted into the walkie-talkie, "Roger that! What's the matter? "

"Ming!" Damn, I really don't know what's going on. I heard that Brother Lin used to work at the electrical shop before. You should go up to the third floor with him and see if Brother Lin can repair it. Otherwise, the boss will not be happy until tomorrow when you see the electrician in charge of the engineering team! "

"What?" "Uncle Chen." Sima Ming couldn't help but ask in surprise, "Didn't Brother Lin just go to the third floor?"

"What are you talking about? Sima Ming, isn't Brother Lin on duty with you? " Uncle Chen's voice was full of confusion.

"But, Uncle Chen, have you forgotten? You just called Brother Lin's walkie-talkie and asked him to go to the toilet on the third floor to retrieve your books. He's already gone!"

"Sima Ming, you, aren't you mistaken? I didn't call Brother Lin just now!"

"That's not right!" Uncle Chen! I clearly heard your voice when you called me over to talk to Brother Lin just now. You also said that A Jin lost a Playboy magazine in the washroom in Toy City on the third floor! "

"Sima Ming, listen carefully, I definitely never went to CALL just now, and I never went to the third floor, nor did I miss a book in the toilet on the third floor. I don't even watch Playboy, I only watch Level 3 movies! Books are meaningless! Did you hear wrongly? "

"Uncle Chen, I swear on my character that I definitely didn't mishear you. Brother Lin's walkie-talkie is indeed your voice." For some reason, as Sima Ming spoke, his heart was already chilled. He was very clear on Uncle Chen's character; he wouldn't joke around with something like this!

If so? Then, what was the 'Uncle Chen' that Lin Ming had beaten up just now? Thinking of this, Sima Ming didn't seem to be afraid of fighting anymore!

"Damn it, could it be that we hit evil again? "Anyway, I definitely have never called Brother Lin!" Uncle Chen's voice began to tremble. At the same time, he clearly saw from the closed-circuit television that Sima Ming was the only one on the guard stand in the lobby, because at the same time, he heard a voice, "Oh my god, you're the only one on the guard stand. Damn it!" I'm going up to the third floor! I will go up and take a look! " As soon as he finished, Uncle Chen switched off the communication channel.

At this moment, on the third floor.

"Damn it, why is it so evil!" Lin Ge shouted as he rushed out of the bathroom corridor. He returned to the dark A Jin and ran back to the toy city, hurriedly heading towards the exit. As he walked, he turned his head to look at the bathroom corridor, "Damn it, I'll bring some Demon Mirror and Black Dog Blood tomorrow to let you all know how strong I am! "Hahaha!"

Bang! Suddenly, something flew out from the dark space to his left, striking towards him. It struck his head at lightning speed, causing Brother Lin to let out a long scream. He fell to the ground in shock. Waves of piercing pain came from the head that was hit!

"What?" Brother Lin, who was sitting on the ground, looked at the light from the electric tube. The thing that hit his head was still on the ground, and with a "peng, peng" sound, it bounced back to the right. God, it was a basketball! The one that flew over and hit him on the head turned out to be a basketball! It looked extremely eerie under the dim light of the flashlight! Clearly, someone had thrown it from afar!

At the same time, from the dark corner of the northwest corner, far away to his left, came a burst of "giggling" sounds of children's laughter. The laughter was very floating, as if they were flying across the ceiling in the northwest direction!

"Who?" Frightened, Lin brother hurriedly stood up and shouted loudly towards the northwest direction. At the same time, he shone the flashlight northwest, and what he saw was a yellow and eerie northwest corner of the shelf under the halo of the dim yellow flashlight. He could vaguely see rows and rows of Western cloth dolls on the top of the shelf, and at the same time, it was strange that when Lin brother's flashlight shone, the voices of the children flying in the sky suddenly stopped and disappeared without a trace!

"Who?" He actually dared to use basketball to ambush me! Hurry up and f * cking come out! Otherwise... "Hehe!" Brother Lin loudly shouted towards the northwest corner. At the same time, he pulled out the electric baton from his waist and slowly walked towards the northwest corner!

"Damn it!" How dare you scare me! If you don't give me some color, I'll show you! You all just don't know how powerful your father is! " Brother Lin bravely shouted as he arrived at the northwest corner where he had just heard the laughter of a child. Under the dim yellow light of his flashlight, he saw rows upon rows of terrifying shaped witches and devils and devils' toys. At the very top, a few motionless western dolls were sitting gloomily, looking at him! For some unknown reason, Lin Ge instinctively felt that there was something wrong with these Western Cloth Dolls. Some strange aura was emitted from their bodies and engulfed over him!

