C4 Fusion

"Classmate, you should get up. The exam is over. "

Dazed, Yan Jia heard a female voice and felt someone pushing his arm. Not only did she move him, but she also immediately straightened her back.

Just as he was about to see who was pushing him, a pair of hands pulled away the test paper under his arm. Only then did Yan Jia realize that the exam had already ended. An unknown girl was holding a dozen test papers in her hands as she collected the test papers from the front. The test paper on top had his name written on it.

Rubbing his hands on his face, he shook his head, trying to wake up a bit.

He looked around and found that everyone was packing. They were waiting for the teacher's order to rush out of the classroom.

Yan Jia also started to pack his things. He was only halfway through packing when the teacher on the podium gave the order to leave. The surrounding people started walking out. Only a few of them were still leisurely packing their things. There were also a few who were still sitting in their seats even though they had already packed their things. It seemed like they wanted to wait for the flow of people at the door to decrease before leaving.

Walking out of the school gate, Yan Jia turned around and looked at the school gate sign on top of his head, "Goodbye, no, never see you again." Without any hesitation, he turned around and walked home.

Finally, these pitiful ten years of compulsory education had ended.

Next was the advancement to the Beautiful Academy. That also meant Yan Jia could finally come into contact with the core of the Shanhai World's cultivation.

Although the Cultivation Technique in Shanhai World was very common, one could find the mainstream and even the core techniques of the various major academies in a slightly larger library. However, underage children were generally not allowed to cultivate any cultivation techniques above the Building Base.

That was because the Bloodline in the human body would not manifest until it had fully matured. Forcibly cultivating it would easily have some special effects on your Bloodline. If there were positive effects, there would also be adverse effects. It was better to wait until you were sixteen, when your human body had fully matured, to undergo further cultivation.

Yan Jia was walking home alone. Normally, he would go home with Hsu Ze and Yan Wenqi. But unfortunately, his sister was on a two-day vacation, and Hsu Ze was going for Muscle Training today. No one could return with him. Therefore, only Yan Jia could only go back alone now.

Yan Jia, who had transmigrated, could not play together with children of the same age. After understanding that the nature of this world was a Civilization of Cultivation, he did not care about forming a good relationship with the surrounding children. Instead, he put cultivation in the most important place in his heart from the beginning.

Therefore, Yan Jia did not have any good friends in school. As for Hsu Ze, it was because they were neighbors that they became friends.

As he passed the underground train station, it was a pity that he did not see the volunteer lady in the morning. She probably had already returned.

When he got home, his parents had not returned yet, and his sister had also gone to her friend's house to play. Now, there was only Yan Jia at home.

He walked upstairs and closed the door. At the same time, he locked the door behind him. Now, there was no one else in the house beside him. He dug out the treasures he had gathered with great difficulty from the bookshelf and started to study them.

He did a very serious research.

When he discovered that the other part of him was a star a few years ago, Yan Jia had already decided on his path after he became an adult.

When you think of stars, what comes to mind?

A huge size? A near infinite amount of energy? Or was it that blazing radiance? What would it be if he were to associate it with those mystical creatures from the legends?

Golden Crow.

In myths and legends, it symbolizes the god who is the incarnation of the sun.

In the Shanhai World, the Golden Crow Academy was also a top tier Academy that was only below the Heavenly Dao Academy.

Although this world did not allow underage cultivators to cultivate techniques above the Building Base, this did not mean that Yan Jia could not study them.

The entire True Sun Cultivation Technique could be easily found in the library, but the one in Yan Jia's hands was not a common item in the library. It was the elite school version that circulated in Golden Crow Academy, and the previous owner's cultivation insights were left on it.

In order to obtain this book, Yan Jia had spent a lot of effort, and the person who had left his insights in this book was also the person with the highest realm in his collection.

Although he had read the entire True Sun Cultivation Technique more than once, Yan Jia would take it out and continue studying it anytime he was free. He would also record his new insights and write down some of his new problems.

Yan Jia did not only have this book but many books like the True Sun Cultivation Technique. It was not only because of the different versions but also because he wanted to collect the insights left behind by different people. Although most of the content was repetitive, some ideas would still bring Yan Jia a lot of inspiration and gain.

There are also some problems left by predecessors and Yan Jia's problems that were solved early in another person's perception. After discovering this point, Yan Jia became obsessed with collecting various versions of the True Sun Cultivation Technique.

Time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was nighttime. The Yan's madam served Yan Jia a bowl of longevity noodles. Today was Yan Jia's 16th birthday. After tonight, Yan Jia would not only become an adult in the Law. It also meant that Yan Jia could finally further his cultivation.

The birthday party was not especially organized. There was a large bowl of longevity noodles, a more sumptuous dinner than usual, and a large portion of red envelopes. These red envelopes had been Yan Jia's primary source of income over the years.

Due to the age restriction, Yan Jia did not have much income these years. New Year money and pocket money were his primary income. Although his family was not poor and were quite wealthy, they were also equally strict. He was often given pocket money, but not too much.

If Yan Jia had not transmigrated and exchanged his academic results for a lot of rewards, it would not be so easy to study the True Sun Cultivation Technique like now.

After dinner, Yan Jia couldn't wait to get ready for bed. Today is not only a day of adulthood but also a day when the two parts of himself will become fully integrated. At this stage, the fusion of the two can only be felt in sleep, and there is no way to perceive the power belonging to another part of himself when awake.

Yan Jia rolled around on the bed. Usually, he could fall asleep very quickly when he lay on the bed. Today, he did not know whether it was because he had slept a lot or because of excitement, so he could not fall asleep no matter what.

Yan Jia began to count. "One star, two stars, three stars, four stars... Four hundred and fifty-six stars, four hundred and fifty-seven stars..."

He did not know how many stars he had counted before he finally fell asleep.

In the empty universe, eight planets of different sizes and their younger brothers were still loyally guarding their boss, revolving around the boss, forming a giant painting of the universe that seemed eternal.

Unfortunately, this peaceful giant painting was broken today. The blazing white pearl in the centre suddenly stretched out a "giant hand."

A tongue of flame extended from the side of the pearl, lightly licking the guard closest to him.

The grey-white guard instantly turned dark red, the originally towering ring-shaped mountain began to melt. The lava emitting a dark red light began to flow along the effect of gravity, gathering in the originally low-lying area. It formed a dark red ocean.

As if unable to withstand the high temperature, the guard seemed to want to use his back to reduce the damage, but unfortunately, all of this was useless. The only result was that his injuries became even heavier.

Where the light originally could not reach, white clouds began to rise. That was the ice that it had accumulated for who knows how many years on its back.

After feeling the hot temperature, the ice jumped over the liquid and directly evaporated into the pure white clouds.

After the flame, the originally round shape of the Protector changed a little. It also began to emit blazing heat radiation towards the universe. It was unknown how many cycles it would take for it to cool down.

The entire body was also further away from the original target of the Protector. It was forcefully pushed away from the orbit that it had revolving around for so many years.

The trajectories of the rest of the guardians who were not interfering with each other became somewhat disordered because of the boss's anger. But fortunately, they did not collide with each other in a panic.

[I did this?]

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