Yin-Yang Judge of Hell/C5 Flushing
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Yin-Yang Judge of Hell/C5 Flushing
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C5 Flushing

Laifu's uncle had just finished his second fork when a gust of wind suddenly sprang up from his lower fork. Laifu's uncle fell to the ground, and then went straight to his clothes. In the blink of an eye, his clothes were hanging and spinning, and he was just about to fly away. At this moment, Aunt Gui Hua, who was resting at the side, raised her fork quickly and slapped down on her clothes. The two of them looked at each other in confusion. At this time, the two of them saw that it was almost noon, and there were only a few people left working in the southern part of the mountain, so they decided to return first.

Actually, it wasn't because the two of them were hungry or tired, but because the rumours said that the southern part of the mountain wouldn't be peaceful until noon. There was a lot of talk about the peace and quiet, some of it about the frequent whistling of the wild ghosts over here at noon, some about the random throwing of rocks and dirt and things like that, and about the sudden appearance of a lot of ghosts at noon, who would force people to eat them like steamed buns, their ears and mouths stuffed with dirt. When I was a kid picking mung beans in the trumpet ditch, I had experienced the loss of dirt, but I was still young and thought it was just a joke, and I still feel a little scared thinking about it.

When Uncle Fu and Auntie Gui Hua returned home, they were at peace during the day. At night, Aunt Gui Hua had a high fever, felt her entire body burning, talked nonsense and drank some water, but there was no effect at all. Laifu's uncle had no other choice, so he listened to the old man and invited the leopard cat to take a look. Actually, according to Laifu Uncle's personality, he would definitely not believe in this. He had only acted out of helplessness and decided to do whatever he wanted.

The leopard cat was quite capable. After looking at it, she got Uncle Fu to take some paper money to burn at the southern part of the mountain. After saying some good words, Aunt Gui Hua felt slightly better. However, something strange happened. Just as Aunt Gui Hua was about to recover, she suddenly became sick again. At first, she was quite conscious, but after a long time, she couldn't even speak or open her eyes. After seeing the cat, the cat only said, "This time it's your fault, I don't have the ability."

Other people guessed that the flower leopard cat had already understood the meaning of heaven and didn't dare to say anything more. There was also a saying that the flower leopard cat really couldn't cure that thing, so they could only let Uncle Fu cut down the trees at the front and back of the house to prevent other evil spirits from invading, and they wouldn't be able to do anything else.

"Then what did the leopard cat mean when it said 'the sins of heaven are forgivable, but the sins are unforgivable'?" I asked.

"I'm not too sure about that either!"

After saying that, his mother looked up at the sky and said, "It's almost noon. I need to go home and cook." Just as he took two steps, his mother turned around and said, "Be careful of Cao Ol'fifth. This matter is not that simple. Don't involve yourself in it." Then he turned and walked away.

I thought to myself that your son was already involved, and that this matter definitely had something to do with me. At the very least, it had something to do with my position in the written judgment.

"Based on the current situation, there is no doubt that your Aunt Gui Hua was attacked. I think that if it wasn't for that blind man, your Aunt Gui Hua would already be gone. He can't cure those things himself, so he can only wait for someone else to help him, so he still comes over from time to time to take a look. " Glass handed me a cigarette and said, "And he seems to have arrived?"

I looked up at the glass in surprise. The glass stared back at me and smiled. I thought to myself, what the hell do you know? In the end, they were still in the business community! Glass made things clear in one sentence, which made me embarrassed. I was considering whether to say something about the verdict when a group of children came up, or rather a group of children came around a single person. The person was not tall and was slightly fat. His hair was disheveled and his face was dirty. His clothes were not very complete either. From his expression, it could be seen that he was not a normal person. In other words, there was something wrong with his mind. Glass and I immediately leaned to one side to make way for them.

"Jiro, Jiro." The man, who was being escorted by the children, suddenly called out my name and stopped.

