Youngster in Romantic City/C11 Help Me to Rub My Waist
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Youngster in Romantic City/C11 Help Me to Rub My Waist
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C11 Help Me to Rub My Waist

The Lady Boss smiled. "What brand of beer is your family's beer?"

It seemed like there was hope.

I told her it was honeysuckle, and I told her a lot about promotional policies and promotional efforts. She shook her head and told me the old customers weren't interested in such small brands.

As she spoke, she gently stretched her neck and shoulders, revealing a pained expression. It was obvious that he had a bad neck and shoulders.

A thought flashed in my mind and I walked over. I placed both of my hands on her shoulders, which were twisting in the air, and pinched her through her clothes. I giggled. "Sis, how is it? Your shoulders are sore?"

The Lady Boss looked at my hand and glared at me. "You have guts!"

As I said that, I didn't move my hand away, allowing me to massage her shoulders. The next thing I knew was her neck and I used the massage technique that I inherited from my ancestors …

At first she was a little nervous, a little tense, but as I continued, her body grew softer and hotter, and a few sensitive spots on her neck were half-rubbed and half-teasing. A few comfortable moans came from her nose.

Ten minutes later, when the first round was over and I was about to begin the second round, someone came to buy cigarettes and the landlady stood up to take care of the business, so I ended the massage and sat down. After greeting the guests, she turned her head to look at me with a smile. "Not bad, little brother. You're quite good."

As he said that, he took out a piece of paper from the drawer of the counter and wrote down a string of cell phone numbers. "Since I still want to enjoy your massage, let me give you a chance. Tomorrow, bring ten boxes of beer.

I received the slip of paper and repeatedly thanked him. This train was truly worth it. The first transaction was settled just like that!

"Wait, don't be in such a hurry to be happy. This list isn't for free."

The Lady Boss walked to my side and used her finger to lightly stroke my neck. "Remember this favor. If there's a chance, you have to help me push it in deeper …"

I took a taxi back to Chen Ganng's repair shop. This guy had already repaired the car, and secretly told me that the engine had been unloaded from a second-hand off-road. It ran very fast, but the account would save me a lot of money.

To express my gratitude, I decided to treat him to a drink.

We found a barbecue stand near our home and drank until 2 in the morning. In the end, Chen Ganng secretly paid up when I wasn't paying attention, and told me that he couldn't let me treat anyone once we reached his territory. We were all brothers, so I didn't care too much about it. I just wanted to invite him over for a drink some other day.

That night, I spent the night at Chen Ganng's place, and the next day I drove back to the factory in my new car to grab a beer.

Not to mention that Chen Ganng's repair technology was really good, this broken car was as full of energy as a wild horse.

I drove all the way to the brewery, and when I got to the door of Liu Meiru's office and wanted to return the order, I was just about to knock on the door when I heard someone say,

"Just follow him, otherwise …"

"Like I said, my departure from the main company was due to this matter. It's absolutely impossible for me to serve the factory director."

Listening to the conversation between Liu Meiru and Su Fangfei, I finally understood why Su Fangfei was' exiled 'to this damned place.

Su Fangfei was pretty. If some big boss in the headquarters wanted to deal with her and even promised her promotion and salary, it wouldn't be a problem. In the end, Su Fangfei refused and that big boss transferred her here in a fit of rage.

"Little sister, it's not that I'm threatening you, but he's already spoken. If you don't listen, I'll send you over to be a beer worker …" "Also, the factory manager has someone at the headquarters. Even if you leave from here, with the influence of Lin's Group, you won't be able to find another job," Liu Meiru advised bitterly.

"If worse comes to worst, I'll go home and farm. You tell him that if he does this again, I'll resign and sue him for sexual harassment. I don't believe he can outlaw anyone he loves."

Su Fangfei said as she opened the door and met me outside, eavesdropping.

She was slightly startled and quickly adjusted her state of mind. She politely said, "What a coincidence." Then, without turning back, she left.

I glanced at Su Fangfei's back as I entered the room to report on the sales pitch for today. Liu Meiru was obviously still sulking and ignored me, just saying that I should go and find Wang Bingbing for a beer.

