C39 History Teacher

Yan Jia was still queuing, but after waiting for a while, it was finally his turn.

After going through some processes, he was finally able to borrow a book. He was finally going to leave this "library" Demiplane.

Yan Jia carried the book and strode across the square. It was still the same as it was when he left it.

It was not affected by the holiday at all.

Yan Jia strode into the light ball. He did not notice that the few books in his hand had completely entered the ball. A certain spot on the book lit up slightly, revealing a mysterious symbol. Then, it was completely blocked by the white light that was everywhere inside the ball of light.

When the symbol on the book lit up, a few books silently appeared on the bookshelf where Yan Jia had previously been. They were the books that Yan Jia had borrowed, but no one noticed this. Instead, they were still focused on the book they were reading.

Yan Jia's eyes were still filled with endless white light, so bright that he could not see what was in front of him.

Suddenly, he seemed to have been pushed by someone. He staggered a little.

He raised his head again and saw that he had already returned to the ninth floor of the tower, and was standing on the platform in the center. Yan Jia turned his head and wanted to see who had pushed him, but he found that no one else was behind him.

Initially, he wanted to stay there for a while, but when he saw everyone looking at him, he walked towards the stairway and prepared to leave. After all, he was the only one staring at the ball of light in front of him, and he didn't want to go in, nor did he want to leave.

Yan Jia took off the identification on his chest and handed it to the staff member before leaving the library. The book in his hand had already been processed once in the Demiplane, so there was no need to go through another procedure.

As Yan Jia walked out of the library's main door, the Sun in the distance was about to descend the mountain when he found a Cat Car. Coincidentally, the driver was still the fat white cat.

Along the way, there was no conversation between them. Yan Jia looked at the book in his hand as he used another 'perspective' to sense the stars.

Although he had practiced for a few days, he was still not very familiar with it.

Yan Jia even forgot to pay the white cat when he alighted from the car at the end. It was only after the white cat reminded him that he remembered and paid.

After returning to the dormitory, Yan Jia washed up properly and prepared to go to bed. After all, he had not taken a shower in more than ten days. If not for the fact that he had already paid for the Golden Core, he would have been stinking badly.

After lying on the bed, the "view" of the star universe became clearer. The starry sky was still the same as before, and it seemed like nothing had changed except after Yan Jia spread out his senses. After seeing that his subordinates had changed their positions, it dawned on him that they had changed unknowingly.

After learning from those books that sensing a star could speed up the growth of his Avatar, Yan Jia would leave a part of his mind to perceive his blue star even during the day. Although this would cause his learning efficiency to drop a little, Yan Jia believed that after a period of practice, he would definitely be able to read books and comprehend the stars at the same time. This would not cause his learning efficiency to reduce.

Whenever he slept at night, he would spread his perception out and feel his neighbors. He would then compare them with him, hoping to understand more about the stars and be able to give birth to the Avatar a little earlier.

At the same time, he would continuously receive the distant starlight from the source, deepening his understanding of this universe. All of these would allow Yan Jia's Avatar to develop even faster.

White Golden Crows of various sizes were still sleeping on the surface of the star. The constantly changing star storms had no effect on them at all. The golden light spot was still absorbing the star matter in the stomach of the Golden Crow. Yan Jia had no idea where the tiny light spot had gone after the Golden Crow had absorbed so much.

However, it was no longer the golden dot of light. The light emitted by the dot of light had all turned white. Yan Jia could even see a faint blue color in it. Now, he could no longer see any golden shadow. However, there was still no major change.

The night passed in the blink of an eye.

Yan Jia got up early to read, and waited for the rise of Sun and the start of the class.

He was quite lucky. Tomorrow would be the last class that Teacher Xuan Hui would hold. After that, there would be no more lessons by Teacher Xuan Hui during the holidays. Yan Jia did not want to miss the last lecture; there was only one history lesson.

Yan Jia did not want to go to class, but as soon as it was almost tome for class, he threw a Nutrition Pill into his mouth and went to the classroom.


The history class and Teacher Xuan Hui's class were not the same. In fact, even the students who attended the class with Yan Jia were not in the same batch as Teacher Xuan Hui's students.

The history class was not like the cultivation class, where there were only about 50 people in each class. And among these 50 people, only a few were Yan Jia's real "classmates."

Although the Academy had the intention to classify literature, medicine, human studies, mystical life studies, history, mythology, mathematics, and cultivation classes into one class, the spaces between the classes were not much.

However, this arrangement did not succeed. After all, even the most important classes were arranged according to the training curriculum, so could there be no gap between them?

Among these courses, cultivation was the most important. Under normal circumstances, no one would escape from this class. Literature, mathematics, medicine, and human science were also fine. After all, these curricula could also be of some help to cultivation.

As for mystical life, history, and mythology, these were the so-called unimportant courses. Even Yan Jia had spent a period of time in the past. The time he chose to skip the lessons would be mainly in these courses.

After all, these courses were not "important."

Today, Yan Jia was the first person to arrive at the classroom. He sat in the first row, reading the books he had brought.

The Sun continued to rise, and the number of people in the classroom also began to increase. In the last class, there were more than fifty students, but they were less than forty today. The teacher slowly walked in.

If the teacher who explained History to Yan Jia and the others was to be evaluated by Yan Jia, it would be sage-like.

His white hair, white beard, and slightly bent spine showed that he was not young anymore. However, Yan Jia still thought that the bending spine of the history teacher was caused by the turtle shell on his back.

Although the teacher looked very old, Yan Jia did not have the slightest intention of looking down on him. Yan Jia already knew that the history teacher had had this appearance for the last 400 years ago.

One which he had maintained it until now.

Yan Jia suspected that if it was not for the fact that this man wanted to be a history teacher, he would not have made himself look like a sage-like person. One should know that the teacher had personally experienced many of the historical events that he explained to Yan Jia and the others.

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