Youth’s Cultivation/C1 If One Was Not an Immortal One Would be an Ant!
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Youth’s Cultivation/C1 If One Was Not an Immortal One Would be an Ant!
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C1 If One Was Not an Immortal One Would be an Ant!

Wang Zhuang was just a small mountain village with dozens of families. Most of them had the surname Wang and lived by hunting and gathering herbs.

The best hunter in the village was Wang Dazhu, who had three sons and a daughter.

The oldest was Wang Da Hu, the second was Wang Er Hu. The third was not Wang San Hu, but Wang Xiao Hu. His only daughter was Hu Niu, the youngest, who was only six years old this year.

Wang Da Hu was twenty-five years old, he was already married and had children to build his own family.

Wang Erhu was in his early twenties, so he was unwilling to stay in the mountains for the rest of his life as a hunter.

The third brother, Wang Xiaohu, was only fifteen years old, but his body was sturdy and his hands and feet were nimble.

Although Wang Xiaohu was still young, three years ago, he had done something that shook the entire town. He had hunted down and killed a large black tiger on his own on the mountain.

Initially, not many people believed the rumors, but many people saw the corpse of the giant black tiger. Its four-meter-long body far exceeded that of an ordinary tiger, and it was said that there was a bead the size of a longan in the stomach of the giant black tiger.

It was said that there were wealthy merchants from other places that offered thousands of silver taels to buy the beast core, but they were all rejected because Wang Xiaohu used this core as a token of love to give it to his fiancee, Zhou Ningxue, the daughter of the butcher from last week.

Speaking of this marriage, Wang Xiaohu was initially still worried. Zhou Slaughterer's house was big and round, his face was full of flesh, and his skin was dark. One could imagine his daughter not having anything to do with Old Wang next door, and would definitely not be able to see much, but when she saw Zhou Ningxue, her thoughts were immediately shattered.

At that moment, Wang Xiaohu was thinking how could there be such a beautiful girl in the world, and this woman was going to be his wife …

Wang Xiaohu scratched his head and giggled. He didn't even dare to look at Zhou Ningxue's eyes …


Three years had passed, and Zhou Ningxue and Wang Xiaohu's wedding was on the ninth day of the sixth month.

For Wang Xiaohu's wedding, the Wang family had renovated the house, which was made of green stone and green tile. It was the first in the entire Wang manor, and the preparations for the wedding had been completed. Everything was ready.

On the sixth day of the sixth month, Zhou Tu's family arrived. The Wang family was naturally welcoming, but this time the Zhou family did not have their usual boldness. They did not act too courteously, and spat out two words.

Withdrawal of marriage!

"Refuse marriage!" Wang Xiaohu's eyes instantly widened as his mind went blank!

"Brother Zhou, are you joking?" It looks like we're about to pass. Are you going to end the engagement now? "Is he trying to climb some tall branch and look down on my family?" Although the Zhou Mansion was a vicious place, but Wang Dazhu was not a match for them. If they were to fight, the three Zhou Mansion cultivators would not be a match for him.

Zhou Tu's face turned bitter as he quickly got up to apologize. "Big Brother Wang, this …" What are you saying? There is no such thing. I am very satisfied with the old Wang family for having Hu Zi. I am also relieved for the girl to follow Hu Zi, but … "Sigh!"

Zhou Tu let out a sigh, as if there was something hard to say!

Wang Dazhu frowned and asked, "What's going on?" "If you can't give me a reason, my old Wang family won't be able to afford to lose this marriage!"

"Yesterday, Xue'er and her mother went to the monastery to burn incense, but they met an immortal lady who told them that Xue'er had the spiritual roots to cultivate the Dao and that she was going to cultivate the Dao. She only gave Xue'er three days to deal with the secular world and would never be able to come back!"

Cultivating the Dao? In this world, the existence of cultivators was not non-existent, but for ordinary people, it was extremely far away, not even comparable to the reality of people coming from the martial arts world.

However, the legendary immortals were able to fly and flee in all directions. They were completely different from the world of ordinary people …

Therefore, even if Zhou Tu knew that his daughter had been chosen by a cultivator, he wouldn't be happy. This was because the rumors said that the Immortal World was separated from the mortal world.

But could they refuse a request from a cultivator? It was said that cultivators were temperamental and did not treat human life as grass. If they disobeyed, then they could easily kill people. Zhou Slaughterer saw with his own eyes that the immortal lady flew into the sky to take his daughter away …

Immortals had their differences. If one did not become an immortal deity, then one would only be an ant …

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