You Cultivate, I Also Cultivate, Why Our Cultivation Styles Are So Different/C2 He Used to be Fatty's Gay Friend
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You Cultivate, I Also Cultivate, Why Our Cultivation Styles Are So Different/C2 He Used to be Fatty's Gay Friend
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C2 He Used to be Fatty's Gay Friend

As the saying goes, every protagonist needs a sister and a fat best friend. And this fat best friend needed to be selfless. At the critical moment, they needed to be able to provide all kinds of assistance. They needed to collect all kinds of information for the main character, including and not limited to the goddess, enemies, all kinds of information about the Demiplane, and so on. They also needed to create opportunities for the main character to show off at a critical moment. He was the hero among best friends.

As the main character, Yan Jia already had a younger sister and a high-quality Fox Spirit. How could he not have a fat best friend?

The figure in front was the fatty best friend that was arranged by the heavens. Unfortunately, the word, 'past' had to be added to their title.

This was because this person didn't think highly of his character and chose to lose weight. Although the effect of losing weight wasn't great, he succeeded in exercising when the time came. The former fatty was now a 16-year-old youth who was over 1.9 meters tall and weighed 135kg. He could be said to be in the prime of his life.

"I lost weight many years ago. Why are you still calling me fatty, Jia?" Hsu Ze, who used to be fatty, was now a handsome man and Yan Jia's Best Friend. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Yan Jia rushing over.

"Why do I call you fat? Don't you have any idea?" Yan Jia quickly caught up to him and replied.

"No, not only that, but also very inflated, Jia." Hsu Ze shook his head and said with a smile. When he saw Yan Jia follow him, he turned around and continued to walk forward.

Yan Jia also slowed down and the two of them walked towards the school together.

"Why do you want to lose weight? Look at how everyone used to say you were fat, but now they only say you're ugly." Yan Jia felt bored walking in silence, so he tried to start a conversation. He tried to tread carefully so as not to get beaten up.

Hsu Ze glanced at Yan Jia. "In the past, there were always people who mocked me for being fat, but ever since I started working out, no one dared to call me ugly anymore." Hsu Ze turned his head, raised his fist and made a few gestures on his. He indicated that he did not want to bother with Yan Jia.

"And my goal is to become the Long Bo Giant, so how can I not exercise?" Although Hsu Ze expressed that he didn't want to bother with Yan Jia, the two of them still chatted as they walked.

They lifted their legs to cross the few water pits left behind by the rain yesterday and followed the flow of people to the underground waiting hall on the side of the road.

They didn't follow the crowd that stopped because those people wanted to buy tickets. Instead, they each took out an identification card and hung it around their necks, preparing to walk to the next floor.

"Hey! The one in front. I'm talking to you. Don't look around. I'm talking to you, the taller one. " A staff member in charge saw that Hsu Ze did not buy a ticket but hung an ID around his neck and was ready to enter the next level. She hurriedly stopped Hsu Ze.

"You are already an adult, yet you still don't know how to buy a ticket? What's wrong? Do you think you're underage, or are you 80 years old?" The manager looked at the documents on Hsu Ze's chest.

"Yo, student ID? Did you fake it? "

Yan Jia looked at the other party's chest. Um, this was a bad omen, ah!

The identity card on the opponent's chest was elevated, attracting attention. And the position column on the ID card really had the word volunteer written on it.

"Ma'am, my student card is real. If you don't believe me, you can check it." Hsu Ze was helpless, but he still skillfully took off his student ID and handed it over.

The volunteer took the student ID and inserted it into the machine in her hand. A light screen was projected on the machine, showing Hsu Ze's picture and all kinds of information.

"Really? I think it expired a few years...." The volunteer trailed off. "Wait, it's true. " She looked up at Hsu Ze's face and lowered her head to compare the difference between the two faces. Although she did not want to admit it, in the end, she still confirmed that the two of them were the same person. She looked at the birth date on the screen and then at Hsu Ze.

She lowered her head again to look at the birth date project.

She cleared her throat awkwardly. "The child is developing quite well. Hehe, hehe."

When she pulled out the sign and saw that the other party's face was a little dark, the big-breasted volunteer spoke awkwardly.

After hearing that, Hsu Ze's expression became even worse. He looked at the few people behind the volunteer who were all wearing law enforcement clothing and standing there with their heads lowered. His shoulders kept shaking, but he did not say anything. He took his student card back and hung it around his neck. Then he turned around and went downstairs with a dark face.

"Mr Wang, you didn't even stop me. You made me lose so much face." The volunteer saw that the people behind her were all lowering their heads and holding back their laughter. They didn't even know that they had been scammed by a partnership.

"Wu, don't be angry. You were able to accurately stop him. This means that you are very suitable for this line of work."

When the person called Mr. Wang noticed that the volunteer was embarrassed, his face turned red. He quickly consoled her. It was not easy for such a beauty to work there, although she had no choice. But it was also very good to have a sharp eye. It was alright to joke around, but if she really got angry and ran away, it would be a huge loss.

"My goal is to join the law enforcement team. If not for this special situation... I wouldn't have made such a mistake." Although the woman was still very dissatisfied, she accepted the other party's consolation. Following the other party's steps, she didn't continue to worry about that matter.

"Yes, yes, yes. That child was a fat boy two years ago. Suddenly, he began to grow crazily. In the end, he doesn't seem to have lost much weight, but his height has increased. I guess he's starting to gain some Bloodline. It can't all be blamed on you. After all, you've only just entered this profession, so you don't have much experience."

Mr. Wang explained to the woman.

"What kind of Bloodline can grow like that? It's fine if he is so tall, but he is also so strong." Recalling what happened, the woman's face turned a little red again.

Mr. Wang looked at the woman, "It's probably some kind of giant Bloodline. Wu, why is your face so red? Remember, he's not an adult yet. Don't even think about it."

" Mr Wang, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm just curious. "The woman quickly changed the topic.

"There are a lot of Bloodline from giants, like the Fang Feng Clan and the Kua E family. Both the Long Bo and the Kuafu Clan have such an effect. There are also many huge Mutated Beast and Bloodline that can do such a thing. However, it's not easy to have this kind of effect before reaching adulthood. "

Seeing that the other party was changing the topic, Mr. Wang did not intend to continue provoking her, nor did he point it out. Instead, he explained it to the others.

The other team members also echoed, "So that's how it is. Mr. Wang really knows a lot. “

Hsu Ze caught up with Yan Jia. The next train had not arrived yet. He walked over and sat next to Yan Jia, preparing to wait for the next train.

"Wuwuwu." They did not wait long before the new train arrived.

Fortunately, there were not many people at that time, so the two of them easily found two seats and sat down.

"Golden Crow City's Third Transportation Committee reminds you that there are thousands of roads. Safety first, so, please sit tight on the armrest and don't walk back and forth in the carriage. Next stop..."

" Eh, when did the prompt change? Why didn't I know? "

Yan Jia noticed that the prompt on the subway had changed. He turned around and asked Hsu Ze.

"It changed two days ago, but you just realized?"

Hsu Ze replied. He took out his book and prepared to read it a few more times. "The exam is coming soon. Why don't you continue reading today?"

Seeing that Yan Jia did not take out his book to review, Hsu Ze was a little puzzled.

"History is my strong suit. It's not a big deal. You don't have to worry about it." Yan Jia waved his hand and spoke casually.

"You are a bookworm, so you can be willful. But, I am not." Hsu Ze ignored him and continued to read. He was not as confident as Yan Jia. He would read more if he could. What if he managed to get a good score? Wouldn't that be worth it?

There was no more talking along the way.

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