Yin Yang Alternates/C6 Supernatural Impinging Evil
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Yin Yang Alternates/C6 Supernatural Impinging Evil
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C6 Supernatural Impinging Evil

A bus was slowly driving along the Great Misty Mountain road. Sima Ming was sitting inside the bus with a dispirited expression. He looked at his watch; it was already 8 PM. It was time for him to start work again.

He had not been able to sleep well all day. For some reason, he had had the nightmare of death, followed by the afternoon's nightmare. One of the nightmares was that he had been bitten to death by a group of black cats in the underground parking lot of the building. The other dreams he couldn't remember, but they were all bad dreams.

The bus quickly arrived at the stop beside the new universe building. Sima Ming got off the bus alone. Walking under the dark night sky, the two sides of the road were lit by dim red lights. Beside the street lights was the dark forest. It was quiet in the dark night. The road was empty and devoid of people. Sima Ming walked along the quiet road towards the new Universe Building, which was about 70 meters away from him.

In the darkness of night, the mansion stood up amidst the dark forest. From afar, it looked like a huge, sleeping monster.

Waves of cold mountain wind blew, making Sima Ming walk slowly towards the building. He didn't know why, but when he arrived at the building's entrance, he couldn't help but shiver. He felt as if he were being stared at by a pair of eyes, and he couldn't help looking up at the top of the building. Except for the lights on the first and second floors, all the floors above and above were in darkness.

But what he did not know was that at the dark window on the third floor, a snow-white, naked, plastic mannequin stood motionless by the window, its ghastly white eyes fixed on Sima Ming, and with an inconceivable heavy breathing, a plume of eerie white smoke came out of its mouth and arced out of the dark window.

Tonight, Sima Ming and Zhang Cheng were once again standing guard in the lobby. The lobby was completely silent, even more eerie under the dim fluorescent lights at the top of the lobby.

Dang. The big clock in the lobby rang the eleven o'clock clock.

"It's time for the two hour patrol!" While the two of them were thinking, Sima Ming's walkie-talkie rang.

"Roger that!" "What is it!" Sima Ming hurriedly picked up his walkie-talkie and asked.

"Ming, go up to the third floor for a patrol. I saw on the closed-circuit television that the shopping mall" A Jin came to Toy City "on the third floor had suddenly turned on its own for some reason. Afterwards, it turned off automatically. If my star was here, this would have happened! "

"I got it, I'll go right now!"

"Also!" "Ah Ming, when you were at the toy mall, you should check on a bunch of toys in the northwest corner. Clothes, they are all famous foreign branded toys, and since we just arrived this morning, you guys should go there every night during patrol time to inspect the goods, Manager Huang called me this afternoon to prevent thieves!"

"Understood!" "Brother, I'll go up first!" Sima Ming hurriedly stood up and said to Zhang Cheng.

"Rest assured, go play!" This is where laozi watches! " Zhang Cheng was reading a yellow magazine without lifting his head.

Sighing, Sima Ming lowered his head, took out his flashlight, hung up the walkie-talkie, turned the screen around him, and walked into an empty and large underground hall. The smooth floor of the hall was filled with circular marble, but right now it was deathly silent.

When he reached the quiet, empty elevator hall, he pressed the elevator switch.

With a "Pu" sound, the elevator's door automatically opened, revealing its empty, narrow square space. The elevator was bathed in white light, and Sima Ming walked into the elevator, pressed the "Pu" button, and the elevator door automatically closed.

Strange? For some unknown reason, Sima Ming felt that the sound of the elevator door closing was so loud and ear-piercing tonight!

Before he had time to think about it, he was standing alone in the sealed elevator, and for some reason the inside of the elevator seemed cold today. Unusual, he stepped forward and pressed the "3" button with his hand.

With a swoosh, the elevator automatically rose.

When he reached the '2' tower, the fluorescent light on the top of the elevator suddenly went out. The entire elevator sank into darkness, and at the same time, the elevator also came to a screeching halt, stopping on the second floor.

"Damn it!" It's not a blackout! Right now, there are no longer any of the engineering team's workers around! " Sinking into the dark elevator, Sima Ming quickly pounded on the elevator door. "Bang, bang, bang, bang!" he shouted. "Uncle Chen, I'm stuck on the second floor!"

The elevator doors were still closed. Sima Ming had no choice but to pick up the walkie-talkie in his hand and turn on the sound switch, saying loudly, "Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen, did you receive my CALL?"

However, what answered him was the crackling sounds of electric currents coming from the walkie-talkie. It was impossible; the walkie-talkie was connected to the surveillance room where Uncle Chen was on duty. The effective range was two kilometers. Why couldn't he speak?

