You Cultivate, I Also Cultivate, Why Our Cultivation Styles Are So Different/C1 My Sister Is A Nine-tailed Fox.
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You Cultivate, I Also Cultivate, Why Our Cultivation Styles Are So Different/C1 My Sister Is A Nine-tailed Fox.
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C1 My Sister Is A Nine-tailed Fox.

In the silent universe of time and space, darkness and silence were eternal themes. Crossing such an almost eternal darkness was a long distance that was measured in light years. In front of him appeared a huge celestial body, clothed with endless radiance. A star, one of the most intuitive manifestations of the universe's power, was displaying its vast and infinite power.

"Big brother, today is the day of the exam, and you are still here, sleeping. Get up quickly!" The voice seemed to be coming from a distant place, and its sound made the figure of the bed unconsciously shrink back as if this could resist the foreign sound.

Before he could react, the most powerful seal in the world that could seal the vast majority of existence was cruelly removed, revealing the figure that was curled into a ball because of the cold air.

The figure felt the warm blanket leave his body and shrank his neck, frowning at the voice. "How many times have I asked you not to directly lift the blanket? It's not like I won't get up. What if you see something you shouldn't see?"

The figure sat up straight on the bed. He started to complain even before he opened his eyes. Although he was complaining, he was still putting on his clothes.

"That's because you still haven't woken up, big brother. Mom has been waiting for you ever since she finished cooking. The girl who was holding the blanket shook her ears and wagged her tail. She then muttered, "If I see something I shouldn't see, I would just cut it off."

"Got it, got it. I'll be right down." The figure putting on his clothes didn't seem to hear the words that the girl had muttered.

The figure yawned as he put on his clothes.

"Then, big brother, come down quickly. I'll take the blanket and sunbathe first. Don't think about getting the blanket back!" The girl hugged the blanket and ran out while wagging her tail.

"Isn't that ruthless? Do you need to take the blanket away? He wore his slippers and went into the washroom. He parted the water curtain and started to wash up in front of the image. Turning his head, he saw the back of the person running downstairs, a tail wagging behind her. "You're a Nine-Tailed Fox, not a Howling Celestial Dog. Why are you wagging your tail?" He called out.

"None of your business!" A voice came from the staircase.

The figure muttered, "It's getting more and more uncute."

"I, Yan Jia, transmigrator, pay.

[After graduating two years ago, I still do not have any savings, nor have I made any progress in my career. Can't I just drink wine? Is there a need for me to transmigrate? I had graduated in high spirits and I thought that I would be able to win a fair, rich, and beautiful girl and reach the pinnacle of life!" But after graduation, things fell apart, and they were all to feed dogs! He drank with his friends and complained for a while. When he woke up to reality, he ran back here. "Is there a need to treat me like this?"] Yan Jia thought as he washed up.

Although he had been in this world for more than ten years, he was still not entirely used to it. Fortunately, this was a cultivation world, not a simple ancient world. It wasn't some strange and strange world either, or it wouldn't be easy for him to survive. Getting to transmigrate was not so difficult, but his family was still one to be pitied. However, it was still okay. There was still an elder brother, and at the very least, they wouldn't have to worry about their parents' retirement.

Unfortunately, Yan Jia still had to go through another compulsory education. It was a ten-year system. Fortunately, although the language of this world was different from the language of his previous life, there were still many common points in general. Otherwise, he would have had to start learning foreign languages from the beginning, and he they might as well spare him.

After tidying himself up, he walked downstairs. Everyone was already at the dining table, and he was the only one left. No wonder the girl had come upstairs to call him.

His father in this world was an ordinary and robust middle-aged man. He had a pair of horns on his head and was drinking tea while reading the newspaper. Looking up from the paper, he saw that Yan Jia had come downstairs. He then turned his head to continue reading the newspaper. Yes, it was all very ordinary.

"Jia, you have finally come down. Quickly eat some breakfast. Don't be late for the exam." His mother in this world was a beautiful woman. Time did not leave many marks on her body. Time always showed mercy to beautiful people. Even though she had given birth to two children, she still retained the appearance of a young girl.

Apart from the two shiny black cat tails behind her back, she was also a very ordinary and beautiful woman.

Yan Jia took a look. En, his younger sister liked to wag her tail. She probably inherited it from her mother.

Sitting in his exclusive seat, he saw that breakfast had already been set up. There was a fried dough stick, two eggs, and a glass of milk. As expected, it didn't matter whether it was the parents in that world or not; breakfast was breakfast.

"There's only one history test today. How's the preparation going?" His father, who was reading the newspaper, didn't even raise his head before asking.

"It's nothing; history is my strong suit, so there's definitely no problem" He hurriedly swallowed the fried dough sticks in his mouth and drank a mouthful of milk to moisten his throat. Yan Jia continued to tear off pieces of deep-fried dough sticks to chew. To understand the difference between this world and his previous life, he put in a lot of effort in history classes.

"En, that's good. Your history has always been quite good, but don't be careless." Yan's father with the cow horns continued to read the newspaper while speaking casually.

Yan Jia raised his head and took a look. After reading for a long time, his father had still not turned the page of the newspaper his eyes were glued on. Tsk, his acting skills were really bad.

Yang Jia drank the remaining milk in one gulp. "I'm full. Dad, I'll be leaving first. " Yan Jia said as he took the various materials that were prepared in advance from the chair and got up to prepare to go out.

"Brother, good luck." Fox Spirit, who was lowering his head to compete with the fried egg on the plate, looked up. There was a mark left behind by the milk at the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

Yan Jia bent down and wiped the milk mark on the corner of the Fox Spirit's mouth. He then rubbed the latter's head.

The Fox Spirit raised both hands and knocked away the hand tossing and turning on its head. It flicked its two ears above its head and angrily puffed up its cheeks. "Big Brother is bad."

"Alright, alright. Brother knows his mistake." After dodging the two white fists, Yan Jia stepped back and raised both of his hands as if he was surrendering. "Alright, I'm leaving. There's no need to see me off."

Yan Wenqi, his younger sister, was nine years old this year. Before she was even born, she had already been found out to be part of the Nine-Tailed Fox's Bloodline. She had some of the characteristics of the Nine-Tailed Fox when she was born and was specially recruited by the Qinqiu Academy. When she becomes an adult, she would officially join the Qinqiu Academy, which was also the legendary child of another family.

That world was called the Shanhai World by all living beings. It was said that a long time ago, it was called the Shanhai Continent, and it was discovered that the continents overseas were renamed the Shanhai. The most recent change of name happened a long time ago. From then on, Shanhai World had become a publicly recognized name. Yang Jia couldn't understand why.

It was a real world with a round sky. The continent was boundless, and the four seas were boundless. Even if someone flew above the nine heavens, they still would not be able to find the boundary of the earth. They would also not be able to see the bending of the earth. Yang Jia got to know this from watching the science channel.

That big ball of light in the sky was not the sun. It was the residence of Golden Crow Clan. It was the legendary Hibiscus, Demiplane. The tickets to these places were very expensive, and ordinary people could not afford to go there.

This world had a lot of connections with the legends of Yang Jia's past life, but they were still different. He couldn't trust them all, and he didn't know what the connection was. Of course, the matter that concerned the two worlds or even the other worlds wasn't something that a dwarf like him needed to consider. He just needed to live his little life well.

As for why he wanted to think about those things now, of course it was to explain to the readers. Otherwise, why would he want to think about those things?

"Hey, that fatty in front, wait for me." Yan Jia spotted a figure in front of him and quickly chased after him.

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