Yin-Yang Judge of Hell/C13 Cao Lao Wu(part I)
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Yin-Yang Judge of Hell/C13 Cao Lao Wu(part I)
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C13 Cao Lao Wu(part I)

"You don't have to ask, and I won't. Besides, it's been almost 15 years and I don't remember it too clearly. If you want to ask, ask my mom. She knows more than anyone. "

When Glass heard this, she hurriedly asked, "Why does Auntie know more than anyone else? Have you ever interacted with each other before?"

I cursed myself in my heart. What a fool, why did he say those words? Why didn't he just make a mistake for the glass? This fellow's brain is extremely nimble, perhaps he thought of something else. But I was telling the truth when I said that I didn't remember very clearly. Fifteen years ago I was only ten years old and could only go to the third grade. If it wasn't for the things that impressed me at that time, I would never have remembered them clearly.

"No, no," I explained quickly.

Glass looked at me and laughed. He pointed at me and said, "You want to fool me with your acting? You must have had dealings with each other before, and seeing how secretive you are, you must have been bewitched by Cao. Tell me about it, and maybe I can find some useful information! "

I found out that I shouldn't have brought him here this time. He almost got hit twice, but it was all very well, and I couldn't understand how he could be so obsessed with these things under the circumstances, and how he would always get to the bottom of everything. As for his question, I could only pretend that I didn't hear it and deliberately changed the topic, "Have you found your Buddha statue yet?"

"I found it long ago. It's a pity that the Golden Buddha's head fell off. I stuck to it for the whole morning."

"Is that any use?" I asked.

"It's probably not working." When the glass answered, he sat down under a tree. It was a sapling tree, located in a forest at the foot of the mountain. We went home from the leopard cat through a forest of locust trees, acacia trees, poplar trees, and three persimmon trees near the hillside. The ground in the forest is basically covered with artemisia selengensis, it is so tall and so dense that it almost covers all the paths. If it had just started to rain, we would have to beat the artemisia selengensis with bamboo poles, letting the droplets of water fall before we could move the artemisia selengensis away from the road. Otherwise, our clothes wouldn't have dried after we walked past.

Glass looked up and asked what tree it was, it was so thick.

I said it was a acacia tree.

He asked what the tree was made of, like a scythe.

I said it was a soappod.

He asked if the acacia could be eaten.

I said that some parts were edible and some parts were inedible.

He asked what parts were edible and what parts were inedible.

If you ask me again, will you believe me if I beat you to death?

The glass stopped talking.

We were silent for a while. The glass kept looking around, as if curious about rural things, and I kept thinking about how to separate Cao Wu and the little boy while we removed the nail.

"Whose house is that?" Glass asked again.

I looked up and blurted out, "It's Cao Lao Wu's."

After saying that, I cursed myself in my heart. I had just changed the topic, why did I pick up this topic again? I really didn't know what was going on.

Glassglass stared at him for a moment, and I thought, Don't ask me about Cao Wu again, I really can't tell you.

On the west edge of the forest was a ditch, similar in shape to the trenches in the south of the mountain. The location of the two trenches was related to the symmetrical distribution of Mount Bu, but the trenches were also smaller. This was because the rock pool that was formed when the mountain was opened had cut off the flow of water, resulting in a portion of the water to be unable to flow down the mountain completely. As a result, the degree of erosion was also much smaller. The house was on the western edge of the woods, next to the ditch, and I could see it every time I went up the hill. The house was made up of piles of stones. Due to the irregular shape of the stones and the large crevices between the rocks, a layer of white lime was placed between the crevices to block out the wind. But because of the passage of time, most of the plaster had fallen off, and the roof had collapsed and fallen into the center of the house. In my mind, the door was long gone, so there was only one frame left of the house.

"Oh yeah, you haven't told me about Cao Ol'fifth yet." Glass said, looking at me.

I wanted to kick him.

Glass seemed to see that I didn't want to say, so she flirted with me, "Brother Little Fan, just tell me about it."

Glassglass learned this from my editor, Sister Yun. Sister Yun likes to use this tone when she's begging others, it makes one's hair stand on end. Glass had eaten with me and Yun-jie a few times, so this time she did the same thing. However, the difference was that Sister Yun was a beautiful woman who could make people feel pity for her. However, Glass was a master. For a man like you to speak so coquettishly, aside from making people feel disgusted, you must be going crazy. I pouted and scolded, "You f * cking need to disgust me less. I won't say it."

When Glass heard this, she knew that I had hardened my heart and refused to speak. She lowered her face and took out her cell phone. "Erlang, give me something good to look at."

I looked at my phone. It was a picture. A photo of a man and woman kissing showed only the upper half of their bodies. The woman was wearing only her bra, while the man was bare-chested.

"I really can't stand you. You even put something like that in your phone." I looked away.

Glass chuckled, "Look carefully, who is that woman?"

If the glass said so, then there was a mystery in the picture. Generally, such questions had a hidden meaning, which was that the girl knew him and was even familiar to him.

So I turned back and looked at the picture. It looked like it was taken in a hotel. It wasn't very clear, but it had a good angle, so I could still recognize the person in the picture. I looked at the female lead in the photo and my heart suddenly jumped. Isn't this Sister Yun?

"My editor, Sister Yun?" I asked, unable to believe my eyes.

Glass nodded.

