Yin Yang Alternates/C18 Wry Face Eating Human
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Yin Yang Alternates/C18 Wry Face Eating Human
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C18 Wry Face Eating Human

When it was eight in the night, for some reason, the overcast, cloudy weather that had been going on since the afternoon had yet to rain, causing the dark night to be filled with a depressing atmosphere.

Huang Chengjin and Wan Jinyun were anxiously sitting together in the chairman's office, looking outside the luxurious glass wall. Outside the window was the dark and empty road, and under the dim red light of the street lamps on both sides of the road, the undulating forest on both sides of the road seemed to be immersed in a pool of dark red blood, making people's hearts beat inexplicably with fear!

"This damned weather!" Wan Jinyun impatiently opened a window, and with a "hu hu hu" sound, waves of cold mountain wind blew in, like a flood pouring in, it blew up all the office papers on the Wan Jinyun Table into the air, and scattered them all around like a fairy!

"Why is it still not raining?" It's so suffocating! " Outside the window, the strong gales before the storm were already angrily howling, causing the whole forest to sway left and right, like a white wave turning in the ocean, sand flew everywhere, whooshing sounds could be heard, a large area of fallen leaves, like a sky full of snow, flew straight towards the glass wall of Wan Jinyun's office, hitting the wall, releasing a sound that made one's heart palpitate, it was clear that this was an unprecedented heavy rain, it was about to arrive!

"Cheng Jin, looks like there's going to be a big rainstorm soon. Will Teacher Chen come for this kind of weather?" Wan Jinyun couldn't help but say. Although it was only eight, but it looked like Heavenly Master Chen would arrive at nine o'clock. However, from the looks of it now, in at most a few minutes, an exceptionally heavy rain would descend!

"Don't worry!" Boss Wan, we've already given him the money, and more! " Huang Chengjin smiled slyly, "He still has to go to the Sheraton Hotel tomorrow to teach Bo Shen. I don't think he wants to push the exorcism to tomorrow!"

Wan Jinyun laughed, and then turned around to close the window. Just as he pulled open the window, there was the sound of a thunderclap that shook the very soul of the crowd, and a few huge, dense bolts of lightning in the shape of tree branches tore the night sky apart. In an instant, they streaked across the trees above the mountain, lighting up Wan Jinyun's face and the office behind him with a bright white light!

"Ah!" Wan Jinyun was so scared that he fell backwards. This lightning was too sudden, too deafening! It almost caused his eardrums to burst on the spot.

At the same time, "Hua La La La", a wave of intense and crazy rain storm, has covered the entire new universe building and the surrounding mountains and forests, in an instant, submerged the entire new universe building and the Great Mist Mountain forest, outside the building into a roaring torrential downpour shower, the burst of raindrops clattered on the glass wall of the new universe building, in a flash, the whole Hong Kong has turned into a white, dark world under the continuous sound of the rain.

The rain was falling fast and hard, and the whole of Route 127, which led to the New Territories to the south of the Great Fog Mountain, was already under siege. A white van was speeding through the rain, splashing high water wherever it passed, splashing both sides of the road!

Inside the car, Chen Tianshi was sitting on a leather sofa with his eyes closed in meditation. Beside him were his three disciples, the tattooed man among them was driving the car at full speed towards the Great Fog Mountain Underground Highway, which was raining heavily.

One of the disciples shouted, "Master, we're still going even after such a heavy rain, are you trying to make things difficult for yourself?"

Chen Tianshi opened his eyes mysteriously. "Transferring Demons is a sacred event for cultivators, do not complain!"

He turned to the tattooed man's driver who was speeding in the rain and said, "Ah Sang, wait a bit. If you want to be a ghost, just say that there are five hundred ghosts on you, and then say that I will only leave if Wan Jinyun gives me five hundred thousand more. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry!" Master, this is not the first time I have pretended to be a ghost! " The big man laughed as he drove.

