An Outstanding Life/C20
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An Outstanding Life/C20
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Looking down again, he could barely see anything, making him feel as if he was in the void. Occasionally, he would bring along a piece of rock or soil, and after falling down the cliff for a while, he would not hear any response. It was as if the echo had been blown away by the wind from the mountain, and if he accidentally stepped on it, he would definitely feel a chill down his spine, as if his soul was about to leave his body.

Qin Xin carefully followed closely behind Du Qi, her steps were as wide as a foot's width. She slowly slid down the canyon, and upon hearing Du Qi's words, she giggled. "Keep your heart in your stomach. I won't stupidly fall down the cliff. You should be more careful, ah …"

Before Qin Xin could finish her sentence, she felt as if her feet had slipped. With a scream, she shot towards the back of Du Qi's waist like an arrow. Du Qi felt like he was being attacked, so he dodged to the side and realized that Qin Xin's body was about to crash into him. If he dodged to the side, Qin Xin would fall off the cliff without any resistance.

The two of them were not far from each other, and on the steep slope, their bodies were practically pressed together. Qin Xin felt her feet slip, and before she could even scream, her foot had already kicked Du Qi's back, knocking him off the mountain path and causing him to tumble off the cliff.

All of this happened in a split-second, leaving no time for anyone to change their mind. Du Qi dodged and then moved back. Although it was the exact opposite of the two movements, he only twisted his body for a moment, and before he could think of anything else, he felt Qin Xin smash into him from behind. The force behind the impact was so strong that it seemed to want to kick him into two.

In the past few years, in order to conceal his martial arts, Du Qi had always suppressed his true qi within his body, preventing it from circulating through his meridians, making him appear no different from an ordinary person.

However, Du Qi's internal Qi had already reached the Nascent Realm, which was a huge difference from other martial arts experts' Houtian Qi. Furthermore, Du Qi had already mastered the inner core, and although he did not have enough luck to practice his internal Qi during the moment of impact, the XianTian Qi in his body seemed to be inspired and reacted automatically, gathering in the area of the attack to counteract most of Qin Xin's force, preventing Du Qi from getting hurt.

The moment Du Qi left the ground, he unconsciously used his meager strength to push his legs against the ground, causing his body to shoot upwards diagonally. The Xiantian Qi in his body circulated automatically, the true qi in his body surged, and he felt his entire body float lightly on the ground. When he arrived in the air, he suddenly straightened his waist and flipped back towards the mountain path. However, Du Qi was caught off guard and in the face of danger, it was difficult for him to use his full strength. He reacted in the air and like a meteor, he plummeted down the cliff.

When Qin Xin saw Du Qi fall off the cliff as if he had been knocked by her, she couldn't help but throw her head to the side and peek down. She saw Du Qi tumbling down the bottomless chasm. In her panic, she almost fell off the cliff herself. She hurriedly stabilized herself and screamed: "Du Qi! "No way …"

With a slight movement of his true intent, his Xiantian Qi circulated throughout his body, filling up all the various meridians and acupoints. With a flip, he drew a beautiful arc in the air, quickly closing in on the cliff wall as he descended. He took advantage of the opening and pressed his foot against the cliff wall. Borrowing the momentum, his body flipped into the air and landed firmly on the mountain path in front of Qin Xin.

In Qin Xin's mind, Du Qi would have definitely fallen off the cliff after her collision. Seeing that it was about to become a reality, she could not help but lean against the cliff wall behind her and slide down to sit on a slightly protruding stone ledge. For a moment, her thoughts were churning, but no one knew what she was thinking. Seeing that Du Qi was standing right in front of him, he couldn't help but open his small mouth in shock, unable to close it for a long time.

If he really fell down, he would definitely break his body into pieces. Now that he had flipped over and landed on the mountain road, he still felt a sense of fear after landing on the ground, but he felt powerless, and his heart was beating wildly in fear. Seeing Qin Xin's appearance, he immediately perked up and said, "Xin Er, are you alright?

