Yin-Yang Judge of Hell/C18 Starved Ghost
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Yin-Yang Judge of Hell/C18 Starved Ghost
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C18 Starved Ghost

I said, I'll stay here and watch. Follow Uncle Fu to the hospital, I'll wait for you to come back. Uncle Li Fu stared at me and patted me on the shoulder with his left hand. He didn't say anything and just followed Uncle Fu. I knew what he meant by that gesture was that I was left here, out of trust in me.

I've seen Uncle Fu do this before, but it's not exactly what I saw, because what I saw was the result. That was when I was young. An elderly person with his mouth slanted completely to the side. At that time, I asked my grandfather what was going on. Pappy said that when the man used to watch the crops at night, when he met the ghost, he would whistle in competition with the ghost, but the ghost lost, and when he was angry, he blew into his face and his mouth was crooked. He sounded serious, but there was no concept of ghosts at the time. It was just a little fun. Another example, a person's ear, long in front, completely covered the ear canal, I heard that was also made by a ghost. I've seen the clients in both cases. They exist, but I can't say for sure if they're not ghosts. Today, in order to pull me into the house, Uncle Laifu suffered a similar fate.

But I suddenly remembered that when he begged us to stay up for the night, when the glass asked him what he had done that he shouldn't have done after he saw Mrs. Zhao off, Uncle Fu swore that if he did, he would let him have his hand cut off. He proved afterwards that he had broken Mrs. Zhao's bones. Now that the oath had been fulfilled, he had indeed crippled one of his hands. Was this some sort of secret certainty, some sort of pure coincidence?

The bolt came over, chuckling, unable to make out what he was saying. I remembered what he had said about "the third eye" and "the red eye." So I asked, "Where's the third eye you said it was?"

The bolt was still there talking to itself, and it looked as if I had to use the glass trick, so I repeated along with him, "The third eye, the third eye …"

The plug seemed to come to life. It came up to me, put its index finger on my forehead, and said, "The third eye!"

The plug actually put a finger on my forehead, meaning that the third eye it saw was on my forehead.

I quickly touched it with my hand, but nothing happened.

"Nonsense, where is the third eye?" I asked again.

The bolt chuckled and then turned to run away!

He was gone, but he left me a bunch of question marks. What exactly was that third red eye? I thought it would be in the middle of the tornado, so it had something to do with Cao Lao Wu, but the meaning of the bolt was that the third eye was on my forehead, which meant that at least for a period of time, there was a third eye on my forehead. Was it really so, or had he misjudged the situation, or had the bolt itself not been accurate?

The face was split into twelve palaces, and the forehead was the closest one to the life palace. However, the Lifestyle Palace was a turning point in life, especially for the twenty-eight year old Hall of Immortality. It was equivalent to the place where the Great Seal of Life was located, and was often the key point for ups and downs. But what's the point of having eyes growing above your head? Is it to say that I can see through life and death? Moreover, under the forehead of a person, that is, between the eyebrows, it is an organ used to sense the pulses of yin and yang, and is able to identify vengeful spirits and evil spirits. However, it has already deteriorated since then. This is impossible! If it wasn't for him cultivating for many years, it wouldn't be so easy to open his Divine Vision. Taking a step back, even if I opened my eyes, it would still be impossible to scare Ol 'Five away. Then, why did he suddenly disappear without a trace and get caught?

I hope they did.

Forget it, let's not think about these things anymore. I subconsciously touched my forehead. After Uncle Laifu returns, he will know what this red third eye is. Not long after, Mom came in from outside and said, "It's already noon, why aren't you eating at home? Why are you squatting here? Where are you from, Uncle Fu? " His mother noticed that something was wrong in the yard as soon as she finished speaking. She asked, "Did something happen?"

I nodded.

"What happened?"

I pointed to the three pits under the poplar.

Mom immediately understood and slapped her thigh, "Oh no, Cao Ol'fifth is definitely going to make a big deal this time! Erlang, I'm afraid you'll be implicated yourself! I told you to be careful and not to provoke him, but you wouldn't listen. Now that the glass has crashed, fortunately, he was not heavily injured. However, I'm afraid it will not be easy for you to escape this calamity. "

"Alright, Mom, stop talking. I know what's at stake. Go back and take care of the glass, I'll wait for Uncle Fu to come back and then go home. "

My heart is a mess now, and I still have to listen to my mother, really tired of it!

His mother did not say anything and just sighed. Then, she left while muttering to herself.

After Mom left, I hung up the gossip and nailed it back up. This way, it would be much more stable, and not be blown away by a gust of wind. I went in and looked at Aunt Guihua, who was sleeping in her bed. Her face was clearly much better than before. I walked around the room again, not feeling anything out of the ordinary. At this moment, Uncle Laifu and Uncle Laifu returned.

I said how fast.

Laifu looked like a different person, as if he didn't feel any pain, and I looked at his right hand, which was still turned outwards.

Laifu said, "It just hurt for a while, and now I don't feel anything at all. Although my hands can't be corrected, they can still move freely, so there's no need to see a doctor. It's useless even if I do, it's a waste of money."

I asked Uncle Fu about the third eye in the bolt's mouth.