My first reaction to the glass recognition was that how could such a photo be in the glass's cell phone? Was it downloaded from the internet, or was it secretly filmed by him?

"Don't you want to know who this man is?" "No," I said.

I looked at the photo for the third time, but it didn't matter. My brain was buzzing, and my heart skipped a beat. My breathing also became rapid. In a split-second, my doubts turned to anger, and I reached for the glass phone. Glass seemed prepared for this and dodged it. I missed my target, and Glass hid with her cell phone and laughed, saying, "Calm down." "Calm down," I said.

How could I care? I yelled hysterically, "Give me your cell phone!" I used all my strength to shout this, and the sound echoed through the forest, startling all the birds that were hiding in the distant thickets of artemisia.

"Calm down, it's not worth it to get so angry over."

When I heard this, I was angered, "It's not like I have any pain in my waist even while standing here, it's not like it's you! Of course you don't care! "Tell me, where did you get it?"

The glass didn't show any sign of being afraid of me. It stood in the distance and smiled. After saying that, he looked at me and added, "I will delete it."

When I heard that it was him, I actually felt a little more relieved, because if the glass was willing to let me see it, then it meant that it was still under his control, which meant that it hadn't been uploaded to the internet yet. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare say that it was him who had taken it, because he knew that with my personality, I could definitely kill him.

"When and where did you take this picture?"

"You know exactly when you did it." Glass said slowly.

Of course I remember that, but I was too angry to say anything. After I graduated, Yun-jie came to see me for dinner. I brought some glasses and one of his buddies. I laughed at the glass's enthusiasm when the glass and his man kept praising it. I used to drink much more than the glass, but that time I drank it down. After that, I lost track of what happened. When I woke up, I found that Yun-jie and I were both naked and sleeping in the same bed. Even a fool would know what he had done.

"Glass, I was wondering why you were so damn enthusiastic that day. What is your purpose? What else did you do? "

"Don't think badly of me. I saw that the two of you had the same feelings for each other, but I had to consider my face and didn't say it out loud. That's why I made this small plan! "

"Did you do anything else?"

"Don't worry, I'm not good at this."

Other people may not understand this sentence, but because the glass and I have been together for a long time, so I understand the meaning of this sentence. What I'm implying is that he didn't do anything to Yun-jie when we were both drunk. Actually, Sister Yun is a pretty good person, I don't want her to get hurt again.

"If it's kind, then why take a picture of us together?" The anger in my heart had slowly subsided. After all, the matter hadn't spread out yet.

"I took you to the hotel to get you some water to drink, but now that I've turned around, you guys are on fire and dry. So I just took a picture and left. I wanted to make fun of you in the future, but I was too busy working, so I forgot. "

"Are you sure you didn't observe on the spot!?"

"I did all this for your own good, so don't think of me like that. Today, you just need to tell me about Cao Lao Wu and I will immediately delete the photos. Otherwise, I will send a copy to Si Ran and delete it. "

I thought, glass, you are too wicked, when you did not let yourself get involved in this matter, you said this thing. If you don't tell me about Cao Ol'fifth now, and you still want to talk about it, I've fallen into your hands. It seemed like today he could only take one more mishap. He had to delete the photo first, so that he would never mess with it again in the future. Thus, I reorganized what I knew about Cao Laowu in my head. Actually, there were two reasons why his mother refused to tell him about Cao Laowu. First, she didn't want others to know that she had once asked for help from the gods. Second, Cao Laowu's death had caused too much of a ruckus. Now that Cao Laowu had appeared again, she was worried that there would be another mishap. If he were to get into trouble again, no one would be able to stop him.

Glass saw me sitting slowly under the soapy tree. He knew he had succeeded this time, so he slowly came over and squatted on his haunches. He looked at me expectantly.

Because it was too long ago and I was still young at that time, I really couldn't sort it all out in a short period of time. Therefore, I could only think as I talked, and many things were difficult to connect to and could only be displayed in fragments.

Old Cao's real name was not known. It was said that he had inserted himself through the door into this place. As for where his hometown was, I can't tell, but I think it was in Jia Shan County, Anhui Province. When I was in third grade, he was in his fifties, attending elementary school in our village. The so-called 'looking out for the school' is similar to the current job of the security department, but our school is really too small, at most it's only four to five rows of classrooms plus a playground.

He was hit while he was watching the school.

We had a different idea of how he was hit, but we all ended up leaning towards one of them, which was that he was hit at night when he went to see the trick. The trick was the local dialect. If it was switched to Mandarin, it would be a acrobatics game. Usually, when they went to the countryside to do acrobatics, it was usually a person or two who brought along a group of monkeys, found a place to put a torch (the lights were not fully used then), and then let the monkeys perform various performances, such as riding a wheelbarrow, standing upside down, kowtowing, running circles, and so on. This kind of performance was often very popular in the countryside because at that time, unlike home where he could watch TV and surf the Internet, there was still a plentiful amount of nightlife in the city. At that time, it was already dark in the countryside. Basically, the entire village was plunged into darkness as everyone closed their doors and went to sleep. Therefore, it is rare for such entertainment to appear in people's eyes. At that time, there was another special attraction aside from the hand style, and that was the movies. At that time, if it was a movie, the people from the eight villages would all gather at that place. If they were late, they wouldn't be able to find a place to sit down.

The reason why Cao Laowu was rammed was because of that time he went to watch the show.

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