Youth Cultivation/C7 Three Years
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Youth Cultivation/C7 Three Years
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C7 Three Years

In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed, spring had passed and autumn had come, and time had passed like sand.

On the edge of the cliff, a youth was sitting cross-legged. Counting the time, three years had passed.

In three years, Shibao had grown from an immature child into a mature youth. Although his firm face could not be considered handsome, it still could not hide his delicate and otherworldly aura. His sword-like eyebrows were lightly furrowed on his forehead, and there was no trace of the childishness of a sixteen-year-old boy at all.

Apparently, three years of isolation, the loneliness, the loneliness, had wiped out all the impractical things and left behind an unswerving heart, set to the path, and daring to face everything.

Suddenly, Shibao, who was meditating, let out a low shout, and the space around him suddenly shook. A dense cluster of pale blue stars appeared in the air and entered Shibao's body like a whirlpool.

At this moment, if someone were here, they would be surprised to find that there was a hazy fluctuation around Shibao's body. It was as if a flame was burning in the sky, and the heat wave that distorted the air was extremely psychedelic and surprising.

After around thirty breaths of time, a small ball of light green Qi appeared in Shibao's lower dantian.

The moment the cyclone appeared, the strands of spirit energy that were rushing towards Shibao seemed to have been frozen by something and disappeared without a trace along with the distorted space like snow in spring.

After which, the light green Qi whirl started to tremble slightly. In the span of a few breaths, it started to spin like a vortex, spinning faster and faster.

At the same time, the thin spiritual energy that filled the air around the cliff began to become chaotic as the cyclone spun. Slowly, it formed a large green circle, and the star spiritual energy that appeared gathered towards Shibao like a swarm of bees.

After the time it took for an incense stick to finish burning, the large green circle in the air suddenly dispersed. The chaotic spiritual energy surged in all directions, and actually turned into rays of faint light, and in a few breaths of time, more than twenty rays of green light appeared, and shot towards Shibao like spirit snakes soaring into the air.

Nearly ninety percent of the light rushed towards the cyclone that appeared outside Shibao's lower dantian. Only about ten percent of the light slowly merged into every part of Shibao's body.

In about ten breaths of time, the light green cyclone around Shibao's dantian slowly stopped spinning. With a flash of green light, it disappeared along with the light around it.

Shibao frowned slightly, and his eyes suddenly opened. In that instant, a faint green light flashed in his eyes, which looked quite strange.

At this moment, Shibao revealed a faint smile, and his black eyes were filled with irrepressible fanaticism and excitement.

Shibao lightly raised his right hand and suddenly flipped his palm. A faint green mist of light surrounded his palm. After two breaths of time, the faint mist of light slowly condensed into four blurry dots of light, shining in his palm like four stars.

Looking at the rice-sized speck of light in his hand, the smile on Shibao's face became even wider.

"I've finally cultivated the Seven Stars Technique to the fourth level. After a few more days, I'll be able to use the spiritual energy in my body to break open the stone door.

Three years have passed. I wonder... How is Elder Lin doing? Is everything alright? "Shibao's happy eyes could not help but reveal a faint look of worry as he spoke to himself with concern.

After calming down the worry in his heart, Shibao's eyes focused as if he had thought of something.

"Oh right, I almost forgot. According to the records of the cultivation technique, after one reaches the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm, they will naturally possess an ability called the Inspect Technique. It allows one to release their thoughts and see through the exterior of the body. It is so magical, so I will give it a try."

Immediately, Shibao closed his eyes and released all the thoughts he had mastered after breaking through to the third level of the Seven Stars Technique to check out the situation inside his body.

Only after calming his breathing and focusing his mind did Shibao realize that the "thought" he was currently releasing was not only much stronger than the "thought" he had released at the third level of the Layer of Heaven, but it also had the effect of being able to see inside. It could actually leave the shackles of his body and extend within a radius of half a meter, allowing him to sense everything within that radius.

