Yin-Yang Magistrate/C4 Triple Energy
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Yin-Yang Magistrate/C4 Triple Energy
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C4 Triple Energy

Although the Underworld's' death warrior 'was strange, he could only see the life and death period within a hundred years! If it's over a hundred years of lifespan, then he won't be able to see through it, so there's nothing to be surprised about! "

"You old fogey!" Are ordinary "Death Soldiers" inheritances this powerful? "

"That's true, this situation is quite big!" It opened! It opened! My Seven Apertures Exquisite Wood has finally bloomed! "


"It hurts!"

A heart-wrenching pain struck Huo Tianyu, and he felt as if electricity was flowing through his organs! His vision went dark as he opened his eyes once more. He could clearly see all his organs, even his tiny blood vessels!


Looking at the scene in front of him, Huo Tian suddenly stared at the spot where his heart was. His gaze could no longer move away!

That place was completely empty, and his heart had actually disappeared!

"Your esteemed self has no sense of fate. You are already dead. How can I save you …"

In his mind, he suddenly thought back to the first time he had seen Daoist White-browed Immortal, and the words the Daoist priest had spoken to him!

"Am I actually already dead?"

Huo Tianyu felt dizzy! It was as if his brain had short circuited and he instantly stopped thinking!

Death was not scary at all. What was scary was that he had unknowingly died!

"That's not right!" If I had truly died, why would I still feel such pain! "

In his body, that strand of electric current was like a wild horse that had escaped from its rein, rampaging about! He was violently modifying the internal structure of Huo Tianyu's body. No need, shatter it!

Just as this electric current attacked Huo Tianyu's brain like a hot knife through butter, a black token suddenly appeared!

The black token seemed to have been provoked as it exuded a thick black aura. It fiercely charged towards the electric current!

As the electric currents were threatened, they were suddenly divided into nine parts. Each part turned into a copper coin and fearlessly attacked the ferocious black token!


Huo Tianyu felt a great pain come over him! He wanted to shout, but no sound could be heard! He wanted to faint, but at this moment, he was abnormally clear-headed!

The copper coins and tokens were like two warriors, going back and forth, neither giving in to the other!

The inside of Huo Tianyu's body had completely changed. He no longer had his orderly nerves and blood vessels; all he had was a mix of blood and organs! It turned into a mass of paste!

Huo Tianyu was like an outsider watching the two strands of energy compete within his body. At this moment, he was experiencing what it meant to live as long as a year!

It was as if after a century of immense pain, the two energies finally came to a stop!

At this moment, another extremely weak power slowly emerged from Huo Tianyu's chest as he carefully healed his broken body.

The appearance of this energy once again stimulated the truce between the two energies. The copper coins with thunder and the token with black smoke once again began to fiercely fight!

As for the weak energy, it felt the rebellion between the copper coin and the token and quietly retreated into Huo Tianyu's chest, disappearing without a trace!

Another fierce battle broke out. The copper coin and the shield stopped once again.

This time, the weak energy waited for a little. Seeing that the copper coin and shield did not make any movements, it emerged once more, silently repairing its broken body!

The copper coin and the shield seemed to hate the restoration power! As long as it appeared, all of them would rush up to kill it.

But somehow, the fight had turned into a fight between a copper coin and a shield!

And so, Huo Tianyu's body was destroyed, repaired, and repaired!

After a very long time, the copper coin and the shield realized that they could not do anything to each other. They came to a tacit understanding and stopped.

According to each side, the copper coin occupied the left half of Huo Tianyu's body, while the shield occupied the right half.

"F * ck him!" Jiu Zun had taken over the nest! Think of laozi's body as yours! "

Seeing that he had finally stopped and was starting to build his' nest ', Huo Tianyu had the urge to curse out loud!


A crisp sound rang out. Huo Tianyu felt a strong pull, and his vision went black again!

"Do I look like a human or …"

It was a familiar feeling, a familiar voice. Huo Tianyu grinned at him as he looked at the weasel standing upright in front of him.


What made Huo Tianyu extremely surprised was that before the weasel could finish his sentence, he had already kneeled down!

"Lord Ghost Messenger!" I did not mean to offend you! This little one knows my wrongs! This little one knows my wrongs! "

The weasel's body trembled violently! It had never thought that the person it had been following would use the time it took to take a piss and transform into a person of the underworld!

He had trained hard for a thousand years, finally having the chance to take human form! After bitterly searching for a hundred days, he finally found a person who possessed the 'Wisdom Root'! However, he never expected that the duck in his hand would turn into a prehistoric beast in the blink of an eye!

What was even more dramatic was that he, a hunter, had become a prey that others could slaughter in the blink of an eye!

"F * ck that bear!" "Why am I so unlucky!"

The weasel looked at the young man with white hair, eyes as sharp as copper coins, and eyes as sharp as tokens, and his heart completely broke down! There were two auras on this youth that made it feel fear. It was so heavy that even breathing was difficult!

"I remember that you were asking me this question from the beginning. Coincidentally, I will calculate it for you!"

Huo Tianyu's eyes lit up. He didn't know anything about these 'Death Soldiers' at all. He just so happened to have a test subject delivered to his doorstep. How could he let it go?

"Calm down, my lord!" This little one was really wrong! I have eyes but am unable to see Mount Tai! Please don't bother about lesser demons, just treat me like a fart and release me! I have seventy years of old mother, have a nest of baby! If anything happens to me, how will they live? "

Hearing Huo Tianyu's words, the weasel suddenly burst into tears. It hugged Huo Tianyu's thigh, unwilling to let him go no matter what!

"It's not like I'm going to kill you. I'm just going to kill you. Is there really a need for you to do that!?"

Huo Tianyu looked at the snot and tears on his pants leg and shook it disdainfully, wanting to throw the weasel off.

"Sir Messenger, please don't joke with me!" Your aura is considered a death soldier! He was an emissary of the underworld who counted as a dead object! Forget it, don't you know that this little one is not far from death? "

The weasel hugged Huo Tianyu with both its nose and its tears. It cried miserably!

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