Uncle Laifu said the dust was too thick for him to see clearly, so it was hard to say if it was his eyes.

I'll tell you what you saw.

When he saw that I couldn't move, he tried to drag me into the house, but he didn't move. By the time he tried to pull again, the edge of the whirlwind had already reached my back. Laifu had thought that since he couldn't pull, and since he couldn't drag anyone else in, he wanted to give up and pull back his hand. However, at this time, he couldn't pull his hand back. He felt two people hugging his arms and twisting them hard. At the beginning, he could still resist, but that force was getting stronger and stronger. Then he heard the bolt call out a third eye, red eyes, so he looked at me. What did he see? To use his words, he saw an eye gradually emerge from between the two protruding scars on my forehead, blood-red and angry. He was shocked and distracted. The strength in his hands scattered with him, and so when he twisted his arm, it became like this.

Uncle Laifu said the third eye was hidden between the scars on my forehead, not between my eyebrows.

"Are you sure you saw it?"

Laifu shook his head, meaning he wasn't sure. I thought that if I were to overturn the proposition of the third eye, in addition to the illusion of blurred vision caused by the floating dust, it might also be that Uncle Laifu had suddenly been seized on the arm, so terrified that he had been momentarily prejudiced by hearing the bolt calling out to his eye, mistaking the scar on my forehead for an eye. As for explaining the red color, that was because my forehead was itchy and I was scratching my head red. But why is my forehead itchy at these times, and the worse the other person is, the more itchy it gets. This seems to be related to the organ that can sense the pulse of Yin and Yang. That is to say, due to some coincidence, my organ didn't completely degenerate and still possesses the ability to sense. Thus, I was able to sense the threats in the outside world.

I said, "Come, Uncle Fu, I need to go home and eat dinner. Besides, my friend is being watched by that old lady. I need to go see him. I've hung up the house gossip, that's very useful, please do not touch it, if you can endure tonight, tomorrow it might be fine, so no matter what, do not go out tonight. "

When Laifu heard that the glass had been washed out, his face showed guilt, so he was too embarrassed to keep me.

When I got home, they were eating around the table, including the glass. When I saw that the glass could eat like a normal person, I felt more at ease, so that I wouldn't starve to death. However, I soon realized that something had happened. The glass was dull, and there was not a trace of spirit in my eyes. People used to say that the eye hides the soul during the day and the soul returns to the liver at night. Now, the lifeless glass eye indicates that the soul has already been lost. He sat in front of the table with the bowl of rice and mechanically scooped the rice into his mouth. His mouth intertwined with the rice quite quickly. Not long after that, he finished all the rice in the bowl and copied another bowl for himself. I asked what the next bowl was. His father stretched out four fingers, meaning that he had already finished eating three bowls!

These three bowls are not even on the same level as the three bowls in the city's restaurant. The ones used in the countryside are all large white porcelain bowls. Today, he had actually eaten three bowls of the glass. Furthermore, based on the current situation, he had no intention of eating until he was full.

No, there must be something wrong here, I thought, snatching the bowl from the glass.

The glass didn't make any noise, so I picked up the dishes on the table and stuffed them into my mouth. When I saw that that wouldn't do, I grabbed onto the glass and flung it with force, actually throwing it out of the door. Even I was shocked. Where did all this strength come from?

It was now noon, the time of the day when the sun was at its brightest. According to the four images, it was now at the sun, a period after Shaoyang. From a Yin and Yang perspective, this was beneficial for the glass.

I ate some food and sat by the door with Glass. As for the glass, it didn't say anything and didn't make a fuss. It just sat there quietly, with its consciousness still unclear. This made me worry. It's said that ghosts are afraid of gods and buddhas and the sun. Now that these two moves aren't effective at all, I don't have any other options. There's also this leopard cat, I really don't understand him. Even at this time, she's still not willing to help me. Serves him right. He was beaten black and blue. But then again, is it true that he spoke so mysteriously? It might have been his eyes that were playing tricks on him, and he fell down.

There is a saying that people can't bear to think about it. As I was thinking about it, I saw a person wearing a green hat walking over with a bamboo pole tapping on the ground. It was the Flower Leopard Cat. After I shouted, the leopard cat immediately walked over, the bamboo pole in her hand almost hitting my head. "I suspect that he did it on purpose, for there is no need to lift the bamboo pole so high.

"Uncle Li, you're willing to help me?" I asked.

The leopard cat stood in front of me and the glass for a while without saying anything, as if she was thinking about something, then finally seemed to make up her mind and said, "Zhao Yinglian, it's about time!" With that, the leopard turned around and left without saying another word.

The leopard cat's words were directed towards Old Madame Zhao. It didn't count as a warning, but more like a warning, urging her to leave as soon as possible. But I prefer to believe that he was saying this to me, because he was giving me Mrs. Zhao's name. It was probably because the flower leopard knew that she had washed the glass and was afraid that she had committed too many sins, that was why it said that. That means if Old Madame Zhao still doesn't leave, I'll take care of the rest.

When the leopard cat left, Glass looked up at his back and then lowered her head again. It looked like she still hadn't figured it out yet.

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