You Cultivate, I Also Cultivate, Why Our Cultivation Styles Are So Different/C8 Realm (this chapter is mainly to hand over some settings)
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You Cultivate, I Also Cultivate, Why Our Cultivation Styles Are So Different/C8 Realm (this chapter is mainly to hand over some settings)
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C8 Realm (this chapter is mainly to hand over some settings)

Building Base, Golden Core, Avatar.

The cultivation technique of Shanhai World only had three simple realms, unlike Yan Jia's previous life, where there were more than twenty realms.

Furthermore, these realms were only realms. They did not necessarily represent combat strength. The combat strength of a higher realm might not necessarily be high, and the combat strength of a lower realm might not necessarily be low either.

There was an obvious example of this when it came to Yan Jia.

His younger sister had revealed the Nine-Tailed Fox's Bloodline since she was born. Furthermore, her awakening had been perfect. There was no such weird scene that is half fox and half human. It could even be said that Yan Wenqi was already a half-step Avatar from the moment she was born.

Her realm was even higher than father Yan and mother Yan.

As for Yan Jia's good best friend, Hsu Ze, he was only a Building Base now. He hadn't even formed a Golden Core yet. Who do you think has higher combat strength and lower combat strength?

In fact, the three realms did not have a step-by-step relationship. It was not that one could form a Golden Core after completing the cultivation of the Building Base. It was just that it was true that one could only form an Avatar after forming a Golden Core.

Because the Golden Core stage also has a nickname, the pregnancy stage...

What was conceived was the Avatar.

The Building Base was simple, but it was also extremely challenging. It was because entering the Building Base stage was very simple. Even a child who was only a few years old could cultivate it. But, it was especially tough because the Building Base could never be cultivated to its peak.

The Building Base cultivation was used to forge the foundation of the body and soul. Strengthening the body and the soul was the Building Base. Therefore, the Building Base stage one could never reach the end of cultivation.

Once the Building Base reaches a certain level, one can cultivate the Golden Core. Of course, one could also cultivate the Golden Core even if they don't get to a certain level. However, the Golden Core formed also varies from person to person.

After reaching the Golden Core stage, some traits of your Avatar would be revealed on your human body. It was like the cattle horn's on father Yan's head, the two foxtails on mother Yan. When father Yan and mother Yan entered the Avatar stage, these characteristics could be put away but not now.

It's just that because of habit, many people still retain their original characteristics that are different from ordinary people after entering the Avatar stage.

After all, many people had been trapped in the Golden Core Stage for many years. They had already gotten used to the extra non-human characteristics on their bodies. If they kept them away at once, it would be a big problem. They still had to adapt to life once more.

The Avatar was the crystallization of the entire cultivation process, but it was not the end of the cultivation process. Instead, it was the starting point for the next step.

Take Yan Jia's current mentor, Teacher Xuan Hui, for instance. He had already refined the Golden Crow Avatar. Compared to his Avatar, his original body was not the most important. This was because from the moment you form the Avatar...

you are no longer purely human. It was more appropriate to say that the other party was a young Golden Crow rather than a human being.

The original body is no longer a weakness. Whether it was a fatal vital point getting attacked, or even the whole body getting destroyed, you could use the Avatar as a starting point to cultivate again.

It was one more chance to start over.

Therefore, the entire cultivation process of the Shanhai World, simply put, was the first Building Base. After forging your body, you would get pregnant. Pui! Form the Golden Core. Next was to nurture your Golden Core and wait for the Avatar to break out of the Golden Core's shell.

When the Avatar was born, one would feel vast and open, allowing one to roam freely.

Of course, just entering the Avatar was like a young life that had just come out of its shell. Similarly, it was also very fragile. However, this was in contrast to the original Golden Core. However, if it was compared to those that hadn't entered the Golden Core, even the Avatar that had just come out of its shell would be much stronger than ordinary humans.

Furthermore, with an Avatar, it was not only necessary to have a life of its own. A rock, a river, and a large piece of land could also be used as an Avatar.

It was ranked first in the world. At the same time, it was mainly in charge of the Heavenly Dao Academy, which was known to the entire Shanhai World. The most important cultivation technique was to use the World as the Avatar.

However, using living creatures that could think was also a kind of Avatar. The human body was still weak in this kind of Avatar appearance. If the key parts of the body, like the brain, are destroyed, it means the arrival of death.

It was not as good as the other Avatars, which could give you another chance.

The cultivation techniques were also constantly changing. Tens of thousands of years ago, the cultivation technique of the "Ancestor Heaven Tree" period made had caused the Ancestor Heaven Tree to be more like a Heaven Tree. Compared with the current cultivation technique, it was more like using the heart of a person. It's the same as controlling the body of a beast instead of completely transforming a person from body to mind into another life.

600 years ago, those who could enter the Avatar stage could be said to be talented and intelligent. More people were still stuck in the 'Golden Core' stage and would never be able to take the final step of breaking the shell. There were even more people who could not cultivate.

What about now? After ten years of compulsory education, normal people had already touched the door to forming the Golden Core. Many people would choose to enter the Golden Core stage after graduation, and then spend half of their lives to complete the Golden Core stage. There were also many people who would continue to study like Yan Jia.

The entire Shanhai World had already reached the level of the Publicity Civilization Activities, and was currently advancing towards the level of the Publicity Civilization Avatars.

And this was only an imitation. Innovation and surpassing were the key to the development of cultivation techniques in these few years.

Cultivating the Avatar did not mean abandoning the identity of a human. Innovation and thinking were the intrinsic qualities of a human.

In the big ball of light in the sky, the strongest Golden Crow was not one of those born holy and raised, but a senior who cultivated the True Sun Cultivation Technique.

A human who had become a Golden Crow that was even more powerful than the Golden Crow.

Generally speaking, the choice of an Avatar would first consider the element of a Bloodline. Whether or not one had awakened a certain Bloodline, if one had it, they would have to consider the compatibility with everyone.

After all, it was very difficult for a person to be very enthusiastic about something that they hated.

As for the choice of the Avatar, other than the Bloodline, it was usually decided according to one's own wishes. After all, the Bloodline was just a foundation. It had never been the key. Furthermore, the probability of awakening the Bloodline to be suitable for one's heart was really very low.

Just like Hsu Ze, a few years ago, he had shown a slight sign of awakening his Bloodline. It was also the Big-headed Turtle and Bloodline that his family frequently awakened. Unfortunately, it was not very suitable for his personality, so he chose to go to the hospital and perform surgery to suppress the awakening of that Bloodline.

The surgery was a success. The turtle shell that had initially only revealed a little outline slowly disappeared because of the surgery. Then, he ran to exercise.

Therefore, the people in this world were very open-minded about the awakening of Bloodline. Being able to awaken a Bloodline suitable for oneself was a very fortunate thing. But even if you didn't, your life would still continue.

Regarding the Bloodline, there was one thing that needed to be clearly understood. The Shanhai World was different from Yan Jia's previous life. The people in this world were essentially the same as those mystical life forms. They were all born from the essence energy of the World. Therefore... there was no such thing as reproductive isolation in this world.

This was also the reason why the father Yan, Kui Cattle, and Nekomata were able to produce a Nine-Tailed Fox.

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