"How should I know who Wang Bingbing is …" I muttered to myself as I left Liu Meiru's office, feeling that the name sounded familiar. I suddenly thought of the female employee who had been so eager to help me that day.

I went to the production room and found Wang Bingbing. I said I wanted to carry ten boxes of beer. She praised me for being able to settle the deal within a few days. After moving the goods to my car, I dragged my beer to the tobacco and alcohol supermarket in the afternoon. The Lady Boss was still leisurely smoking a cigarette at the entrance of the store.

The light wasn't good last night. I only knew that the Lady Boss had a good figure. Looking at her today, I didn't expect her to be so good. The twin peaks in front of my chest can no longer be described as plump. Extending arrogantly, there is an enchanting gap between them, and the exposed skin has a delicacy that doesn't match with my age. With a glance, I can tell that she pays great attention to maintenance.

After I finished carrying the beer, the Lady Boss didn't ask me to massage her anymore. She only said that she wanted me to go back and wait for her news.

When I went back to the dormitory, I saw that the light in Su Fangfei's room was still on. Thinking about the conversation between her and Liu Meiru that day and the sweet smile on her face when she sent me the biscuits, I felt a little uncomfortable and decided to chat with this girl.

After knocking a few times, Su Fangfei's voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

"I-Wang Qiang, I have nothing better to do, I want to chat with you …"

However, Su Fangfei tactfully rejected me, saying that she had already fallen asleep. If there's anything, we can talk about it tomorrow.

Who would sleep with the lights on? I guess the girl didn't want to say anything...

As soon as I woke up the next morning, the Lady Boss called me. Her tone was especially excited as she asked for thirty boxes of beer, saying that she recommended mine to a barbecue shop last night. As a result, customers liked it and it wasn't expensive, so it sold out in one night.

This result was far beyond my expectations. I was a little excited and promised that I would deliver it on time. I didn't even bother to wash my face as I quickly called Wang Bingbing to ask for orders.

In the end, Wang Bingbing said that the beer in the warehouse wasn't enough. Could you tell me first if I can ask Chief Liu …

What the heck! How many orders can this crappy factory have per day? You're telling me now that the beer isn't enough?

I asked her if she had made a mistake, and she said with absolute certainty that there weren't many of them, and that she had lost track of the beer she produced every day.

Faintly, I felt that there was something fishy about it. Moreover, since this beer could be bought at a supermarket or barbeque stall, it meant that the taste was pretty good. But why was the market so depressing?

From the looks of it, the reason why they were in a bad mood wasn't because they couldn't sell. It was because the goods had been pulled out, yet the money hadn't come in. That was the main reason!

Where did all this money go...

I thought about it, but there was no time to think about it now. It was more important to get thirty boxes of beer as soon as possible. So I called Liu Meiru and explained the situation. She did help me, though, saying that she would try to help me coordinate as much as possible. Not long after, he called back to say that the beer was guaranteed, but it was a bit late, so he might have to wait until 10 pm...

Ten o'clock at night? Are you intentionally trying to trick me …

When I asked her why she couldn't pull the beer from the storage, she replied coldly, "Mind your own business."

I'm more and more sure that there's definitely something fishy going on in this beer factory...

I waited until half past ten in the evening before I drove my truck full of beer to deliver the goods to the landlady. By the time he reached her shop, it was almost eleven o'clock. He took down the thirty boxes of beer one by one, and when he finished carrying the last box, he was already sweating and gasping for breath.

"Not bad! Your massage is not bad, and your beer is not bad either. I didn't expect it to be sold so well!"

"It's still elder sister who has to help me push it. Oh yeah, elder sister, do you have any water? I'm dying of thirst from all this moving, "I gasped.

"Come on in." The Lady Boss led me into the room. She didn't criticize me for being late in delivering the goods. She just said that she would ensure that I would be punctual in the future. Then, she handed me a bottle of mineral water.

He hadn't looked closely before, but now he realized that there was a single bed and a small table in the back of her room. At this moment, she had already leisurely walked into the cubicle, lazily laid on the single bed, and smiled at me charmingly.

"Little brother, big sister's waist has been hurting these past few days. Help me massage it …"

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