Young Magic Doctor’s Love Affairs/C4 Look down on me?
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Young Magic Doctor’s Love Affairs/C4 Look down on me?
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C4 Look down on me?

"What are you still standing there for?" Hurry up and come in for an interview. "

The man in the suit and leather shoes looked at Chen Guang coldly, then grabbed his hand and walked inside.

"Large... "Big brother, I'm not …"

"Don't try to get close to me!"

Who would want to get close to you! I'm just a passerby, okay?

Chen Guang wanted to open his mouth to explain more, but he was grabbed and dragged into the room.


The door slammed shut.

"Liu-ge, another person came to apply so quickly?"

The young man, who was playing with his cellphone in the room, was shocked by the sound and hurriedly greeted him with a fawning expression.

Brother Liu frowned: "Playing on your phone again? Little Wei, you don't want to work anymore? "

"Liu-ge, I promise I won't play next time!"

The perfunctory guarantee made Brother Liu unhappy, but since this person was someone the higher-ups had arranged for him, he couldn't do anything about it.

His gaze turned to Chen Guang: "For recruitment, what should I call you, which school did you graduate from?"

Chen Guang was startled.

You're going to start the interview process just like that?

Forget it, forget it. Originally, I came here to find a job too. I heard that the moving company's welfare is pretty good too.

"Chen Guang, I graduated from Bowen University."

"Bowen?" "I've never even heard of it. It's a third-rate university, right?"

Brother Liu's voice suddenly became cold. As an interviewer for so many years, he had a good understanding of famous universities. He even remembered a lot of second-rate universities, but Bowen University was definitely not on this list.

"Recently, everyone has been daring enough to come to the interview. Do you really think our company is that easy to enter?" Chen Guang, you can go now. "

Third rate Wild Chicken University?

There are three books in total, is there a need to use such harsh words?

Chen Guang's face darkened. Anyone who was humiliated by their own school would feel a rage burning in their heart.

"Hey, aren't you happy about your poor education? Brother Liu, what you mean isn't obvious enough? You want to enter a third-rate school? "No way!" Little Wei's eyes were sharp, he immediately noticed Chen Guang's clues, and stood behind Brother Liu as he spoke.

Although Brother Liu didn't speak, the contempt in his expression explained everything.

Chen Guang's face had already turned as dark as water. He coldly said: "Brother Liu, the one who called me here is you, and the one who asked me to leave was also you. Even if you're an interviewer, you shouldn't be so humiliating, right?"

"Humiliate you? "No, no, it's all your fault. Our stable moving company doesn't need the trash from third-rate Wild Chicken University."

"Good!" "Good, good, good!" Chen Guang was so angry that he said it many times, his heart was burning with anger. Although in the past he was rejected because of his education, but he was never as exposed or humiliated as this Brother Liu!

"It's just a moving company, I'm not interested in it at all!"

If you don't stay here, I will have my own place to stay!

Chen Guang slammed the door heavily, causing the entire room to shake a little.

"Brother Liu, the quality of applying is getting worse and worse."

"Humph!" That's exactly what third-rate, wild chicken universities are like. "

Faintly, one could hear the sounds of discussion in the room.

These guys!

Isn't it just a dead move, a hard job, and you need a degree!

The more Chen Guang thought about it, the angrier he became. He angrily walked towards the stairs, but discovered that there were already many people gathered in front of him.

"Who is this? How can he be so immoral? Even the staircase is blocked."

"With so many goods, can't we bring them back when no one is around?"

Pushing through the crowd, he looked ahead and saw that the staircase was blocked by a dense cluster of large furniture.

Bed, wardrobe, refrigerator... These random things completely blocked the stairs.

"My friend across the street, please help me move my things in."

There was a sudden noise from the other side of the stairs, but none of them responded.

Everyone just kept watching. Some of them even headed towards the neighboring office to enjoy the air conditioner.

Chen Guang looked at his watch, it was 3.15 in the afternoon.

In another hour, the recruitment center would be closed, but now the corridor was blocked.

What should she do? If she didn't find a job by then, Chen Feiyan would definitely make his parents cancel their living expenses.

Thinking about the severe consequences, Chen Guang clenched his teeth and used Xiang Yu's God Power.

A gust of cold and clear spiralling air rushed into his body, Chen Guang's body suddenly seemed to be filled with energy, it was as if he possessed endless strength.

He tried to stretch.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Sounds like firecrackers rang out all over his body.

F * ck, this sound is even louder than the bodybuilder on TV!

"Friends from the other side, let me help you move them!"

Chen Guang's eyes flashed as he walked towards the pile of junk on the stairs.

At that moment, Liu-ge and Lil 'Wei, who were in the interview room, also walked out. With just a glance, they immediately understood the situation.

"Liu-ge, wasn't that guy just here for the interview?" He seems to be trying to help move those things. "

"It really is that guy!" Hehe, you still want to help with that figure? Do you want me to laugh my teeth off? "

The two sneered, their arms crossed, waiting for Chen Guang to make a fool of himself, to be the clown. They didn't have any intentions of helping him at all.

When the surrounding people heard this, they finally noticed Chen Guang's abnormal movements.

"Friend, what are you thinking about? With that little body of yours, you're still going to help move things? "What a joke!"

"Tsk tsk, look at his figure. He doesn't even know this much, don't look at him saving your life."

"Young man, do you really think that this is an era where we can help others? Live in a dream! "

"Look, he wants to move the first item. He even picked a bookshelf that has quite a bit of difficulty. I can already hear the sound of bones breaking."

If no one else had come to help, then everyone would naturally be able to rest in peace as they watched from the sidelines.

But if someone helped, the feeling would immediately change.

Everyone felt disgust towards this petite youth in front of them.

Wouldn't it be fine if he just stayed there? Why did he have to stick his neck out? It would be impressive for you to show your head, but how do you expect others to see us?

Everyone sneered, looking forward to Chen Guang breaking his bones on the spot or something like that.

If it was a normal situation, with Chen Guang's small body, it was indeed possible for him to have a fracture.

But is Chen Guang in a normal situation? No!

He is a man possessed by Xiang Yu Divine Power!


Just by lowering his body slightly, Chen Guang was able to easily lift up the bookshelf that was around the height of two people.

As expected of Xiang Yu's product, it was impressive!

Chen Guang excitedly moved the big bookcase to the side and lightly landed on the ground.

However, he did not realize that the sounds of ridicule around him had turned completely silent!

A resounding slap viciously landed on the faces of everyone present.

Everyone's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

"Holy shit, what kind of monster is this!"

"Impossible, this guy is clearly a skinny person, how could he have such strength!"

"Inborn divine power! This bastard could earn tens of thousands of dollars a day even if he moved bricks! "

Chen Guang ignored the exclamations of shock around him and slowly walked back to the corridor. He turned around and looked straight at Brother Liu and Little Wei, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

He had heard the mockery earlier, but he was too lazy to retaliate.

This was because actions were the strongest counterattack!

Brother Liu and Little Wei's faces immediately flushed red. They wanted to open their mouths and curse a few times, but their voices were stuck in their throats and were unable to utter a single word.

The iron-like fact was right in front of his eyes. Who would have thought that this skinny guy was actually born with superhuman strength!

If this guy was allowed to enter the moving company, he would directly become a top tier employee!

If the boss knew about this …

Brother Liu's face suddenly turned incomparably pale. He stared fixedly at the youth in front of him who moved like the wind, wishing he could go up and beat him into a fracture.

However, when he thought about Chen Guang's divine power, he naturally could only think about it.

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