Phew! Suddenly, it was as if a shadow of a person flashed past Brother Lin and the shelf behind him. It let out a series of hurried sounds!

"Who?" The sound immediately scared Lin Ge, he immediately turned around and shone his flashlight on the shelves behind him, sweeping from left to right. Under the light of the flashlight, he saw the rows of shelves on the left and right behind him, where there were robot toys, dinosaurs, cloth dolls, and some malevolent looking monsters and ghosts. It made him dizzy! But other than that, he could not see anyone, nor could he see any black shadows! There was no one here! The passageway was empty!

Strange? Could that be a phantom image?

For some reason, Brother Lin suddenly had a strange feeling. These toys seemed to have life, and they were staring at him. This made him feel a wave of fear!

In the darkness beyond the flashlight, there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him, which was a strange feeling to Brother Lin. He tiptoed to a nearby emergency light switch and pressed it.

"Puff!" Following the sound of electric currents, a few light tubes on the ceiling automatically lit up, instantly illuminating the shops in the northwest corner. All the toys on the shelves were arranged in a neat and orderly manner, they didn't move at all, everything seemed to have returned to normal!

At this moment, Brother Lin let out a long breath. He had a feeling of fear, as if those toys would revive at any time and move to kill him at any time. Now that the lights were on, he felt that that horrifying and strange feeling was just a psychological illusion he created in the darkness!

"Illusion! Illusion! Nothing! "Hahaha!" Just as Brother Lin was shouting out to himself, there was a sudden pop, and a strange sound came from the shelf to his left. He quickly turned his head to the left and saw, under the light, the God, a witch and another toy fell down from the shelf onto the ground! These two toys were connected together! It was extremely strange!

Brother Lin looked at the two toys on the ground and couldn't help but suck in a few breaths of cold air. Oh my god! He saw that the two toys on the ground were standing. One of them was a Witch Toy that was directly stabbing a ghostly hand into the chest of the other toy. The other toy was actually a bloody Security Toy that was waving both of its hands while crying for help! His face was expressionless and his eyes were wide open, showing that he had been killed on the spot!

Oh my god! The face of that toy security guard, that face, that bearded face, my god! Was this the face of the security guard who mysteriously disappeared last night? Furthermore, the blue security uniform worn by the toy and its figure were exactly the same as the real Zhang Cheng! They were all fat and short!

"What is it? How could this be? " Brother Lin, who was overwhelmed by an inexplicable sense of fear, could not believe his eyes. How could an identical toy as Zhang Cheng appear here, and still die in such a terrifying manner! A horrifying thought flashed across his mind, "Zhang Cheng was turned into a toy by a great evil force!"

He bent down and picked up the two terrible toys. The eerie cold feeling exuded from Zhang Cheng's toys, which were blood-red in the chest, completely engulfed him in an instant! Instinctively, he used his right hand to pick up the grinning Witch's Ghost Hand and pulled it out of the security guard's body!

As long as he didn't smoke, he would be able to smoke. As soon as he pulled it out, with a 'boom' sound, a burst of white light that he did not have before scattered from Zhang Cheng's toy and instantly enveloped the surroundings, causing Lin Ge to involuntarily close his eyes. At the same time, with a 'boom', a burst of strange white smoke, a huge invisible force, accompanied by the white smoke, threw Lin Ge's entire body onto the wall behind him, and made a 'bang' sound!

After the white smoke flashed, Brother Lin focused on the floor where Yu Yan Yun was. Oh my god, that toy of Zhang Cheng had changed back to its original form after the white smoke flashed! It turned back into a bloody corpse of Zhang Cheng, whose chest had a huge bloody hole dug out. The ferocious expression of Zhang Cheng, who had his eyes wide open, was still a mess! Pale white! The blood had congealed into lines on his body. He was completely motionless. He was lying on the ground, as if he had died on the spot!

"NO!" "No!" Brother Lin screamed as he crawled to the other side. This was too terrifying and unbelievable! Why did the hands of this witch toy pull away Zhang Cheng's toy, and the toy turned into Zhang Cheng's bloody corpse! Heavens, so Zhang Cheng was killed last night! He was even turned into a toy! Too terrifying!

At this moment, an even more terrifying and bizarre occurrence happened. A black ugly cockroach suddenly crawled out of Zhang Cheng's rotten face! They were like ants that swarmed out of the cracks in the ground in the blink of an eye. In an instant, the ground was filled with crawling black cockroaches! Heavens, it was just like the strange phenomenon he saw in the mirror just now!