"Yes!" "This stinky fish actually told us to do this in such a rotten weather, it should have added 500,000 yuan!" Another disciple shouted.

"Boundless Sky Sovereign!" A Mi Tuo Fu, robbing wealth to help the poor, this is the good intentions of the heavens. I am doing this to promote the Dharma, you must understand, money goes through the hands, Buddha in my heart, "Chen Tian Shi looked like a saint.

"Understood!" This disciple understands, Empyrean Limitless! " the three apprentices shouted at the same time.

"Dammit, it's raining hard," the tattooed man in the driver's seat called out. At the same time, his car had turned off Route 127 and onto the main road of the Great Fog Mountain. The road that curved upwards through the dense forest had become muddy in the rain, with torrential streams of rain pouring down from both sides of the road.

The heavy rain was hitting the windshield of the front window repeatedly, sweeping it back and forth with all of his strength. Although he was using the wiper with all his might, the outside of the window was still a blur of red, allowing him to only see within ten meters of the scenery. The dense forest on both sides of the road, under the red light of the street lamps and lamps, appeared to be in a blur under the rain of red rain, the forests on both sides of the road seemed to have turned into a dark forest of blood. After he arrived at the Great Misty Mountain Road, the road started to become empty, and he couldn't even see a car.

Suddenly, there was a flash of blood-red light outside the windscreen. The road in front of them turned into a red light, causing Na Ah to be unable to see anything as he quickly stepped on the brakes, but all of a sudden, the bloody light disappeared, and the outside of the windscreen returned to normal. Outside the car, the road and the dense forest on both sides of the road continued to retreat.

With another 10 minutes, he would reach the new universe building on the other side of the mountain. For some reason, the tattooed driver suddenly felt an inexplicable pain in his head, his consciousness began to blur, his head felt heavy and dizzy, he forced himself to feel dizzy, but still held onto the steering wheel and continued, "It's possible!" He thought to himself, "The sudden appearance and disappearance of that blood-red light just now and the current dizziness must have been caused by my own exhaustion!" He was in a nightclub late at night.

A thin cloud of fog suddenly appeared in the heavy rain ahead. Under the red street lights on both sides of the road, it turned into a strange red fog. It was really rare to see such a strange fog appear in the heavy rain.

How strange! The tattooed man thought as he slowed down and entered the strange cloud of smoke. Although the red fog was not thick in the rain, it still obstructed his line of sight. It could only cover a range of six or seven meters, so he had no choice but to tread carefully.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, tattooed man Ah Sang felt an inexplicable fear rising in his heart. He had a strange feeling of fear, instinctively feeling that there was something wrong with this strange red fog, as if it was coming towards them …

Suddenly, he saw a child in a white tunic standing in the middle of the road, about six or seven meters away from him. He stood and waved to the driver. His hand was swaying very slowly, as if he was in slow motion in a movie. It was very eerie!

"Damn it!" Ah Jian hurriedly stepped on the brake, but it was already too late. Even in the rain, the car continued onward, and with a bang, it knocked over the child who was waving at them from the middle of the road. The child was directly under the car, and as he did so, the car continued onward, five or six meters with a terrifying swishing sound.

"Damn it! I've bumped into someone! " Chen Tianshi and his other two disciples, who had been whispering to each other about how they were going to act, turned around and asked, "What happened?"

"Master, it's not good. A child suddenly appeared on the road, I knocked him down. He might have been dragged into the car, so I'm going out to take a look!" Seeing that he was sweating profusely, Na Ah anxiously opened the door of the car and got out.

Another disciple in the car shouted, "How stupid! If there's no one around, why don't we leave immediately? " But at this moment, Ah Sang had already walked out of the car through the heavy rain.

As soon as he got out of the car, a torrent of rain, like a thousand arrows, shot into his body without a thought, and at once he was wet and his eyes stung from opening, whooshing, and the wind and rain blew up a fallen leaf of sand and blew it toward his face, and it stung him.

For some unknown reason, Ah Sang had a strange feeling of fear. He suddenly felt as if something was staring at him from all directions.

