Yin-Yang Magistrate/C13 Curse from the Flower
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Yin-Yang Magistrate/C13 Curse from the Flower
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C13 Curse from the Flower

Huo Tianyu stared at the weasel!

"There's another bottle …"

The weasel took out another bottle from under its belly.

"Just this bottle?"

"There's another bottle."

"Do you take me for a fool?"

"This is really the last bottle!" "Boss, why don't you let me have some soup when you eat meat?"

"Deceiving ghosts? Have you forgotten what I do for a living? "

Two bronze coins appeared in Huo Tianyu's hand! Ye Zichen looked at the weasel with a naughty smile.

"Alright! Fine! There are still 15 bottles in my lair, I'll go get them later! "

The weasel laid down on the windowsill, as if someone close to its kin had died!

"Rest assured, I will not treat you unfairly!" At that time, each of us will be split in half. "

"It collected a total of 48 bottles!"

Hearing the woman in red's words, the friendly smile on Huo Tianyu's face froze!

"Like flowers! If you don't speak, no one will take you for a mute! Boss, listen to me, I'm not lying to you, really! Although I took 48 bottles, I accidentally drank the rest! The remaining 19 bottles are really the last stock! "

The weasel quickly stood up, its two front paws gesticulating in front of its chest. Its small eyes revealed a hint of sincerity and fear!

"Humph!" I'll let you off this time! If you dare lie to me again, I'll definitely destroy your soul! "

Huo Tianyu ruthlessly said as he put away the remaining two bottles of treasure on the windowsill. After putting on his clothes, he jumped out of the window. "Let's go! Don't disturb other people's rest here, go to the Dead Soul Forest! It's quieter there! "

Huo Tianyu was the first to move, walking towards the Dead Soul Forest.

Staring at Huo Tianyu viciously, the weasel twisted its plump body and followed behind Huo Tianyu.

"Queued!" Line up! One by one! First come first served! Remember, other than the ghosts that you ordered for me in advance, there are no other items that need to be handed over. You can ask the Ghost Messenger of Hades, "The Death Soldier", to carry out a divination! Don't be impatient! Don't be impatient! Every ghost was equal! You all have a chance! As long as he prepared enough ghost treasures! No matter who it is that killed you! It's still fine to know the final outcome of the person who betrayed you! "

The usually quiet and eerie Dead Soul Forest was now bustling with noise and excitement!

"Honorable Death Soldier, can you help me calculate how my wife and children are doing?"

"You have done all sorts of bad things in your life. Even though you were living a life full of wealth and prosperity, your so-called friends are everywhere in the four seas! But since your death, your friends have started to add insult to injury! They've taken all your property! Your wife married someone else, and your child became a street beggar! This is how they look right now.

With the wave of his left hand, a few blurry images floated into the air!

"Damn bitch!" You're with me for my money! My poor child! "

A fat middle-aged man walked away cursing.

After becoming a "Death Soldier", Huo Tianyu realized that when he had given these schemes again, not only was the scene much clearer, but he could also vaguely sense the cause and effect of the entire matter! Furthermore, every time the divination began, the soul tearing pain would disappear without a trace!

What made him even more pleasantly surprised was that he could project the image in his mind into the form of a projection! Just like just now, he could share it with others other than himself!

He was really looking forward to the day when he could become a 'Death Soldier'. Would he be able to grasp other, more powerful functions?

"Sir Death Soldier, I want to see what happened to the adulterous couple that killed me."

Red Robe was like a flower as he sat in front of Huo Tianyu.

"Alright, let me calculate it for you!"

Huo Tianyu threw the two copper coins in his left hand into the air, and after rolling twice in the air, they landed in Huo Tianyu's left hand.

"Since your death, the woman who killed you has lived with your ex-husband. But not long after, your ex-husband found out that the woman had a gigolo outside! In one breath, he had ruined that woman's appearance. Although the woman was disfigured, she had taken away her life. Your ex-husband was imprisoned by her for many years, tortured, and finally dismembered. With the incident, that woman was sentenced to death by the yamen. In the end, she was completely tortured in prison and finally committed suicide! "

Huo Tianyu waved his left hand and several images floated into the air!

"Hahahaha!" Serves him right! He deserved what he got! The world was vast and the world was vast. There was no way to get out of this! This adulterous couple deserved it!

When he heard Huo Tianyu's words, a sharp voice like that of a flower resounded throughout the entire Deathsoul Forest. A line of tears slowly flowed down his flower-like face …

Immediately after, traces of light appeared on her body like a flower. The red shoes instantly lost their blood-red hue.

The ferocious look on his face slowly faded and was replaced by a beautiful face!

"So beautiful!"

Huo Tianyu's face was flushed red as he stared at the flower in front of him. However, his gaze was fixated on her!

"Thank you, Deathsworn …"

Even though he felt uncomfortable being stared at with such a fiery gaze, he still bowed to Huo Tianyu!

"I have another request, but I only have one bottle of treasure with me. I don't know if I can ask Death Soldier to come up with an idea again …"

He looked at Huo Tianyu like a flower, his eyes filled with supplication.

"No!" "Like I said, divination requires three …"

"No problem, just speak your mind!"

Before the weasel could finish his words, he was interrupted by Huo Tianyu, whose face was completely red.

"What the f * ck..." So it turns out that he doesn't have much resistance against beautiful women! "

Looking at the blushing Huo Tianyu, the weasel's two small eyes started to spin!

"Thank you, Death Soldier Lord!" I would like to ask the Death Soldier Lord to calculate what happened to those who dared to call me ugly in the end? "

A hint of a smile emerged on his flowery face, but it caused the hundred ghosts behind him to shudder …

"Her face is beautiful, but her heart is broken."

The hundred ghosts looked at that sweet smile, and unconsciously shrunk their necks!

"This …"

A trace of awkwardness flashed across Huo Tianyu's face.

Huo Tianyu was momentarily at a loss as to how to calculate the number of people involved!

"Hehehehehe, I'm just teasing them! What woman didn't care about her appearance? "In the future, if anyone still says I'm as ugly as a flower, I'll knock on his window in the middle of the night!"

Smiling like a flower, he stood up and hummed a small tune as he walked off into the distance. The ghosts in front of her unconsciously opened up a path. It was true that the more beautiful a woman was, the more dangerous she was!

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