C28 Communication

Sitting in the Cat Car, Yan Jia didn't waste any time on the road. He was ready to read the new books he had just borrowed.

He casually picked up the first book in the pile: Sun- The Land of Light.

Each freshman could only borrow up to ten books at a time, and Yan Jia had already borrowed three books. Since he had not finished reading the previous books, he had not returned them.

Now, Yan Jia had used up all his slots for borrowing books. He had just borrowed seven books from the library regarding the Sun and Golden Crow. His next goal was to study these ten books after the lesson arranged by the Academy.

Just as Yan Jia began to focus on reading, the communication device on his body suddenly rang, jerking him out of the immersive learning atmosphere.

He took out the communication device from his pocket. On it was a number that Yan Jia had never seen before. Only very few people knew his number. Who was this?

Besides himself, the only thing in the Cat Car that Yan Jia was sitting in was the round white cat that was driving, so Yan Jia did not have to worry about disturbing others. He pressed the 'answer', button. A light screen was projected from the communicator into the air in front of him.

Yan Jia really wanted to know who was disturbing his studies.

The light screen displayed a very familiar image of Yan Jia. A huge portrait was hung on the wall facing the light screen, occupying an entire wall.

He could see a white fox lying lazily under a plum tree with a tail resting on its head. There were still a few blood-red plum blossoms on the treetop.

The fox narrowed its eyes as if it was looking at the person opposite it. The corner of its mouth still carried a hint of a smile, and its back bent into a gentle and perfect curve. Its eight tails behind it casually hung by its side.

A bright red plum fell on its body. It was clearly just a fox, but its entire body emitted a kind of lazy beauty, but this did not give rise to any evil thoughts.

The portrait was very detailed and lifelike. It could be seen that this portrait was very precious and seemed to be incompatible with the surrounding decorations.

Yan Jia was very familiar with this painting, because he had seen this painting countless times since he was young.

This painting was given to Yan Wenqi by the Qinqiu Academy, and it was also the most valuable thing in the entire Yan Family. He heard from the Academy instructor that the Nine-Tailed Fox in the painting was a senior from Qinqiu Academy.

The painting also had a trace of the charm of the Nine-Tailed Fox. It would be beneficial for Yan Wenqi to observe the growth of the Bloodline in her body. Therefore, it was hung in Yan Wenqi's bedroom.

But this was not important. Who was calling Yan Jia?

"Brother, can you see me?" A crisp girl's voice was transmitted through the communication device. Unfortunately, Yan Jia could not see her.

Yan Jia sighed.

"Sister, turn the communication device to yourself." Yan Jia instructed his silly little sister across the screen.

"Oh, is that so?" The image on the light screen started to move downwards. It went past the painting of the Nine-Tailed Fox on the wall. Only half of the painting was left, but the entire body Nine-Tailed Fox was still visible on the light screen.

Below the light screen, a pair of furry fox ears were revealed. They were exactly the same as the Nine-Tailed Fox's ears on the portrait, and they even trembled from time to time.

"Get the communicator to point at your face. " Yan Jia told his sister.

"Oh, so it's like that! Big brother should be able to see me now, right?" The image on the screen continued to move downwards. The image of the Nine-Tailed Fox could no longer be seen.

The face underneath the fox's ear was finally revealed.

On the other side of the light screen, Yan Wenqi was wearing a set of white clothes. On her chest was a cute little fox holding a blue bead pattern. She was lying on the bed with her hands stretched out, raising the communication device high up.

"Where did you get the communicator from? Who else is next to you?" Yan Jia asked.

As the screen moved, Yan Jia saw a hand beside Yan Wenqi. It looked like the arm of a little girl.

He was a little bothered, but he calmed down. Since his sister was able to use the communicator in her bedroom to talk to him, it meant that she was fine. When he was still at home, their parents never gave Yan Wenqi a communicator.

Although a communicator was not expensive, the family was still afraid that Yan Wenqi would be cheated, so they did not buy it for her.

Then whose communication device was in Yan Wenqi's hand now? And who was the other little girl beside her?

The light screen started to move, revealing the little girl lying on the bed like Yan Wenqi. She looked like she was about the same age as Yan Wenqi. Other than having a pair of long ears, Yan Jia did not know if there was anything unusual about her body.

However, unlike Yan Wenqi, the girl's fox ears extended from the top of her head. She had grown up together with Yan Wenqi. Yan Jia also knew that she did not have ears where ordinary people's ears were.

Her ears were blank, save the pair of fox ears above her head.

And this little girl's ears were coming out from the two sides of her head, which was where the normal human ears were. Her two ears weren't big, but they were rather long, looking like deer ears. There was also a layer of short brown fur on them.

However, her hair was black.

"Hello, brother, My name is Tumi and I'm Yan Wenqi's classmate. I came here to play." The little girl seemed to be a little timid. Her ears were still trembling as she spoke.

Yan Jia could tell that she was afraid of him. He did not tease her; he only looked at Yan Wenqi.

Tumi seemed to let out a sigh of relief when she saw that Yan Jia had shifted his gaze. Her ears were no longer shaking, and she seemed to be visibly relaxed.

"Alright, alright. This communication device belongs to Tumi." Yan Wenqi said. "Look, her family got it for her. Why don't you persuade Mom and Dad to buy one for me too?"

Yan Wenqi's eyes lit up as she spoke.

"If you want a communication device, you can tell our parents. Why are you looking for me all of a sudden?"

"Big brother." Yan Wenqi suddenly called out in a greasy voice. Yan Jia shivered when he heard her.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Don't use that tone." Every time Yan Wenqi used that tone to speak, it meant that Yan Jia's wallet was going to shrink.

"Brother, how are the gifts you prepared for me?"

A black line seemed to appear on Yan Jia's forehead. "I'll go check your results. If you do not do well, your gift will be gone." He warned his sister.

"No problem. The things I'm learning now are so simple. I'm already learning things from the next grade. Big brother, you must prepare my gift."

"Got it. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up."

In the end, Yan Jia reminded Yan Wenqi to turn off the virtual screen after a few more words.

"Tumi, you're just too timid. You'll be bullied by others if you act like this." After turning off the communication device, Yan Wenqi handed it to Tumi as she spoke.

"That can't be, right?" Tumi's ears started to tremble again and her voice was trembling.

"How can it not be? Look at how cowardly you are now. Even I want to bully you. You have to be more daring so others won't dare to bully you. "

" But, but, I don't dare...... " Tumi seemed to be frightened by the image depicted by Yan Wenqi. Water started to form at the corners of her eyes.

"It's fine. I'll train you. You just have to..."

Yan Wenqi leaned over and whispered into her ear.


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