Just then, the elevator's skylight suddenly lit up again with a "ding" sound. The elevator automatically restarted and rose up to the third floor and automatically opened the elevator's door with a "pu" sound.

"Strange? Did something happen to the elevator? " Sima Ming mumbled to himself. As he had already reached the third floor, he didn't want to think too much about it. He turned on the flashlight in his hand and a dim yellow light shot out.

When he reached the elevator corridor, he suddenly felt as if someone was watching him from behind. He quickly turned his head and shone the flashlight on it. In the dim circle of light, he saw that at the end of the quiet corridor was an empty, empty space. Only a woman's oil painting hung on the wall at the end of the corridor, watching him. Other than that, he could not see anyone else.

For some reason, he felt as if the beautiful Western woman in the painting was looking at him, as if she was alive! He felt dizzy and his vision went blurry. He quickly turned around and walked forward.

The dim yellow beam of the flashlight reflected a moving circle of dim light on the cold wall of the elevator corridor, making the entire dark third floor seem even more eerie and eerie. Only Sima Ming's "Pu" sound of his leather shoes echoed in the dark sky …

Sima Ming walked out of the elevator corridor, and the area in front of him suddenly became spacious. On the east side of the third floor was a huge shopping mall. Although it hadn't been put into use yet, it was still bigger than the underground lobby.

The dim yellow beam of the torchlight cut through the dark sky and formed a large, dim circle in front of the entrance to the glass outer door of the city of Arkin's Toys.

Under the halo, he saw a giant clown's upper body hanging in the air, holding a sign that read "A Jin came to Toy City". Its half-white and half-red face was smiling as if it was welcoming the incoming merchant. Its two feet bent to the left and right to form a huge entrance. This was the entrance to A Jin's shopping mall, which was as big as two basketball courts, with a walkway to the left of the entrance, leading to another elevator that reached up to the fourth floor. The fourth floor could also vaguely see the shops built around it, it seemed that Boss Wan was going to build the new universe's third and fourth floor into a huge shopping mall.

Under the dim yellow light of his flashlight, apart from the rows of shelves that held all kinds of toy samples, he did not see anyone else in the surroundings. Besides his light footsteps and the light beam shining out from the flashlight, everything else was covered in darkness, as if Sima Ming had walked into a huge world of darkness.

For some reason, Sima Ming felt that the silence around him was eerily quiet. He could almost hear his own breathing, and from time to time he would shine the light of his torch from left to right. It seemed to him that there was something watching him in the darkness beyond the light of the flashlight.

Soon, he arrived at the row of shelves in the northwest corner that Uncle Chen had told him about. He turned on the switch room in the shopping mall beside him and checked that everything was fine. All the lights in the room were turned off and everything was fine. Then he closed the door.

Then he shone his flashlight onto the shelves in the northwest corner of the building, where there was a large pile of all kinds of Western toys. There were large numbers of robot toys in transparent boxes, cloth dolls, Mickey Mouse, dinosaurs, train planes, and so on, but there was also a ferocious looking demon monster that was as tall as an adult, a skeleton man, a demon clown, a werewolf, and a zombie … These extremely terrifying life-model toys looked very sinister and terrifying under the dim light of the flashlight. "God, these things are obviously meant to scare people on Halloween.

It was really strange. Sima Ming suddenly felt as if a few ferocious looking Demon Witch toys were staring at him. At the same time, he suddenly heard heavy breathing coming from his left side. The breathing sound startled Sima Ming, "Who?" Sima Ming shouted loudly and turned around to look to the left. When he turned left in a hurry, he suddenly stopped breathing, and with a flash of the flashlight, an ugly and rotten and extremely terrifying and ghastly face appeared in front of Sima Ming's eyes. Sima Ming shouted loudly and turned to the left, and when he quickly turned to the left in a flash, he suddenly stopped breathing, and with a flash of the flashlight, an ugly and incomparably rotten and extremely terrifying and ghastly face appeared in front of Sima Ming.

He looked at this ghost toy that was the size of a real person, and for some reason, he suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body. Just now, he remembered that he clearly heard the sound of breathing, so he turned around to look, but as soon as he turned around, he saw it had disappeared. If he could judge by the location from where he heard the sound of breathing, then the sound of breathing would undoubtedly be this terrifying ghost clothed person. The ghost cloth-clothed person was only a dead object, how could it be possible? However, he was 100% sure that he had clearly heard the sound of breathing in and out just now. It was definitely not an illusion, but it was strange. Why was it gone now?

