Youngster in Romantic City/C2 Keep Me Company
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Youngster in Romantic City/C2 Keep Me Company
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C2 Keep Me Company

There was a lonely figure in the large luxurious private room. I couldn't help but be fascinated by the beautiful singing of Mike Feng.

"Am I beautiful?" The woman put down the phone and licked her bewitching red lips.

"Float …" "Beautiful …" I stammered as I spoke the truth without a hint of flattery. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life, with an exquisite face, black hair cascading down the back of her head, and her snow-white skin shining seductively in the light of the lamp. Her legs were slender and slender, smooth and graceful, like a fairy that had fallen into the mortal world. Her entire body was exuding a noble aura.

To tell the truth, even if I sold myself, I would willingly offer my first time to such a woman.

"Tell me, what do you know?" the beautiful woman asked.

This is my first time being a young master, and no one has ever told me how to answer such a question. After a moment of hesitation, I decided to speak the truth and tell them the only skill that I could think of.

"I know how to massage bones …" "I learned it from grandpa when I was young …" I said, blushing, not knowing if she was satisfied with the answer.

Unexpectedly, before I could finish my sentence, she giggled coquettishly. The big white rabbits on her chest were shaking from her laughter. I couldn't help but secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Is this the first time you've become a young master?" the beautiful woman asked.

I silently nodded my head.

"What a cute little fool." She laughed and took off her leopard-print high heels, extending her delicate feet in front of me.

"Don't you know how to massage? "Come, pinch me." the beautiful woman ordered.

I nodded and silently carried the pair of jade feet. My skin felt as smooth as milk without any wrinkles. There was also a faint, intoxicating fragrance coming from it.

"Why aren't you moving?" The beautiful woman said.

"Sorry, your feet are too good-looking, I was distracted for a moment …" I explained, causing her to laugh again. At this time, I desperately tried to recall the massage technique I learned from my grandfather, as well as the various acupuncture points on the soles of my feet.

I took a deep breath and put my strength on my thumb before pressing it on the acupuncture points on the soles of her feet.

As time passed, the beautiful woman actually closed her eyes. Her face was full of enjoyment, and from time to time, she let out a few extremely suppressed moans. The moans reached my ears like the sounds of nature. Unknowingly, my crotch responded again.

After the massage ended, the beautiful woman contentedly opened her eyes, gently lifted my chin with her toe, and said, "I didn't expect you to be so good, this kneading made me feel even better than the rest!" Then, she took out a stack of money from her purse and placed it on the table, at least a few thousand dollars.

"This money is for you. Leave your phone number." "No," she said.

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down the number for her.

The next moment, she reached out and pinched my cheek. "Little fool, I will contact you again." With that, he picked up the note and clattered off with it.

This world was too crazy. He had only casually pinched his feet and easily earned several thousand yuan?

Not long after that beautiful woman left, Big Sister Bai came in and took the money from my hands.

"Just treat this as your entrance fee. I'll introduce you to a big business like this in the future!"

"But I'm in urgent need of money right now …" I said quickly.

"This is the rule of the trade!" Sister Bai said in a tough tone, "But let me tell you some good news. That woman is very satisfied with your performance just now. Treat her well, you'll get your share of the money."

I returned home in silence, and was awakened early the next morning by the ringing of the telephone.

"Wang Qiang, I've sent you so many text messages, and you're not replying to me?" My sister scolded me, saying that my mother's illness must be treated as soon as possible, or there would be the risk of total blindness, and asking me when I would be able to remit money to my family.

I can only lie to her that the company is in a difficult financial situation, money as soon as possible I think of a way. Actually, my sister didn't know that my company had already gone bankrupt.

I've called countless times in the morning, but I still haven't borrowed a single cent.

Zhou Xiaomei borrowed two hundred yuan for lunch. Just as she was about to go buy some food, the phone in her pocket rang. It was a foreign call.

"Hello, who is this?" My tone is not very friendly, this kind of telephone is either selling insurance or selling health products.

"Wait for me at the first floor of the Di Hao Merchant House." The other party's tone was unquestionable, and with that, he hung up the phone.

"You must be crazy!" I mumbled, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that the voice just now sounded familiar.

"What does she want from me now? "I can't do that in the mall in broad daylight …" While I was lost in my thoughts, I took a taxi to the Di Hao Merchant House.

The Di Hao Merchant Shop was a local high-end business building. It only sold luxury goods imported from the original, and ordinary people could not afford it.

Not long after I arrived, a milky white Maserati roared to a stop in front of me. She wore a long, wine-red windbreaker, and beneath it was an exquisite panties. Her long, jade legs were wrapped in a thin layer of black stockings, and her chest was turbulent. Accompanying her leisurely walking over was a pair of astonishingly plump and restless looking clothes, causing many passersby to glance at her.

She took off her sunglasses and smiled at me. It was indeed the beautiful woman from yesterday's nightclub. However, when she saw my attire, the smile on her face immediately turned into contempt. "Let's go, I'll buy some clothes for you. Your hair should also be flipped upside down."

Without waiting for my permission, she led the way into the mall.

She took me to the store in Zegna and ordered a suit with a signature on it. I stole a glance at the price while I was changing my clothes.

F * ck, 48,000 yuan a set. I don't even have 480 yuan on me right now …

I walked out of the locker room wearing a suit. She looked at me with interest and said, "Not bad, I'll take this one."

Then she took me to buy a watch and do a haircut.

I secretly calculated in my heart that this set of items was at least seventy to eighty thousand yuan. This woman is really rich.

When we were done, she pulled me out of the mall. As I was thinking about what she was up to, she suddenly stuck close to me without any warning. Her charming red lips were only a few centimeters away from my ear. Lan Xi's light breath made my entire body go limp. "Little fool, accompany me tonight …"

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