Young Magic Doctor’s Love Affairs/C5 Let me take the job late!
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Young Magic Doctor’s Love Affairs/C5 Let me take the job late!
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C5 Let me take the job late!

The surrounding people saw that Chen Guang was moving faster and faster, but he did not reveal any signs of fatigue or sweat.

"Brother, you're awesome!" Are you interested in coming to my company? Specialized in water delivery for 10,000 years, we do not produce water, we are only a nature porter. "

"Go away, bro. Don't listen to him. Come to my place. The monthly salary is over ten thousand. I'll take care of everything for my girlfriend!"

"Fuck, geezer Jiang, you better get the hell away from me. You still have the nerve to earn ten thousand yuan a month?" "Bro, I'm short of a foreman, name a price and come over tomorrow."

Chen Guang naturally would not agree to it.

What a joke. His divine power had a time limit. Once he was caught, he would be in deep trouble.

However, the increasing number of invitations from the surroundings still made Chen Guang a little light-headed.

When did he ever enjoy such treatment?

He remembered the last time he came to the recruitment center, everyone had avoided him like he was a plague. But now? Everyone raised their heads!

Awesome, this was too good!

He had to get on good terms with Xiang Yu next time, the Innate God Power was simply too easy to use!

Chen Guang laughed until his face was red, while Brother Liu and Little Wei's expression were not as pretty.

But after Chen Guang finished moving all the furniture and cleared the space, their faces immediately turned as pale as paper, and their bodies started to tremble.

"Old... "Boss?!"

If the person standing in front of him wasn't the boss of Steady Company, Zhou Bo, then who else could it be?

He ignored his two subordinates and stared straight at Chen Guang, as if he was a pervert that had just seen a naked wolf. A normal woman couldn't wait any longer.

"Little brother, you're the one who helped me move the furniture, right? Thank you!"

He directly grabbed Chen Guang's small hand and caressed it back and forth as if he was the most intimate of lovers.

With this pair of ordinary hands, he had completely emptied the pile of furniture!

"Boss is being too courteous …"

Just as Chen Guang took his hand back, he was immediately stuck onto Zhou Bo.

"Did you promise to join our Balanced Move Company by calling me boss?"

Hearing Chen Guang's words, Zhou Bo was overjoyed and went forward to entangle Chen Guang like candy.

It was a pity that Chen Guang would never go to the Balanced Move Company again.

His gaze turned to Brother Liu and Little Wei. Smiling, he said to Zhou Bo, "Boss, I'd like to join your company, but some people think that my education is not up to par and directly dissuaded me."

Who was Zhou Bo? The ability to read people's faces has become almost instinctive after starting a balanced moving company from scratch.

In a split-second, he understood what the problem was.

"These two bastards who failed to achieve anything!"

Originally, when they were trying to move the furniture around, they were able to get a connection with Chen Guang. But now that they were mixed up by these two bastards, their good impression of him was blown away.

"Little brother, don't get too excited. There must be a misunderstanding. Our company definitely welcomes you to join us!"

Chen Guang was still not moved by the company head's guarantee. He shook his head, gently flung his arm, turned around and left, without stopping for a moment, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Although the surrounding people did not manage to recruit Chen Guang, they felt that it was a pity, because they still had a chance!

As for the Balanced Move Company? Hehe!

Although no one said anything, their expressions showed everything, not to mention the mocking gazes that were faintly discernible.

Zhou Bo's face immediately turned ashen. How could a great general not be angered when they crossed arms in such a manner?

And the reason was actually because of his ridiculous education. A piece of white paper.

With that godly power, why would he need a school education!?

Ye Zichen stared at Liu-ge and Little Wei with a burning gaze.

"Little Liu, Little Wei, very good! Very good! If your wings are hard, you want to fly solo, right? You rejected such a talent? "

"Boss, listen to my explanation, that Chen Guang is just …"

"Explanation? Explaining would save my talent? Liu Qizhi, Wei Ping, let me tell you this. Tomorrow, either Chen Guang will come to work, or you guys scram for me! "

With these words, Zhou Bo almost roared out. He was almost close to letting Chen Guang into his own company, but in the end, he was destroyed by these two bastards!

Zhou Bo rarely got angry, but every time he did, it meant that things had gotten serious.

Thus, Liu-ge and Little Wei understood that Zhou Bo definitely wasn't joking around. He was really going to resign!

On the spot, the two of them were scared stiff and didn't dare to quibble anymore. Their hearts were filled with unspeakable bitterness; this kind of feeling could not be described with words.

But this humiliation, they had to beg Chen Guang to join the Balance Move company, or else they would have to scram!

Even if he caused trouble for himself, he still had to bear the consequences with tears in his eyes.

After Brother Liu checked the application information, he dialed his phone number.

"Hey, Chen Guang, I'm Little Liu, that's …"

"Du —"

The call ended.

Liu-ge clenched his teeth. He used to hang up on others, but today, he got hung up on them instead!

However, he really couldn't just stubbornly stop calling.

"Brother Chen, I was wrong. Give me another chance!"

"Du —"

The call ended.

How dare you hang up on me twice!

Liu-ge was so angry that he almost got angry, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He feebly continued to try a third time, a fourth time, a fifth time … Until …

"Hello, the call you made is temporarily unreachable …"

This was a blacklist!

Brother Liu almost went mad from anger. You dare to bring me down? Me, me, me... I can come to you myself, can't I?

Chen Guang did not know that due to a little revenge, things would turn out like this.

He was dragging his tired body home.

Innate divine strength was indeed a good thing, but why didn't anyone mention the side effects!

The muscles all over his body were in pain, as if they had gone through some inhumane torture. Not a single one of them was intact.

Opening the Underworld Chat Group, Bian Que's private message rang again.

Bian Que: Little brother, how long has it been? Why haven't you sent me the amoxicillin? Don't you want to stay with us any longer!?

Bian Que: You're pretending to be dead again? You're done for, you're definitely done for, I'm going to report you in the group!

Brother, can you let me catch my breath?

Chen Guang was about to cry. Climbing the stairs with this body was already exhausting him, but Bian Que's private conversations were instead urging him to keep it up.

Chen Guang: Big Brother Bian Que, I just used Xiang Yu's Divine Power Possession, my entire body is aching. Please give me a few more minutes more.

Bian Que: God power? If he were to casually use something like that without the slightest bit of physique, the side effects would be extremely difficult to deal with.

Chen Guang was startled, listening to Bian Que's words, he seemed to have used Xiang Yu's God Power before.

Chen Guang: Big Brother Bian Que, then you … Is there...

Bian Que: No!


However, with Chen Guang's thick skin, he immediately asked for the divine medicine and tenaciously refused to give up.

Chen Guang: Big Brother Bian Que, as long as you casually give me some Divine Pills, once my body recovers, I promise that I will send you a private packet within five minutes!

Obviously, Chen Guang's words made Bian Que hesitate, he waited for a good long while before he received a reply.

Bian Que: You have to keep your promise!

Chen Guang: Of course!


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