Youth’s Cultivation/C2 Laoyan
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Youth’s Cultivation/C2 Laoyan
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C2 Laoyan

When the engagement was annulled, the Zhou Mansion had no choice but to come. Otherwise, if the Wang Family went to escort the bride, no one would marry them. That would cause them to lose even more face!

Although Wang Dazhu had never met a cultivator, his second brother was at the Heaven's Might Escort Office. He would occasionally talk about the Jianghu on his way home, and the stories about cultivators were also mentioned in there. Let alone ordinary people, even the officials would have to kneel and bow when they saw a cultivator.

Cultivators generally did not appear in the mortal world, so when it came to cultivators, ordinary people would always feel that they were high above, and that they were temperamental …

Wang Dazhu was silent. What else could he say?

For the past three years, although he had never seen Zhou Ningxue, she was his future wife. Everyone knew about this, and Zhou Ningxue had become the most cherished part of Wang Xiaohu's heart, because she wanted to marry and have children with him, a woman who would accompany him for the rest of his life. For the past three years, the safety talisman had never left his body. Now, it had been snatched away by a cultivator. It would be difficult to see him again in this life.

Wang Xiaohu only felt grief and indignation, but he did not know how to speak. From his second brother's words, he knew that those cultivators were temperamental.

Wang Xiaohu clenched his fist. He was unwilling to accept this, but he was powerless to change his mind.

"Sigh!" Wang Dazhu had a helpless look on his face as he waved at Zhou Tu. "Forget it, Hu Zi doesn't have such good fortune!"

For Zhou Ningxue to be able to cultivate and seek immortality, Zhou Tu was both happy and sad. He was happy that his daughter had the chance to become a high and mighty immortal. Sadly, he might not be able to see his daughter for the rest of his life. Cultivators had no time, and a dream would last for thousands of years. Perhaps once her daughter had completed her cultivation, thousands of years would have passed …

"Big Brother Wang, I'm really sorry!" Zhou Tu Hu's voice was not loud, obviously he did not have much confidence. Regardless of what happened, his family was still in the wrong. However, when he thought of the immortal's words, Zhou Tu Hu did not dare to say anything else.

Wang Dazhu did not say anything and just sighed. He was about to pass the door.

"Hu Zi, you are a good child. I will definitely be able to find a good girl to be with you. Uncle Zhou … Sigh!" "Xue'er is outside the village. I'd like to see you one last time …"

Hearing his words, Wang Xiaohu suddenly raised his head and walked out of the room without thinking too much.

Wang Dazhu did not stop them, allowing them to meet again …


"You …." "Will you never come back?" After three years, Zhou Ningxue had become even more beautiful. Her gradually maturing body's curves were distinct, and she gave off a more charming aura than before. Her goose-yellow long skirt fluttered in the wind, fluttering like a fairy, as if she was an unattainable woman of the nine heavens …

Wang Xiaohu already knew the answer, but he still asked it.

Zhou Ningxue's eyes contained a hint of coldness as she indistinctly nodded. Her red lips parted, "Yes, there's a difference in the mortal world …"

Wang Xiaohu was silent. The woman who had captivated him would have become his wife in a few days' time. They would have been together, but the word 'mortal' cut off all hope …

"Will you go yourself?" "You'll never see your parents again, you'll never …" Wang Xiaohu said in a daze.

Zhou Ningxue's gaze wavered slightly, but it was only for a moment. In the next moment, she once again spoke with determination, "Cultivators fly into the sky and escape into the ground. You don't understand."

Looking at the longing in Zhou Ningxue's eyes, Wang Xiaohu instantly felt chilled to the bone. His dreamy fiancée actually said such a thing. There was a difference in the Immortal World, but you don't understand …

Wang Xiaohu clenched his fists as his body trembled, as if he did not recognize this beautiful girl in front of him. An unfamiliar feeling involuntarily arose within him …

Zhou Ningxue lightly bit her lips and took out the earthen yellow bead from her bosom. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, but in the blink of an eye …

"I'll return the favor …" After Zhou Ningxue finished speaking, she slightly raised her hand and the earthen yellow bead landed on Wang Xiaohu's palm …

The earthen yellow bead that Wang Xiaohu thought was a precious treasure fell into his palm. Wang Xiaohu took it woodenly. He bit his lips and took out the amulet with the amulet charm that he had brought with him.

Fly... "The words were still clear, but now they were flying in all directions, and I couldn't help but sigh …

Wang Xiaohu silently handed the silk bag over. There was no longer any affinity between them, so this so-called love object naturally lost its meaning …

When Zhou Ningxue saw the brocade sack she had personally made, she said, "You can keep it, I hope it will keep you safe …"

With that, Zhou Ningxue instantly turned around. However, Wang Xiaohu didn't notice that Zhou Ningxue's shoulder was slightly shaking …

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