C31 Choice

When you are busy, you will realize that time passes very quickly. Before you realize it, time has already slipped away.

When Yan Jia noticed this, he suddenly realized that it was almost time for the holidays, and his first year at Golden Crow Academy was about to end.

He finally felt that he had accumulated enough.

Ever since Teacher Xuan Hui's lecture that day, other than the three meals a day and Teacher Xuan Hui's lessons, many of the other lessons had been skipped by Yan Jia.

He wanted to obtain more time.

He had been busy reading and comprehending, making use of the remaining time. He did not even catch much sleep.

Yan Jia had always been glad that he could come to this star universe, even if he had parted with most of the benefits of merging with the star. This universe could also allow Yan Jia to stay awake while sleeping.

It would allow him to have more time to study and think about the future, compared to other people.

Even after entering the star universe, Yan Jia did not stay idle. The nine white Golden Crows had been sleeping on the surface of the star for a long time. It had been a long time since they took off again, and Yan Jia had already given up on working on his control over them. Instead of controlling them, he might as well make the best use of his time by feeling himself.

As his consciousness descended upon the star, Yan Jia focused all his senses on himself.

He felt everything that his' body 'could sense.

He felt the ever-changing star storm on the surface of the star, the boundless energy it released to the universe, the immense pressure inside, and the nuclear fusion reaction caused by the fusion of hydrogen into helium at the core due to the immense pressure...

He constantly sensed everything he could feel on this star, and so laid a foundation for his future.

Only occasionally would Yan Jia spread out his perception and observe the information that the starlight brought to him from far away. He would take a look at the distant galaxies to relax.

During this period, the books on the bookshelves in the study slowly filled up. The old books kept giving way to the new ones. Some of them were brought over by Yan Jia from his home, some were borrowed from the library, and most of them were sent over by Gou Teng.

Among these books, there were some that talked about Golden Crows, some talked about Sun, some talked about other living creatures, and some talked about Feng Shui travel, humanities, and history. There were even more books that were related to Golden Core and Avatar.

During the time he spent at the Academy, other than the time spent with Gou Teng and Zhu Xiyun, Yan Jia also read about the Academy. He didn't make any new friends, although part of the family threw him an olive branch, However, Yan Jia still refused them one by one because there was no need for them to do so.

To Yan Jia, even Gou Teng's help was just icing on the cake. Golden Crow Academy had already prepared everything for the students to cultivate to the Avatar. The only thing that it did not hand to the students on a platter of gold was time and the student's own hard work.

Although Gou Teng's help was very great to Yan Jia, it was never necessary.

During this period of time, Yan Jia sometimes thought of giving up. He thought that he didn't have to be so tired. He just wanted to have a good class and do some revision. The rest of the time, wouldn't it be good for him to have a good rest?

Sometimes, he was also a little confused. He was always in a dilemma. Did he have to follow the path he had chosen?

If he really chose the Golden Crow Avatar, wouldn't it be much easier for him?

He wouldn't have to work so hard. This problem had always troubled Yan Jia, but only by continuously learning and improving himself could he temporarily get rid of this predicament.

Now, he had accumulated enough and the time was almost up. He could not delay any longer. It was time for him to finally make a choice.

Today's lesson had already ended. When Teacher Xuan Hui was about to leave, Yan Jia called out to him. Gou Teng took a deep look at Yan Jia and then tactfully turned around and left.

He knew why Yan Jia called out to Teacher Xuan Hui because he had already experienced it. He knew that Yan Jia did not want anyone to disturb him at this time. The fact that Yan Jia could endure until now before making up his mind made him a little surprised.

"Teacher Xuan Hui." Yan Jia bowed to the teacher first.

"I want to apply for a leave of absence from you. I don't think I have the time to attend the next course. I have made my decision. " Yan Jia paused for a moment, but he still explained the reason he called out to Teacher Xuan Hui.

Yan Jia had already applied for leave from all the courses, leaving only Teacher Xuan Hui's lessons. Teacher Xuan Hui did not refuse. He just silently looked at Yan Jia for a while, and then nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, sir."

After saying that, Yan Jia also turned to leave. Just as he was about to exit the classroom, Yan Jia heard the still gentle voice of his teacher behind him.

"Since you have made your decision, you should follow through with it wholeheartedly."

Teacher Xuan Hui would say this to everyone who asked for a leave of absence. Yan Jia had heard it many times during this period of time. Today, it was finally said to him.

It was clearly the same words and tone, but the feeling of hearing it being said to others was different from the way he felt at this moment.

Yan Jia didn't know how the others had felt when they heard those words, but right now, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"The path of life is very long, and only by making your own decision can you continue on it."

Yan Jia halted for a moment, and then continued to walk towards the door with big strides.

"Understood, sir." Yan Jia said and left, but not without pondering on the last words that his teacher had said to him.

That was something that Teacher Xuan Hui had never said before. It was specifically said to Yan Jia. Perhaps, Teacher Xuan Hui had also seen through his dilemma.

Before returning to the dormitory, Yan Jia first bought some Nutrition Pills from the canteen. These Nutrition Pills were his main food.

The Nutrition Pill was an invention of Shanhai World. It could replace food and water. It was very similar to the legendary Diet Stopping Stage Pill that Yan Jia had fantasized about in his previous life. However, it was not good for the human body to consume it for a long period of time.

Yan Jia once again entered the quiet room as soon as he got to his dormitory. This time, it was different from the past. In the past, he only entered the quiet room for the sake of silence. After all, before forming the Golden Core, it would be more accurate to say that he was cultivating or training.

But now, even if he was interrupted, it would not be a problem. Only after forming the Golden Core would he need the true function of the quiet room.

Yan Jia did not directly start forming the Golden Core after entering the quiet room, because he had not made up his mind yet. How simple was the word 'determination' to be written out? How long would it take for him to be determined?

Yan Jia took out two blank white papers and wrote two words, one on each of them.

"Golden Crow" and "Star. '

The word" star "was written in the language of Yan Jia's previous life, because there was no such concept in Shanhai World. Although he could directly use "Sun" to replace it, Yan Jia still wanted to use "star", as he thought it to be more suitable.

Staring at the two pieces of white paper on the ground, Yan Jia had still not made a decision since noon when he saw Sun falling.

After consuming a Nutrition Pill, Yan Jia fell asleep on the carpet in the quiet room.

Under his control, his consciousness once again descended upon the star. This time, Yan Jia spread out his senses as much as he could, and he was able to see farther.

Yan Jia first "saw" the closest guard he had and the black and white surface of the planet where he had plastic surgery.

"The gaze" swept past the eight planets and their respective satellites around him, traversing the vast distance and extending all the way to the nearest planetary system to him.

Compared to his eight subordinates and hundreds of minions, this star only had two subordinates, and its minions were only a few in number.

"Even 'he' himself was far inferior compared to it. For Yan Jia, the nearest star and his subordinates were equally insignificant. They were all equally tiny.

After passing this pitiful Planetary System, Yan Jia gazed further into the distance.

"Yan Jia's gaze fell upon a 'twin', who was even more pitiful since they did not even have a single minion.

This was everything that Yan Jia could sense right now. As for the rest, he could only know what was happening outside through the starlight from afar.

Looking at the starry sky, Yan Jia muttered to himself.

"I have no other choice, right?"

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