C12 Study Life

"For more than 400 years, many people have chosen to repeat Zong Sheng's path. They tried to create a brand-new Avatar, but very few people succeeded, and only a handful of time. Only four chances should be enough for you to choose. Of course, if someone is too ambitious, that would be their own situation..."

Next, Teacher Xuan Hui talked about many key points regarding the choice of Avatar and the formation of a Golden Core. Yan Jia listened attentively and wrote these key points down one by one. It could be seen that Teacher Xuan Hui had deep attainments in this area.

Many of these were just the teacher's experiences. Only those who had reached a certain level would be able to understand them. Regardless, Teacher Xuan Hui's explanation allowed Yan Jia to gain a lot of benefits. He also had a greater assurance of his goal.

In the next few days, there were no classes from Teacher Xuan Hui, instead there was a full schedule of various classes. Just like Yan Jia's previous life, people said that it was easy to go to university. That was true, and it was not wrong to say so.

It was indeed easy to go to university. But if you want to go further... You still have to work hard, and even harder than before. But this time, no one is forcing you. He could only force himself to work hard.

However, there is one thing that is different from Yan Jia's previous life. In the past, you would not be able to see the effect until the end. You could feel the improvement, but you don't know how far you have progressed, or if you are stuck in the same place. That type of confusion was your greatest enemy.

And in the Shanhai World, hard work could be seen.

The essence of the Building Base was to strengthen the body and strengthen the soul. There was a cultivation method to train the body, and one could use it to exercise. As for the soul, other than the Cultivation Technique, one could only educate themselves. An educated person was different from an illiterate person. The soul was also different from the body because by increasing one's knowledge and broadening one's horizons would in turn increase one's soul.

Being able to feel one's body and soul growing stronger was more attractive than any game. The pleasure of obtaining power was addictive.

Yan Jia could also feel this. Perhaps it was because he had fused with the star, but Yan Jia's perception of himself was much higher than that of ordinary people. He could also sense his own improvement more clearly than ordinary people.

It was easy to "get addicted" to it.

Literature, medicine, human science, mystical life science, history, mythology and mathematics.

All kinds of courses filled up the student's remaining time, and there was only one day of rest in a week. If a student wanted to improve further, they would have to go to the library to look for all kinds of literature, cultivation methods, and secret manuals. So they could expand their field of vision and increase their foundation.

As for literature, if you don't study it seriously, you won't even be able to see the cultivation technique in front of you. Even if a senior's comprehension experience was placed in front of you, you wouldn't know the specific meaning of some words and couldn't understand how to cultivate it. There were also many strange World items and Great Dao runes that weren't recorded in words. Instead, they were written in dragon and phoenix language. They were created by the heavens. If you didn't work hard to learn, do you think you were born with the ability to understand them?

If you didn't study those mysterious life forms and the human body, how would you be able to cultivate to become a 'beast'?

As for how to research, one had to observe, record, experiment and compare... there was also the last - dissection. How could one cultivate without having an understanding of beasts and humans?

Teacher Xuan Hui was only in charge of teaching the two hundred plus students about various matters regarding cultivation, but it didn't mean that everyone only needed to cultivate.

After a week, Yan Jia felt that it was even harder than the compulsory education he had gone through before.

However, there were no shortcuts on the path of obtaining strength.

For the next few days, Yan Jia kept walking around in circles. He paced back and forth between the dorms, the canteen, the library, and several classrooms.

One night, as he was looking at the holographic Academy timetable distributed on the wall, the writing suddenly changed. He then saw the words, "All personnel with the Golden Crow as their Avatar, please gather on the ninth floor of the Experimental Building before the 8am tomorrow." Yan Jia was a little excited. He had been waited for this day to come.

It was rare for him to not enter another universe at the end of the day, but rather chose to have a good night's rest.

The next morning, he was not in the mood to eat after washing up, even if it was his favourite breakfast. Yan Jia rushed straight to the laboratory and waited for his teacher to arrive.

The classroom was very big, even bigger than the classroom where Teacher Xuan Hui could hold more than 200 people.

The entire classroom was in a "concave" shape. Compared to the front of the classroom, the remaining three sides were much higher.

There were already quite a number of people in the classroom despite Yan Jia arriving early and Gou Teng was still sitting at the front.

"Didn't you want to use the Flying Serpent as the Avatar? Why are you here today?" Yan Jia was a little curious.

"Then how many people do you think are here today because of the Avatar, and how many people are here for other reasons?" Gou Teng said those words with a bright smile on his face.

After being with Gou Teng for a few days and Gou Teng never hide anything deliberately, Yan Jia could tell that Gou Teng was not as simple as his smile.

How could an elite who had received the family's education since birth, and was also the leader of the entire Xiangliu family's next generation, be as simple as his smile?

Only those who believed in the image he portrays on the outside would be truly stupid.

More people quickly came into the classroom, even though it wasn't the official time for class to start. The whole classroom was dark and quiet, but there were also many different hair colours dotted in the middle of this room full of black hair.

After all, the colour of hair was one of the parts that were most likely to be infected by the Bloodline. According to the influence of the Bloodline, the hair colour would appear different.

Estimating the Bloodline and Avatar of the other party according to their characteristics is a science, a very broad and profound study. Starting with hair colour is one of the easiest to spot and one of the most intuitive observation points.

A Bloodline that specialized in fire would easily reveal a different degree of red, while a Bloodline that specialized in controlling water or controlling ice would easily reveal a blue colour.

Of course, it is more not because of the elements that are good at Imperial Censor, but the manifestation of partial characteristics of various divine beings in the Bloodline source.

The other colours were still alright, but the development of society in recent years had made people who specialized in life or controlling plants a little sad. After all, the colour of their hair was very easy to... turn green.

Green used to symbolize life, vitality, and even nature. However, in recent years, people had given this colour a new meaning.

Rumour has it that it's because of this reason that hair dye technology had made great progress over the years. It made people sigh with emotion, the demand to change technology.

I'm sorry.

It's not good to be aware of everyone. There's only one chapter left today because of some things. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everyone.

100 words, 100 words, 100 words. 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word, 100th word.

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