He looked around him in horror. The rain was still falling, the red clouds were still slowly dispersing in the road, and the forest was strangely indistinct from the rain and the roar of the rain. But he could not see anyone. He couldn't see anyone watching him.

"Child! However, I didn't mean to bump into you. If you want to look for him, just look for that Chen Tianshi in the car. He is the boss! " His heart was thumping, thumping, thumping, and he thought that the child must be dead, blood, and his brain must be all over the ground under the car.

But when he bent down and focused on the bottom of the car, and turned on the small flashlight he carried around his waist, his whole body went cold. God, there was nothing under the car! There was no blood, no brain, and no child's corpse. There was only emptiness and the surface of the road was flooded with water!

He quickly pulled away and looked back at the road behind the car. Apart from the red smoke and the heavy rain that had formed a torrent on both sides of the road, there was nothing. Not even a trace of what had just happened!

Seeing this, Ah Jian sucked in a breath of cold air, as an indescribable sense of fear enveloped him. How could this happen? He remembered that he had knocked down a little kid just now, but now everything was gone without a trace! Too weird, too weird!

Suddenly, Ah Wu felt an inexplicable terror rising from his back. He felt a chill in his back, and his muscles began to jump, he couldn't help but instinctively turn around in fright, and even if he didn't see it, he was still able to do so. When he saw this, the tattooed man's hair all stood on end, and he couldn't even let out a scream.

He saw a pair of huge lanterns hanging in the air from six to seven meters of thick smoke. Oh god, it was the eyes of a huge face of a child that was faintly discernible in the fog! The face of the child was expressionless, and the skin was pale. My God, it was like a huge paper face, a huge, round, paper-like face, four or five meters high in the mist. It was horribly frightening, and high in the air, it glared fiercely at the motionless tattooed man, its red eyes glittering.

Suddenly, there was a loud "Shua" sound. In the fog, this huge barely discernible ghost face of a child opened its mouth and a huge, terrifying, blood-red tongue burst out. It shot out like lightning through the rainy sky and swept up the tattooed man Ah Sang who was still in a daze, "Ah!" With a swoosh, he was sucked into the huge face of the child. The huge mouth of the child, which was filled with sharp teeth, was instantly devoured by the giant face, and a trickle of blood flowed out from the child's lips. The giant face also disappeared under the cover of the rain mist after the child was done eating.

At the same time, in the car, Heavenly Master Chen and two other disciples were sticking their heads out when suddenly, they heard the sharp scream of the tattooed driver Ah Sang in front of them. At the same time, in the car, Heavenly Master Chen and two other disciples were sticking out their heads out of the window when suddenly they heard the sharp scream of the tattooed driver Ah Sang in front of the car. At the same time, in the car, in front of the window, they heard the sharp cry of the tattooed driver Ah Sang.

This immediately scared Chen Tianshi and the other two disciples into hugging each other, their bodies trembling in fear!

"Master, what's going on?" One of the disciples asked with a trembling voice.

"Little Tong, you … "Quickly go out and take a look!" Chen Tianshi also replied with a trembling voice.

"NO!" No! We should just leave immediately, and leave this good world as fast as we can! " The disciple called Little Tong screamed as he climbed onto the driver's seat. With trembling hands, he twisted the ignition key. "" The engine sounded several times, making a very strange sound! But then there was silence, and the dead light on the display was still on.

"Damn it!" Why can't I move it? " The panic-stricken A-Tong twisted the ignition a few more times, and after each twist, the engine gave out a sharp, weird "" sound before going dead. He had twisted it a dozen times already, but the car still didn't catch fire and remained motionless.

"Call the police!" After he rang the number, a man's voice came from the other side of the phone, "Police Department, what's the matter?"

"We are a minivan on Highway 34 of Shandong Province in the fog. Our car is dead, we can't drive it. Call the trailer to come help us!"