However, what surprised Shibao the most was that his "thought" was actually able to sense the meridians and some of the tissues in his body, as if he had a pair of sharp eyes.

Shibao carefully released his "mind" and controlled it to extend towards his dantian.

He seemed to be able to vaguely see the faint pure green spirit energy within his dantian.

Even though the dantian was not very big, Shibao still noticed that there were four rice-sized dots of light floating in the center of the dantian, from which the cyan spiritual energy was leaking out.

When Shibao saw this, he knew that these rice-sized dots of light were the result of his three years of hard work, and each grain of rice represented a realm.

Looking at these four dots of light, Shibao's calm personality that he had tempered for three years couldn't help but be restless. He sighed deeply.

After a while, Shibao felt a wave of fatigue surge up, and only then did he come back to his senses. The so-called "thought" Even though it was extremely strange, it was still extremely taxing on his mind. Even though he had broken through to the fourth level, it had only been a while since he had broken through to the fourth level, yet he was already exhausted.

Shibao could not help but think about it and immediately withdrew the "read" from his dantian. After adjusting his breathing for a while, he slowly opened his eyes again, and a hint of fatigue appeared in his black eyes. It was obvious that he had expended a lot of energy just now, and would not be able to fully recover in a short period of time.

Shibao chuckled, then shook his head helplessly. He stood up and shook off the dust on his tattered clothes, then turned around and walked straight to the edge of the cave. He picked up a few Green and Red Fruits and started to eat them in big mouthfuls.

The sour taste of the Green and Red Fruit had long since become accustomed to fading after three years.

Shibao thought to himself as he ate.

Ever since he broke through to the third stage, the spiritual energy that the Green and Red Fruit provided him was obviously a bit forced. Now that he had broken through to the fourth stage, the Green and Red Fruit's effect on his cultivation was minimal.

However, this Green and Red Fruit was magical. Not to mention the fact that it would bear fruit once every seven days, it also contained pure spiritual energy that helped me cultivate. It seemed that this Green and Red Fruit was definitely a strange fruit.

Could it be that the Scarlet Fruit in the martial arts world can greatly increase one's cultivation? However, that doesn't seem to be the case. After all, I've already eaten it for three years, yet I'm still at the fourth stage.

When we get out of here, we must find out what kind of strange thing this Green and Red Fruit is. It might even have some other effects that I don't know.

After eating the Green and Red Fruit, Shibao was about to meditate and refine the spiritual energy of the Green and Red Fruit in his stomach. Then, he would cultivate for a while to consolidate the unstable realm he had just broken through to the fourth stage.

Suddenly, Shibao seemed to feel something, and his head moved slightly, quietly sensing something.

After that, Shibao's expression suddenly changed. Without any time for him to think, he circulated the spiritual energy in his dantian to his legs as much as possible.

Instantly, a swelling pain came from his legs, causing Shibao's handsome face to turn red and twitch uncontrollably.

Ignoring the pain in his legs, Shibao gritted his teeth and kicked with all his strength, like a dragonfly touching the water. In a few breaths of time, he had jumped into the cave. He held onto the mountain wall with a shocked expression, and looked at the cliff outside the cave.

In a short while, there was a sound of wind on the cliff outside the cave. In less than the time it took for half an incense stick to burn, there was a strong wind, sand and stones flew, the sky was yellow, the wind was sharp and harsh, as if it was a natural disaster.

Even Shibao, who was in the cave, would be hit by the rocks that were blown in from time to time, making him clench his teeth in pain.

Enduring the pain, Shibao stumbled deeper into the cave. Only when his field of vision was completely black did he stop in shock and bewilderment. When he looked up, he could no longer see anything outside the cave.

Shibao relaxed for a moment, then took out the fire piston and lit a fire on the spot. With the help of the dim yellow sparks, one could see that Shibao's face was pale and bloodless, accompanied by heavy breathing, and his forehead was covered in sweat. It was as if something was stimulating him, causing him to be terrified.

