Yin-Yang Magistrate/C3 Death Soldier
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Yin-Yang Magistrate/C3 Death Soldier
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C3 Death Soldier

"When I take up the brush, it will be the 175th spring of the Sumeru Realm!

"Thanks to the blessing of the heavens, when I was preparing to gamble with my life, I was fortunate to find a brush and a book."

"Therefore, I have decided to record all of this in the hope that it will be of help to you in the future!"

"Where should I start? "Right, we should start from the wall, but let's cut a long story short. I don't have much time left …"

Huo Tianyu's eyes instantly lit up upon hearing these words! In the past, he was really long-winded! After having said so much, he had finally reached the point!

"I always thought that the inside of the wall would be extremely dangerous, but I never thought that the inside of the wall would actually be very safe!"

"Many of the traps have been damaged, so we were able to reach the outside of the wall without a hitch!"

"But until now, there is still the biggest doubt in my heart. Have we really walked out of that wall? Is this really the world outside the walls? "

Looking at the contents in the book, Huo Tianyu frowned!

"The first place we'll leave is the Scarlet Flame Realm! There, Da Niu mysteriously disappeared! We searched for a long time, but still couldn't find him. "

"In the midst of my extreme grief, the 'Earth Ghost' in my body awakened!"

"The awakening of 'Earth Ghost' caused me to turn into a demon. I almost hurt Little Mei and the others by my side with my wrong hands!"

"My last wisp of rationality allowed me to escape from that place. When I was on my last breath, I accidentally broke into the second world, the Icy World!"

"There, I met the previous' Death Soldier '!"

"The 'Death Soldiers' have in their hands nine bronze coins. Although they are human, they can still be considered the death of all living things!"

"I am the one hundred thirty-fifth death warrior. Strictly speaking, you are the one hundred thirty-sixth."

"There will only be one 'Death Soldier' in each generation, and only when the previous one dies will the next one be born!"

"And that day, is the final day of the one hundred thirty-fourth life!"

It's as if the Heavens were destined for him to meet me, and I just so happened to meet him!

"Just like this, I inherited his legacy and became a 'Death Soldier'!"

"Not long after, I met Little Mei and the others! It can be said that this is my good fortune, but it can also be said that this is their misfortune! "

"The previous' Death Soldiers' told me before they died that 'Death Soldiers' would be blamed by everything because they knew of the death of all living things. They would be the bane of all living things for their entire lives, and none of the people around them would have a good end!"

"The reunion with Lil Mei and the others caused me to be deeply in love with them. I was unable to extricate myself from it."

"You think that with the existence of 'Earth Ghost' and 'Death Soldier', no one can take them away from me! "But, I was still wrong …"

"I protected them with all my might. Relying on my 'Death Soldier' ability, I broke through the Arctic Realm, and also broke through the Golden Origin Realm. I made them avoid certain death, time and time again!"

"However, the Heavenly Dao itself has its limits. In this Sumeru Realm, no matter how hard I try, they …" They... In the end, she still left me … It's like the sand in your hands, the harder you use it, the faster it loses! "

"Pa Da …"

A teardrop fell onto that book. Huo Tianyu felt that heart-wrenching pain!

Wiping away the tears on his face, Huo Tianyu trembled as he flipped to the next page!

"But there's still hope!"

On the next page, just these six words caused Huo Tianyu's spirit to tremble!

Unable to wait any longer, he flipped to the next page and Huo Tianyu froze there like a bolt of lightning!

The content behind the book was actually torn apart!

"Where is it? Where is he?! Just what should we do, and how can we hope to do it?! "

Huo Tianyu flipped through the book like a madman, but the rest of the book could not be found!

"That zombie!"

Huo Tianyu's eyes lit up. He suddenly thought of the zombie that kept dropping its eyeballs to give him this book!

At this moment, his fear of the White-browed Old Daoist had completely vanished like smoke in thin air! In his heart, the torn pages were far more important than his life!

However, when he arrived at the place where he had encountered the White-browed Old Daoist, the last sliver of hope he had was completely shattered!

This place was a complete mess. There were scorched marks on the ground, and places that had been frozen. Dense cracks spread out in all directions like a spider web.

"NO!" "No way!"

Huo Tianyu slumped to the ground. He saw that not far away from him, an eyeball was lying there quietly!

"Tell me! Tell me! Where are the pages! Where did you get those pages! "

Huo Tianyu's eyes were bloodshot as he reached for the eyeball on the ground. This feeling of hope being shattered was driving him insane!


To his surprise, the eyeball turned into nine copper coins the moment he received it and scattered into his hands. Then like a snowflake, it melted into his body in the blink of an eye.

"This …"

Looking at his empty palm, Huo Tianyu was stunned!

"The one hundred thirty-sixth 'Death Soldier' has returned!"


The sky was suddenly covered in dark clouds. The sky that had turned white now seemed like it had been swallowed by a giant beast! The sky returned to darkness once again!

This time, the darkness was not a visual sense, but a fear that came from the depths of the soul!

"This... "It smells like 'Death Soldiers'!" The inheritance of the 'Death Soldiers' was inherited? No! This aura was even more powerful than the previous generations'! And powerful to the point that I'm already afraid of him! Just what had happened!? Damn it! It must have something to do with the previous' death warrior '. Sigh … This abnormality that violates the Heavenly Dao should not exist in this chaotic world! "

On a mountain peak, an old man with white hair and white eyebrows holding a horsetail whisk had a trace of helplessness flash across his eyes!


Crimson Flame World

"Hehehe, it looks like he really succeeded! "I hope your judgement is correct. We have been sealed here for too long!"

The voice of a little girl resounded from the highest volcano in the magma!

Ice Boundary

"The heavens and the earth of this immutable Five Elements Continent are going to change! It's good too, after living for hundreds of millions of years, it's time to breathe in the outside air! "

The robust voice of a man resounded throughout the world.

Metallic dimension

"Is he considered a Death Soldier?" Who would have thought that even the people from the underworld would be sealed here! When he came to my Golden Origin Realm, he really should have met him! This feeling was even more terrifying than the first time they had met a Death Soldier. What was I doing when he arrived? "Forget it, forget it. I'll just sleep a little longer …"

Sumeru boundary

"You old fogey!" Your home is already being demolished, and you still want to take care of those two broken trees! "

"Old woman, stop arguing. Look at my Seven Apertures Mystical Wood is about to blossom!"

"Humph!" When that time comes, we can capture that "Soldier" and calculate when you will die! "This is so infuriating!"

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