Young Village Head’s Romantic Stories/C8 Go to the street and watch the video
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Young Village Head’s Romantic Stories/C8 Go to the street and watch the video
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C8 Go to the street and watch the video

When the few of them heard Liu Xiaohe's words, they all left carrying that fellow with them. Only Jin Long looked at him unhappily. I say, Little He, you don't talk very much, but what do you mean by 'don't talk too much' and 'hang your throat'?

"Hey, golden stick, you don't have a place to use it, do you? Hit me? I can't fucking kill you. " As he spoke, Liu Xiaohe picked up a rock that was neither big nor small from the side. Seeing that Liu Xiaohe did not dare to act cocky anymore, he laughed, "Aiya, Little He, this uncle is just joking with you, you really can't help but tease me."

With that, Jin Long ran off gloomily. Liu Xiaohe threw the stone to the side and pulled Zhao Tie Zhu away, "Tie Zhu, don't play with them in the future, listen to me." Stupid Zhao nodded, "Little He, why don't you catch some fish with me? If you catch some more, I'll give it to you."

Without mentioning Wang Ba, Liu Xiaohe still could not remember. He caught one yesterday at Stupid Zhao, if he ate it, his wife would definitely be tortured to death. Tie Zhu, did you eat that bastard yesterday? "

Stupid Zhao shook his head: "No, my father said that I do not need that. Liu Xiaoheyi could not help but laugh to himself when he heard this, that bastard was a drought king. His power was great, Stupid Zhao's mother would definitely be tortured by Zhao Dafa last night.

"Tie Zhu, have all of your family members left?" Stupid Zhao nodded, "He left early in the morning."

"Then what is your sister doing at home?" Liu Xiaohe continued to ask, if he wanted to know about Zhao Yan's situation, it would be best to ask this Stupid Zhao, since this brat did not know how to lie, what could she say?

"Nothing, I think he said he was going to the village today." When Liu Xiaoheyi heard this, he immediately became happy. He originally wanted to find an excuse to invite Zhao Yan to the countryside, but this time, he did not think of it.

"Hurry up and go fish. I'll go take a look at your house." was overjoyed, he threw down Stupid Zhao and ran towards Zhao Yan's house, and when he reached the door, he saw Zhao Yan carrying a basin and pouring water in the courtyard. Liu Xiaoheyi smiled as he entered the courtyard, "Swallow, I heard Tie Zhu say that you're going to the countryside today?"

"Yeah, I haven't been there for quite a while. I'm just strolling around." The matter with Zheng Fan yesterday had improved Zhao Yan's impression of him by a lot. In the past, Liu Xiaohe was just a hooligan in Zhao Yan's eyes.

"It just so happens that today I'm going to the village. Let's go together, I'll take you on my bicycle." It was more than 20 miles from Yang Zhuang Village to the village. Zhao Yan was just taking a taxi to someone's house, hearing Liu Xiaohe's words she immediately nodded, "Alright, then you can go home and ride the bicycle. I'll be waiting for you at home."

Hearing that, Liu Xiaohe was so happy that he almost jumped up, and ran back to his house like a burning man, not even bothering to eat, he pushed his bicycle and ran outside.

"What are you doing?" You don't even want to eat? " Miao Cuihua walked out from the house and looked at the excited Liu Xiaohe in surprise. Upon seeing Miao Cuihua, she suddenly remembered that she did not have any money in her pocket. She leaned her bicycle against the wall and jumped in front of Miao Cuihua, "Mother, give me some money, I will go to the countryside."

"Why are you running to the countryside when you have nothing better to do? From the looks of it, aren't you going with a young lady? " could roughly guess what Liu Xiaohe was thinking just by looking at how anxious Liu Xiaohe was. Liu Xiaohe chuckled, "Mother, you're really amazing. How do you know that I'm going to the countryside with a little girl? It's to go with Zhao Yan. Mother, quickly give me the money. "

Hearing that Liu Xiaohe said that he was going with Zhao Yan, Miao Cuihua's face revealed a smile, "Ah, Zhao Yan, that girl is not bad. "Go on, go ahead. You guys have had enough today."

After stuffing twenty yuan into Liu Xiaohe's hands, Miao Cuihua thought about it and took out twenty yuan. If you want to see what's suitable, buy some for Zhao Yan. Don't go out with him for the first time and be stingy about it, or let him look down on you.

"Yes." This was the first time he had had so much money since he was born. He was so happy that he couldn't even find his way to the north.

At that time, bicycles were considered rare in the countryside, Liu Xiaohe rode his bike all the way to Zhao Yan's house while pressing the bell. Hearing the bell sound, Zhao Yan walked out of the courtyard, holding a cloth bag, she sat on the back of the car and patted on Liu Xiaohe's back.

"Slow down! Don't throw me out, or else I won't forgive you."

Liu Xiaohe replied as he pedaled on his bicycle and started running. His speed was truly fast. This scared Zhao Yan so much that he hugged Liu Xiaohe's waist and patted Liu Xiaohe's back non-stop, "Slow down, slow down, stop falling."

This was precisely the effect that Liu Xiaohe wanted. How could it be slow, up to the point of the village, it was always maintaining a high speed, as if he didn't feel tired at all.

"Yanzi, what do you want? I'll buy it for you. " With forty yuan in Liu Xiaohe's pocket, he was very confident. Zhao Yan glanced at Liu Xiaoheyi, and laughed: "I want to buy a car, and you want to buy one for me?"

Liu Xiaohe was startled by Zhao Yan's words, then laughed: "If you really want it, I'll buy it for you when I have the money." Zhao Yan rolled her eyes, walking left and right on the stall as Liu Xiaohe pushed his bicycle behind him. As long as Zhao Yan saw him, he would pay for it.

It wasn't until almost noon that Zhao Yan finally felt satisfied, and Liu Xiaohe was already extremely tired. I didn't think that shopping with a woman would make me even more tired than f * cking pedaling a 20 li bicycle. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have come f * cking. "

Liu Xiaohe did not show it on his face when he thought about that, he had always been smiling. Ma Yang Village wasn't that big, there were only two streets. The street to the east was set up with stalls, and the one to the south had front rooms, restaurants and the like.

had been starving since morning, so the two of them went to the snack bar to eat. When they came out of the snack bar, Liu Xiaohe saw a few video recording halls beside them.

"Yanzi, it's still early. Why don't we go watch the recording?" Although Zhao Yan had heard of the Video Hall before, she had never been inside. When she heard what Liu Xiaoheyi said, she also became curious and nodded as she followed Liu Xiaohe to the Video Hall.

The VCR is not expensive, a dollar a person can watch, can watch all day. Furthermore, the owner of the video room had intentionally locked Liu Xiaohe's bicycle with a metal chain, so Liu Xiaohe was even more at ease in watching the recording.

This video studio was not small. In a large room, there were more than ten long stools. The backs of the stools were very high. The TV was fixed to a metal frame and hung on the wall that was as tall as a person. On the TV were the eight heavenly dragon divisions. A few people were smoking cigarettes as they watched with excitement.

"Little He, let's not look anymore. The entire room is filled with cigarettes. It's so uncomfortable."

Zhao Yan covered her nose the moment she entered the room, and continuously fanned the smoke that floated in front of her face with her other hand.

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