"We can't keep going on like this. We have to make good use of our time to consolidate our cultivation and get out of this cliff as quickly as we can. If we get blown into the abyss by that strange wind, we'll be dead for sure." Shibao calmed his mind and muttered to himself in shock.

There had to be a reason. Ever since he had been tricked by Lin Yuanfu into coming to this place and being trapped on this cliff, Shibao had been wholeheartedly cultivating the Seven Stars Technique. He hoped to cultivate the Seven Stars Technique as soon as possible to the fourth level so that he could blast open the round stone door and get out of here. He did not want to stay here for fifteen years.

With this thought in mind, Shibao calmed himself down and immersed himself in his cultivation.

In the beginning, Shibao's cultivation was not that difficult. After translating and thinking about it a few times, he was able to understand it.

However, as time passed, his realm became higher and higher. He couldn't help but refine his mind according to the book in order to prevent himself from going berserk.

However, on the day two months after Shibao had advanced into the first level of the Guiding Spirit, just as he had finished refining his mind, he came up from the bottom of the cliff. Just as he was about to untie the Green Vine Cable on his waist, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew from nowhere.

At first, Shibao did not care and just treated it as if it was an ordinary breeze, still untying the Green Vine Cable.

After undoing the Green Vine Cable, just as he was about to return to the cave, the cool breeze suddenly became abnormal. The wind became stronger and stronger, and in just a few breaths of time, a strong wind blew violently, causing sand and stones to fly up from the cliff. Shibao's face was covered in dirt, and with his eyes half-closed, he quickly ran into the cave in the face of the strong wind.

After entering the cave for just a few breaths of time, before he could even calm his mind, Shibao saw that outside the cave, sand and dust were blowing, and the sky suddenly became dark, filled with dust. A strong wind was wreaking havoc, as if a natural disaster was descending, blowing everything outside, and everything seemed to be unable to withstand a single blow from that strong wind.

Shibao just stared blankly at everything that was happening outside the cave. It was unknown what he was thinking about in his heart. Perhaps he was lamenting the powerlessness of all things under the might of the heavens, or perhaps he was sighing over his own luck.

"If I had come in one or two steps later, I couldn't imagine where I would have been now. Perhaps I would have been ripped to pieces by the terrible wind of that day. " Shibao muttered to himself with a pale face, a drop of sweat slowly flowing down his forehead.

After this unforeseen event, Shibao was like a frightened monkey, staying in the cave for three days in a row. Even when he was picking the Green and Red Fruits, he quickly left and returned without the slightest delay.

When, three days later, the wind did not come again, he calmed down, and ventured out of the cave.

For the next two months, when Shibao saw that there was no gale, his heart gradually calmed down.

He thought that would be the end of it, but what Shibao didn't expect was that a month later, the strange wind started blowing again. Fortunately, Shibao was in the cave and didn't get hurt.

And so, Shibao gradually discovered that the strange gale seemed to have a pattern. Every three months, it would wreak havoc, and for the next three years, every time it caused Shibao to tremble in fear.

From then on, Shibao's cultivation was unavoidably affected. If there was the slightest movement, he would immediately enter the cave like a frightened rabbit.

But as the saying goes, misfortune and fortune depend on each other. Over the past three years, Shibao had gradually become a cautious person, and it had also made him even more diligent and diligent in his cultivation.

When Shibao turned his head to look outside the cave, the strong wind had already calmed down and he had a plan in his heart.

"Tomorrow, I will consolidate the fourth stage of the Layer Four. After that, I will cultivate for three more days and try to use my spiritual energy to break open the round stone door. After all, this place was not a good place after all. I need to leave as soon as possible to cultivate in peace. Otherwise, if I continue to cultivate with such apprehensions, there will definitely be a problem with my state of mind. If I am not careful, I might even plant the seeds of my inner demons. If that's the case, then it will be terrible.


With this thought, Shibao slowly stood up, extinguished the fire in front of him and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

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