C26 The Stowaway

Under Yan Jia's control, the white Golden Crow returned to the place where it was created, the star.

Yan Jia was awakened by the light of the shining Sun in the sky. After controlling the dissipation of the white Golden Crow last night, Yan Jia conducted several experiments; the Golden Crow he made the subsequent times were already small enough.

Of course, this planet was small, compared to the other planets in the Planetary System. Although he did not carry out any further experiments, Yan Jia believed that this time, after the Golden Crow landed on the surface of the other planets in the Planetary System. The mass of the Golden Crow should not be able to tear the planets apart.

However, Yan Jia did not experiment. He just made the Golden Crow explore the surface of the star. However, the exploration took a while, which caused him to wake up a little late today.

After throwing away the clothes that he had burned, Yan Jia finally felt hungry. It seemed like the effect of the Golden Crow's blood had already been absorbed by him, so he went to the canteen to have a big meal and then entered the quiet room again.

Of course, this time Yan Jia remembered to bring the key with him.

Yan Jia ignited the flames once more. However, this time around, the flame gathered on only his right hand. It did not spread to his elbow like the last time. It also did not burn his clothes. He controlled the flames to condense into a sphere again, spinning it around himself.

Yan Jia closed his eyes once again, preparing to absorb Yuv Wen's memories.

After a while, Yan Jia opened his eyes and quietly extinguished the flame. While controlling the fireball to spin around him, he also tried to absorb Yuv Wen's memory, but he really could not do it.

Fortunately, Yan Jia was the only one in the quiet room, so no one could notice his awkwardness.

Yan Jia kept his eyes shut, and Yuv Wen's memories appeared in Yan Jia's mind once more. As Yan Jia absorbed more and more, the feeling in his memory became clearer. The feeling of substitution that had disappeared earlier also surged again.

In Yuv Wen's memory, the thing that left the deepest impression was not the scene of him growing up on that huge Fusang Tree, neither was it the control and knowledge of fire in his ancestor's memory. Rather, it was the scenery of the Sun a few days before his death, and the knowledge of the World in his ancestor's memory.

It was as if Yan Jia had once again become the small Golden Crow that thirsted to travel the world, and had once again seen the huge Fusang Tree, Hibiscus forest that seemed to have no end in the sky and the ocean that was formed from the convergence of magma.

There was also the Divine Fusang Tree that left the deepest impression on him.

As for the grey figure that caused "his" death, it didn't hold much weight in his memory.

As Yan Jia absorbed Yuv Wen's memory in a trance, Yan Jia seemed to have sensed that deep within his consciousness, a small red Golden Crow was flying forward in the darkness. There was no place for it to land, only endless darkness.

The small Golden Crow's body was constantly emitting golden light spots, and the light spots kept spreading to the surroundings, and finally, they were completely absorbed by the surrounding darkness.

Moreover, the speed at which the light spots on the small Golden Crow's body were dissipating was also increasing along with Yan Jia's absorption. However, the feeling was very vague, so vague that it was as if he was hallucinating.

This should be the soul fragment of Yuv Wen.

As he thought of this, the scene that he had sensed earlier completely disappeared. He could no longer sense the small Golden Crow that was constantly emitting light spots and the dark space that was filled with endless darkness.

Yan Jia didn't care about the disappearance of the small Golden Crow. Leaving the Fusang Tree was Yuv Wen's own decision. The one who killed him was the grey figure, the same figure that Teacher Xuan Hui dissected. What did his death have to do with Yan Jia?

Even if Yan Jia didn't absorb it, the small Golden Crow's figure was still constantly emitting light spots. Yan Jia's absorption speed was only increasing the speed of this process.

And that dark space was probably his soul space.

However, this wasn't something he needed to consider right now. The most important thing right now was to obtain more benefits before Yuv Wen's soul fragment completely dissipated. This way, it wouldn't be a waste of Teacher Xuan Hui's good intentions and Yuv Wen's life.

His memories were being absorbed continuously, and the soul fragment was also dissipating. In a trance, Yan Jia seemed to see the flying Golden Crow again; it was as if he could hear it crying.

The scene slowly became clearer in Yan Jia's mind, and on the other side, Yuv Wen's memory fragments began to blur.

As the scene became clearer, Yan Jia saw that alongside the scattering of the light spots, the light from Golden Crow's body was also becoming weaker and weaker.

However, Yan Jia did not see sadness or even hatred in the little Golden Crow's eyes. In its eyes, there was only emptiness.

Perhaps it was because a single soul fragment was not enough to support the little Golden Crow's thoughts.

The blurry image in Yuv Wen's memory also began to distort and disappear with the disappearance of the light from the little Golden Crow's body. Finally, in Yan Jia's mind, there was only a little Golden Crow that was constantly flying.

However, he couldn't fly for too long because the light from the small Golden Crow's body had become very weak. If it wasn't for the surrounding darkness, he wouldn't have been able to see that the little light was still shining.

Finally, the light completely disappeared. The small Golden Crow's figure also disappeared into the darkness and turned into golden light spots that were absorbed by the darkness.

After the small Golden Crow completely disappeared, Yan Jia felt that this dark space seemed to have lit up a little. It also seemed like something had appeared, but due to the darkness, he wasn't able to sense it very clearly.

The original intention of the sanctuary was to prevent anyone inside from interfering with the students' cultivation, and so they would not be able to see the light of day in the sanctuary. Thus, if he wanted to check what time it was, Yan Jia would have to look at the clock on the wall, or he would have to get out of the room.

When he opened his eyes, he felt that time had passed very quickly. The clock on the wall confirmed Yan Jia's suspicion; it was already late at night.

"So I missed a meal just like that?"

This was the first thought that came to Yan Jia's mind. It was only after that did he realize that what he had seen in his blurry vision just now was the scene of Yuv Wen's soul fragment completely dissipating.

From now on, Yuv Wen's life would be considered to have died in Shanhai World.

Yan Jia packed his things and prepared to go to the canteen to eat the dinner that came a little late today.

The canteen was still brightly lit. Except for the fact that no one was eating, it was no different from daytime.

The canteen and some basic facilities in the Academy were open all day, so even now, Yan Jia could still order his dinner in the canteen.

However, compared to daytime, there were only a few windows that were still open.

After ordering some food at random and filling his stomach, Yan Jia left.

In the cold universe, countless celestial bodies were still tirelessly exercising. In this universe map, Yan Jia once again came here, but this time he seemed to have brought along another "stowaway."

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