He pressed an emergency light switch on the wall next to him. It was strange how the light could not be turned on.

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. He shone the flashlight on the terrifying ghost cloth man. God, he realized that the eyes of the ferocious ghost cloth clothed man were staring at him viciously. Although the ghost cloth person did not move, Sima Ming suddenly felt that the ferocious ghost cloth clothed man was staring at him viciously.

At the same time, he heard a slight sound of liquid flowing. Sima Ming looked around and saw that, Heavens, a terrifying and unbelievable situation had occurred. The fierce ghost clothed man's pair of eyes were bleeding from both sides of his body, like a fountain from his eyes. The blood flowed down straight through his terrifying face, straight into his chest, abdomen, and soles of his feet. This horrifying scene scared Sima Ming into retreating …

At the same time, he heard the sound of laughter coming from a group of children behind him. He couldn't help but turn around to take a look, but when he saw who it was, he couldn't help but be frightened. The laughter came from a dust machine placed beside the electric door, and the dust machine began to move on its own. God, this machine suddenly became a living thing! "To work automatically in the absence of anyone.

Sima Ming let out a shriek, instinctively rushing out of the shopping mall and ran outside, "Ghost, ghost!" At the same time, he shrieked as he ran. This unbelievable scene had scared him out of his wits.

In an instant, he was out of the mall and into the lobby, tripping over something and falling to the ground with a loud thud. He had fallen to the ground, and the flashlight in his hand had slipped out of his hand and tumbled to the other side of the floor and disappeared into the darkness.

The frightened Sima Ming got up and opened his eyes. Surprisingly, he discovered that at some point in time, a white candle had appeared on the floor of the lobby around him. The burning candles were lined up neatly on either side of Sima Ming, extending all the way to the elevator corridor, and from a distance, it looked as if the candles on both sides formed a bridge that led directly to the elevator corridor.

"What's going on?" Sima Ming looked at the candles on both sides of him and felt an unprecedented feeling of strangeness. The floor in the lobby before he fell was clearly dark and there was nothing there. How could he get up from the ground together with so many candles?

For some unknown reason, Sima Ming felt that these candles' flames were shaking in the dark hall, giving off a sinister and frightening atmosphere. "Could it be an illusion?" He slapped himself hard, but then the candles on both sides of the floor were still there, reaching out into the elevator corridor.

Could it be that he had hit his brain when he fell down, causing hallucinations? Before he could finish thinking about it, the sounds of children playing, laughter, and shouting could be heard from the elevator corridor, "Laughter and laughter …" "Sima Ming, Sima Ming, come here quickly …!"

In the blink of an eye, he seemed to have hypnotized Sima Ming. Like a bewitched man, he couldn't help but walk towards the elevator corridor. The candles on both sides of him continuously retreated, one on each side of him.

Passing by the "Candle Bridge" in the lobby, Sima Ming walked into the elevator corridor. All of a sudden, the sinister shouts of the children disappeared without a trace.

"Who is it, light candles here!" Sima Ming suddenly came to his senses and loudly questioned his surroundings. His voice echoed in the great hall from afar, "Who are you? Are you trying to light a candle here?!" At this moment, the echoes seemed even stranger.

Suddenly, from the ceiling all around him came the faint sounds of a child's laughter. The sound seemed to fly over his head, but it also seemed to come from a very far distance behind him. It was very strange and far away.

Ding. The elevator's doors were opened and the lights on the doors were lit. Someone was obviously coming up, and with a "pounce", the doors automatically opened. Sima Ming hastily shouted, "Who is it?" Is it Ah Cheng? "

The door automatically opened, and a thick cloud of white smoke flowed out from the open elevator, straight towards Sima Ming. Heavens, the elevator was filled with thick, demonic white smoke, and from the shining smoke came the shouts of children, "Big brother, come and accompany me, big brother, come and accompany me …" God, in the white smoke of the elevator, there was a faint green light flashing. In the green light, a faintly discernible black clothed child was waving at Sima Ming. God, in the smoke, one could faintly see a child with no facial features waving at Sima Ming.

Too terrifying, too terrifying! Sima Ming shouted, "Ghost!" After a long scream, he turned around and fled frantically. He shot across the Candle Bridge, straight into the hand-held elevator that led down to the third floor, rolling and crawling, straight down from the hand-held elevator, tumbling to the ground on the second floor. Ignoring the pain, he ran toward the surveillance room on the second floor, screaming, "Not good! There was a ghost! There's a ghost! "

He ran straight through the lobby on the second floor, turned the corner, and headed for the surveillance room on the second floor …

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