Does he know me? I was taken aback. Then I looked at the glass. The glass shook my head, meaning don't answer. It was obvious to me that he too had seen something wrong with the man's mind, so I turned my back on him.

Who knew that person saw me ignore him, also did not leave, just stood there calling my name. The group of children, on the other hand, became anxious and dragged the madman away. When that person saw me ignore him, he suddenly shouted, "Song Yunfan, break!"

My heart skipped a beat, and I turned to look at him carefully. Almost everyone in this village called me Jiro, and not many knew my name. This person seems to have some mental issues, how would he know what I, Song Yunfan, meant when I said "broken"?

I looked at it for a long time, and the more I looked at it, the more it felt familiar. It looked a little similar to my classmate, but just a little similar. The man laughed and turned away.

The plugs were my best friend in elementary school. Back then, the two of us often did bad things together, stealing melon today and picking pears tomorrow. So when they saw us together, they knew that we were going to do bad things again. However, back then he had been perfectly fine. How did he become a lunatic today in just ten years?

"Looks like he's what you call a bolt, but what does he mean by 'broken'?" the glass asked.

I looked at the man's back and felt that the figure was very familiar, but I couldn't recall it for a while. Glass was right, this person should be my childhood playmate. No wonder he knew my name, but his words' broken 'were really unfathomable.

"Aren't you very smart? Think about it yourself?"

Glass said, "Well, one last question, what did you see at Uncle Fu's house? "What's wrong with that Old Cao? Why is it that everyone is forbidden from talking about him? So, when you called Old Cao's fifth brother, everyone else left one after the other."

"I was wondering why you had to stir up such a mess when you were just a boss in the city and didn't know that curiosity killed the cat."

The glass refused to obey, and I kept yelling at him to tell me that I couldn't stand him, so I had to tell him what I had just seen. As for Old Cao's fifth brother, I can't say much, because he is involved with the people close to me, so I can only sum him up with a single sentence so that he can shut up. Cao Laowu was entangled very fiercely by the monkey spirit before he died, and in the end, he was also entangled to death. However, after his death, he still caused quite a ruckus in this area. "

"Why is he mixed up with that old lady? What's the identity of that old lady?"

"We can only ask the leopard cat about this." I think that since the leopard cat scolded Uncle Fu, "The heavens can never forgive the sins that have been committed, but they cannot live on", she must know the reason behind it, and it has a lot to do with Uncle Fu. What did Uncle Laifu do to make the leopard cat so angry?

We chatted along the roadside for a while, and many villagers came and went, staring at us as if we were a rare sight. I figured they were more of them looking at glass cars, and I knew a lot of them, so I said hello and offered them a cigarette. Those who don't know each other stare at each other without speaking.

After an unknown amount of time, a person suddenly ran over, cursing, "So evil, how can a broken tree be so powerful?"

The glass tugged at me and said, "Something's happened!"

We threw our cigarettes on the ground, turned around, and ran back to Uncle Fu's house. When we got to the yard, there were already a lot of people inside. I pushed my way through the glass and saw two people standing under the poplar tree. There were two large saws under their feet, the kind used to saw trees. But these two saws were placed all over the place because they were broken at the waist. The saw was covered in sawdust and some white, viscous liquid. Looking at the tree, there was a thick nylon rope leading from the tree's position to the outside of the yard. It should have been used to guide the tree towards the outside so that the house would not be damaged. The bottom was about 20 cm below the ground, and there was a crack. It did not seem to be very deep. "It was obvious that when they used the saw to cut down the tree, they broke two of the saws in succession, but this poplar tree only broke its skin.