Almost at the same time, with a boom, several light tubes above Brother Lin's head burst apart on their own. The fragments came pouring down like flower petals! The whole of A Jin came to the northwest side of the mall and fell into darkness once again.

At the same time, waves of sinister child laughter suddenly sounded out in the dark surroundings. "Hahaha, Brother Lin, you don't know death, do you? You disguised yourself as a ghost to scare us? Tonight, I've come to find you to take away your soul! "Hahaha!" With the sound of the singing, the black sky lit up with a red light. The red light spread out like a flood, and suddenly, the dark shopping mall was lit up by countless mosquitoes and candles, emitting a dark aura in the air!

The echo of the laughter caused Brother Lin's hair to stand on end, and he felt his entire body go cold. The hairs on his head stood up straight, and then he calmly shone his flashlight into the dark red light!

Oh my god! The red light was coming from the eyes of dolls, bears, ghosts, and witches. Oh my god, all the toys around us had been resurrected! Their eyes all turned into balls of glowing red ghost eyes! Heavens, they were still blinking, maliciously staring at Brother Lin! They're all alive!

One of the robots with glowing eyes suddenly began to move on its own, making rhythmic "pa da" sounds with its footsteps! As it walked towards Lin Ge, he raised the laser gun in his hand and pointed it at Lin Ge, letting out a series of terrible and heavy mechanical electronic sounds. "Look at that magazine in your hand, idiot!"

Brother Lin looked at Playboy magazine in his left hand in horror. Oh my god, the original Playboy magazine had turned into a stack of Underworld Yin paper money, shooting out dark, cold air beside the flashlight!

"Ah!" There's a ghost! " At the same time, a western female doll on the top shelf flew up into the air with a fiendish laugh, and even let out a sinister child's voice, "I will bring you to see Zhang Cheng, hahaha!" As it spoke, its eyes flashed red, and it opened its mouth towards Brother Lin who was only four or five meters away from it. "Pu!" It spat out a large amount of fresh red human blood, spraying blood all over Brother Lin's upper body and face!

This scene scared Brother Lin so much that he screamed and got up! His face was covered in smelly and fishy human blood, which made his expression even more terrifying!

At the same time, the life-size ghost doll of the movie "Ghost Street" also started to move with a "ha-ha ha-ha" laugh. It waved its long, sharp, iron-clawed, devilish hands and let out a deep, eerie "— —" breathing sound. "It walked towards Lin Ge, its eyes flashing with a terrifying red light.

"Follow me to the Underworld!" the ghost-cloth man cried fiercely.

Heavens, this terrifying person had also been resurrected. He still had to walk over to kill Brother Lin. Brother Lin screamed and scrambled towards the entrance of A-Jin's mall, fleeing for his life in the direction of the elevator corridor.

At the same time, behind him, in the darkness of the sky, came the childish voices of the toys: "You will not escape from us, you fool!" "Hahaha!"

Brother Lin rolled across the lobby like a bull and into the elevator corridor. Heavens, all three doors were closed. Brother Lin madly punched the button with his fist while shouting, "Help!" Help! There's a ghost that wants to kill people! " He kicked the elevator door like a madman!

What was going on? Why didn't the three elevators react at all!?

"Open the door!" You stupid elevator! " Oh my god! He saw a cloud of white smoke, which had appeared out of nowhere and poured into the elevator corridor from outside the darkness. The fierce ghost, in the midst of the cloud of smoke, slowly made its way to the door of the elevator corridor. It had caught up with him! It was still floating in the air, its two terrifying ghost hands actually grew larger in the demonic smoke with a 'hu' sound, turning into two long, sharp claw ghost hands, flying towards Brother Lin from the fog!

Right at this moment, the door of elevator number 1 at the very end automatically opened with a "ding". Brother Lin, who had been scared out of his wits by the ghost person, jumped into the elevator without a care for anything else!

God, it was too late by the time he found a foot in the air, the elevator was empty, there was nothing in it, the elevator had not come up! The open elevator door led to a gloomy elevator shaft!

"So the elevator didn't come up!" "Ahhh!" By the time Brother Lin reacted, it was already too late. He let out a long scream as his whole body fell straight down the dark elevator shaft, and with a loud "Bang!", his head exploded like a broken watermelon, and his entire body fell heavily onto the top of the elevator that had yet to come up. There was the terrifying sound of bones breaking, and Brother Lin's head exploded on the spot.

Brother Lin had already died a horrible death on the spot …

Above the elevator door that was opened by his tragic death, that ghost cloth man looked at the fallen corpse of Brother Lin from a thick layer of demonic white smoke, and disappeared into the smoke with a sinister laughter …

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