Qin Xin's small mouth opened and closed a few times. She patted her chest and said, as if she was still frightened, "No, I'm fine. Are you alright?" I, I didn't mean to, don't mind me! "

Du Qi forced a smile and said, "You don't need to say anything to know it, you don't need to mind it!"

Qin Xin smiled sweetly and said, "It's good to know that you're fine. I don't mind."

Du Qi turned around and said, "That's good. Let's go, otherwise we'll have to rest here on the mountainside tonight. If we accidentally fall off the cliff, then we won't be able to play anymore."

Qin Xin's expression changed slightly as she rushed to Du Qi's side. She said, "This time, I'll go to the front. I don't want to accidentally run into you again. Everyone will be scared out of their wits."

Du Qi smiled and said, "Alright then!" At the same time, she stepped to the side and let Qin Xin pass by. Qin Xin led the way and asked in puzzlement, "What are you up to again? Why are you smiling so sinisterly?"

Du Qi, who was three steps behind Qin Xin, laughed when he heard her words. "I was so happy when I thought of you, so I couldn't help laughing. What good idea would that be?"

Qin Xin giggled and said, "Did you sleep comfortably with me last night? Are you still secretly pleased with yourself when you think about it?" "What the hell kind of road is this? It's narrow and slanted up and down, shocking everyone to death!"

Du Qi smiled bitterly. "Do you think you're being pressed down by someone to sleep comfortably? How about I press you down to try to sleep uncomfortably tonight?" Now my calves are wobbling and I can't walk steadily, can I? Do I have that sort of leisure? "

Not far in front of her, there are more than a dozen shallow steps on a smooth stone wall that is a few meters high. She struggled to climb the steps, and when she was about to reach the top, she turned around and saw that Du Qi's head was only about a foot away from her knees. Last night … "Ah …" For a moment she stepped forward without raising her foot, and without waiting to finish what she was about to say, she fell forward with a shriek, but just as she hit the stone steps, she bounced back and went over the outside of Dodge's head and plummeted down the cliff.

When he regained his senses, Qin Xin had rolled off the mountain path like a log and fell from his side. He didn't have the time to circulate his cultivation, so naturally, he reached out and grabbed one of her ankles, but he was pulled back by the immense force of Qin Xin's fall and was sent flying into the air once again, while Qin Xin flew away from the mountain path.

Du Qi did not panic in the face of danger. He silently operated his profound arts the instant he was about to fall. He used his strength to lift his arm, wanting to throw Qin Xin onto the mountain path. Just as his hand was about to break away from Qin Xin's foot, he suddenly felt a powerful force coming from Qin Xin's foot. Even if he didn't throw Qin Xin onto the ground, she could still use this force to break free of Du Qi's hand and return safely. At this time, Du Qi didn't have enough time to change his mind, so he reacted naturally. He didn't have time to put Qin Xin aside, and with a flick of his wrist, he eliminated the force from Qin Xin's feet. By the time he realized that Qin Xin's feet were still in his hands, the two of them had already fallen off the road and were plummeting to the ground. Du Qi couldn't help but sigh. With a sudden burst of strength, he tossed Qin Xin back into the mountain path, while he himself dropped down at an astonishing speed.

Qin Xin stepped onto the ground, staggered for a while, and finally regained her balance after shaking a few rocks. She felt weak for a long time, but she could not recover even after lying on the stone steps for a long time. Every detail was clearly imprinted in her mind, and she felt that Du Qi might not be able to survive this time, so she felt sorry for him.

She remembered every single thing that had happened since she met him, especially the care he had shown her along the way. Now, all of this would become a thing of the past again, and she recalled how he had risked his life to save her the day before in the river. It's all my fault, don't mind it! "

Du Qi used all of his strength to throw Qin Xin onto the mountain path. However, he did the opposite and sped up his descent. Seeing that the distance from the cliff wall was getting farther and farther away, Du Qi did not panic. His mind was always the same as he began to control the two waves of Zhen Qi, which circulated in his meridians at full speed, making his body extremely light and graceful. Although the speed of his descent did not slow down, it did not increase his speed.