"Hahaha!" The voice of the man on the other end of the phone suddenly turned into a sinister laughter of a child, "A Heavenly Master does not know death, and has come here to seek death!" Let's take you down to hell and turn into a devil! Hahaha, Chen Tianshi! Let's go! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the inconceivable phone that had just given out a child actually started burning on its own. It turned into a bright yellow ball of fire, scaring Chen Tianshi as he screamed and threw the burning phone onto the ground!

"Hong!" The phone that had been ignited into a ball of bright yellow flame fell onto the floor of the car and exploded into pieces. The pieces flew in all directions, causing Chen Tianshi and the other two disciples to scream out in pain!

"Heehee!" From outside the carriage, the faint sounds of children's collective laughter could be heard in the drizzle of the night sky. Some of them were in the east, some of them were in the west, and yet they seemed to be coming from all directions.

"Ghost!" Ghost! We must have run into a ghost! " A-Tong was still screaming and twisting the ignition in the driver's seat. At the same time, a shadow flew out of the fog with a "Bang!" sound, striking the windshield and creating a terrifying crash!

Ah Tong was terrified as he looked out the window at the shadow on the glass. It was okay to not see, but the sight frightened him. He let out a weird cry on the spot and froze, his eyes wide open in terror.

God, he couldn't believe his eyes. He saw a giant mosquito the size of a man's arm, staring at him with its red glowing eyes, raising its long straw of a sucking nozzle. "Duk, duk, duk, duk," it said, and its suction vessel struck the windshield like a hard steel bar, and all of a sudden it scattered like a central crack, and my God, it was going to break through the glass!

Ah Tong screamed in fright as he flew back to the car from the driver's seat. Behind him, Heavenly Master Chen and another disciple also screamed in fear.

"Master! Quickly recite the Evil Repellent Spell! " A disciple shouted.

"Celestial spirit, earth spirit, Old Lord Taishang ordered urgently!" "Demons, ghosts, monsters, monsters, hurry up and die!" Before Chen Tianshi could even finish chanting the incantation, a "bang" sound rang out, and a large hole appeared in the windscreen due to the impact of the giant mosquito. The giant mosquito flew into the car, and before Chen Tianshi could react, the giant mosquito had already pounced on Chen Tianshi's face with its mouth wide open, sucking in a mouthful of blood like a terrifying steel needle. Chen Tianshi's left eye was pierced straight into his brain, and Chen Tianshi let out a final scream.

At the same time, the van started to shake. Ah, my god! The steering wheel in the driver's seat started to turn on its own, and the manual wave automatically moved to the fourth gear as well. The van started to move on its own, heading towards the Great misty mountain road.

At the same time, from the thick fog outside the car came a gloomy and eerie sound of a group of children singing, which made one's hair stand on end. They actually followed the car in the air.

"Chen Tian Shi, Chen Tian Shi, go drive the ghost away! If you can't drive the ghost away, you'll provoke the ghost! Go straight to the Underworld! Hahaha!" "Heehee, hee, hee!" A series of sharp and loud songs echoed in the sky, but they could only be heard. It was truly terrifying!

The sinister singing scared the remaining two disciples of Master Chen, causing them to gather together and cry out at the same time: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, we don't want to die!"

However, at this moment, the self-driving van turned left on its own and headed in the opposite direction. It was going in the opposite direction. A-Tong shouted out in fright, "No! No!"

Right at this moment, in the midst of the heavy rain and fog, a huge red container car suddenly appeared. Its huge head and head was illuminated as it charged at high speed towards Chen Tianshi's van, and the two disciples inside the van let out a final scream of pain …

With a loud, shrill, and terrifying metallic crash, the whole van was hit flat on the face of the speeding van. The van flew to the left, broke through the left guard, and fell from the edge of the mountain road onto a slope a dozen meters above the ground. With a "boom," the falling van crashed into the forest below with a loud bang, exploding into a huge and dazzling fireball. The remaining two people in the van were killed on the spot, exploded, and the overturned van began to burn in the middle of the night.

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