"Could this tree have come to life? Why is it so difficult to obtain?" One of them said, and Glass and I turned to look at him. He was a middle-aged man in his fifties, dressed in overalls, who looked like the leader of the group in his speech and manner. After saying this, the man whispered a few words to a slightly younger helper at his side. The man nodded, turned around and left. It was not long before the man came running back with a handful of incense and a dozen sheets of yellow paper. The leader surrounded the poplar tree, lit a circle of incense, and then three incense sticks outside the circle. I know that, ask for some plum blossom fragrance and ask the lucky guy. Then the man burned the dozen of yellow paper and muttered, "Fellow deities, this little one is also here to mess around, please move your honor!"

Glass hit me, laughed and said, "I didn't see, this guy is also a godly person."

I quickly made a gesture of silence and whispered, "Don't speak nonsense. He must have been in this business for quite some time, and has never seen anything strange. Since he has done so, he naturally has his reasons."

Glass and I waited for a long time, when the man suddenly said," two short and one long, it seems that this deity does not reward this meal! " I looked at the three sticks of incense. Two of them were almost burnt out, and the other one was burning less than a third. I was flabbergasted. This was indeed a little strange. As the saying goes, a man is afraid of death, and a woman is afraid of death. It seems that something bad is about to happen.

The boss quickly called his subordinates to stop working, then walked over to Uncle Lai and said, "We can't do this deal. Please invite someone else." Then he left without looking back.

The people who were watching the show saw that there was no hope and left one after another, leaving us behind.

Dad finally said, "Now we are fighting with a long pole against a wolf. It is difficult for both of us. If we don't attack, we won't be able to." Right now, the only hope for their survival is with the flower leopard cat. However, he is also sulking and refused to give her a chance to attack him.

Just then, the person who ran out and shouted at the evil sect disciple came back, panting heavily. When he saw that everyone had left, he said, "Flower Leopard Cat guessed right, it seems like you guys did not manage to cut down the trees. He still doesn't want to come. He only said that something big is going to happen tonight and that you all should prepare yourselves. " Then, that person turned around and ran away, as if he wasn't willing to stay here for another second.

At this moment, the white poplar trees suddenly whooshed, and faintly mixed with laughter, we all looked up at the same time, the branches of the poplar trees were shaking, and the leaves were continuously beating against each other. When they turned around, I noticed that their faces were filled with uneasiness.

At this moment, Uncle Fu came out of the living room and came before us. He knelt down before Dad and begged, "Please, stay here tonight!" His father was shocked by his actions and rushed forward to help him up. "Big Bro, what are you saying? Hurry up and get up!" Who knew that Uncle Fu just didn't want to get up. It was only with my father's consent that he was willing to get up.

I hurried over to help him up, "Come, Uncle Fu, we are very sad that something happened to your family, but we all have families, if something happens, no one can bear it, we really can't help you."

I never thought that at this time, Laifu suddenly turned his head, kowtowing to me, crying for us to agree. I thought to myself, why are you so selfish? Even in death, you still have to drag me down with you. I was about to break free when Dad said, "Okay, I'll stay."

"Dad, why are you …" I looked over at Dad, who nodded at me. "You and your classmate should go home first. I'll stay."

"No, you all stay, okay? I beg you all!" Laifu quickly said.

"How can you be like this?" I looked at Uncle Laifu and said fiercely.

"We can stay, but you have to tell me what you did after you sent them away." He spoke through the glass, and now he was very quiet, a sharp contrast to my mood.

Laifu was surprised for a moment before he hurriedly said, "No, no, I didn't do anything. I've been taking care of Gui Hua at home the whole time."

When I saw the change in Uncle Fu's eyes and his evasive words, I knew there must be something going on.

"You did it, you definitely did it." The glass refused to budge as he asked.

"I really don't have any. If I do, I'll break one of my arms. You can stay, please. "

I saw that I couldn't say anymore, so I nodded in agreement. I said, "Glass, you're an outsider, so there's no need to get involved. You can go back to the city."

I was supposed to give him a way out of this predicament, but the glass actually said, "Don't be afraid, I have a plan to deal with them. I'll definitely come tonight."

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