Right now, Du Qi and the Luo Ma Gang's lightness techniques were both the top cultivation techniques in the martial arts world. Currently, since Du Qi could only practice one type of light technique, it could be said that there was nothing in the world that could compare to him, and Du Qi's inner force was unique as well. When he first started cultivating his inner force, he had cultivated both cold and hot inner force skills at the same time, and even Guangcheng's relatives couldn't clearly explain why Du Qi could cultivate Yin and Yang energy at the same time.

Yin and Yang were not fused together, but they complemented each other, causing Du Qi's inner Qi to be vigorous and long, not to mention that Du Qi's inner Qi had already reached the Nascent Realm, which was fundamentally different from Houtian Qi. In order to perform the movement technique with the Qi of the Houtian realm, he needed to adjust the Qi around his mouth and nose, and it would take him one breath at a time before it would be extinguished. In order to perform the movement technique with the Qi of the Xiantian realm, he did not need to breathe with his mouth or nose, and there was no need to breathe with his Qi. The Qi inside of his body was like an endless river, allowing him to bring out the full potential of the movement technique.

Although Du Qi possessed a unique skill, he had no place to borrow strength from in this void. He was simply unable to slow down his descending speed and change his direction. He could only cry out in frustration.

Just as he was feeling hopeless, he suddenly saw a few stones fall between him and the cliff, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Resisting the urge to scream crazily in excitement, he shook his arms, straightened his back, and bravely stepped on the nearest rock.

The stone was crushed into fine powder by Du Qi's stomp and scattered into the wind. Du Qi borrowed the strength of this stomp to not slow down the descent, but he moved closer to the cliff and changed his direction of descent.

At this point, Du Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately activated his divine might and stepped onto the other four stones, which were of different sizes, turning into dust and dispersed with the wind, while Du Qi's descending momentum finally slowed down and he kept getting closer to the cliff. He took the opportunity to raise his arms, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, like a big bird flying towards the cliff, sticking closely to it.

Du Qi knew that he was not out of danger yet, so he immediately used the Gecko Travelling Wall technique and flew up. In a few moments of hard work, Du Qi had climbed up the mountain path and landed safely in front of Qin Xin.

His heart ached when he saw Qin Xin lying limply on the side of the cliff, unable to bear the pain. He put all his doubts and fears to the back of his mind and timidly asked, "Xin'er, are you crying for me?"

Qin Xin jumped in fright and couldn't help screaming out "Ah!". When she saw that the one who spoke was Du Qi, a look of surprise flashed across her face. She stood up and rushed into Du Qi's arms without a care for anything else. Du Qi, you're not dead? It scared me to death! Do you know, Dodge? I'm so scared without you! "Woo woo …"

After being hit by Qin Xin, Du Qi almost fell off the cliff again. He used all the strength in his legs to pin himself firmly onto the mountain path, preventing both of them from falling off the cliff at the same time.

When Du Qi heard Qin Xin's high-pitched cries, his heart couldn't help but soften. He felt her burning body constantly trembling in his embrace, as if his will and strength were being shaken away, as if his intelligence and soul were being shaken away. He felt his entire body becoming limp and powerless, while his heart was beating crazily, as if it was about to burst out of his chest. The wondrous feeling once again rushed to his head, and he felt a little dizzy. His heart beat even more vigorously, and his blood flowed even faster, his breathing quickened, and the dry feeling in his mouth grew stronger as well. Suddenly, he felt Qin Xin's soft lips lightly tremble on his nose, and a feeling of softness spread through his body, causing him to feel an irresistible impulse. He couldn't help but hug Qin Xin's waist even tighter, as if he wanted to take her into his body to rest.

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