Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent/C11 Hidden Dragon Lake Devil Suppression Cave!
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Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent/C11 Hidden Dragon Lake Devil Suppression Cave!
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C11 Hidden Dragon Lake Devil Suppression Cave!

A gentle breeze blew, causing ripples to appear on the calm surface of the water. On the side of the dark green pond, the young men and women were holding hands and lying motionlessly on the sand. Their feet were still soaked in the bone-piercing cold water.

The night was dispersed by the light of dawn. The warm sunlight shone on the deep pond at the bottom of the cliff. Gradually, the young woman slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. She immediately revealed a happy smile.

"Qi Zhuohao, how are you? Don't scare me!"

The young man and the young girl were Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia, who had jumped down from the cliff. There was actually a huge pond at the bottom of the cliff, which was why Nan Yudia managed to survive. She coughed out a few mouthfuls of the pond water, then stood up and dragged Qi Zhuohao onto the shore.

Qi Zhuohao's face was pale and there was no trace of life on his body. Even his heart stopped beating. Nan Yudia panicked and did not dare to hesitate. She quickly stretched out her slender hand and pressed on Qi Zhuohao's chest rhythmically.

Qi Zhuohao spat out a large amount of water from his mouth, but he did not wake up. Without thinking, Nan Yudia reached out a hand to pinch Qi Zhuohao's nose and blew at his mouth.

Nan Yudia was very worried and afraid. She was a 9th level Meridian Vessel Martial Artist. And Qi Zhuohao was only a mortal. The water saved her life. Qi Zhuohao was not so lucky. She kept doing artificial respiration for Qi Zhuohao. Tears unknowingly flowed out of her eyes!

"Cough, cough, cough..."

After a long time, a series of coughs sounded out from Qi Zhuohao's throat. Nan Yudia's eyes immediately lit up. Great, Qi Zhuohao did not die. He only passed out and entered a state of false death. Her artificial respiration was effective!

"Qi Zhuohao, you are awake. This is great!" Nan Yudia wiped away the tears on her face. Her voice was full of care and worry. Thinking back to when she did artificial respiration for Qi Zhuohao, her face immediately became shy.

Qi Zhuohao slowly opened his eyes. His consciousness returned from the darkness. Looking at Nan Yudia's smiling face, he squeezed out a smile and said weakly, "We are not dead. Our lives are really big! So cold... "

As he spoke, Qi Zhuohao fainted again. Nan Yudia's heart moved and she quickly reached out to touch Qi Zhuohao's forehead.

"It's so hot!" Nan Yudia retracted her palm and quickly took off the backpack from Qi Zhuohao's back. She took out a jade bottle from within and poured a pill into Qi Zhuohao's mouth. Qi Zhuohao was not a martial artist yet. They must have soaked in the water for a long time. The water was cold to the bone, so Qi Zhuohao caught a cold and had a fever.

Nan Yudia was not worried. A small illness like a cold was really not a problem for a martial artist. After consuming a clear fire heat dissipation pill, Qi Zhuohao's cold symptoms would be cured in half an hour!

As expected, after a quarter of an hour, Qi Zhuohao rolled up from the ground and stretched. He laughed and said, "Haha! My life is so big. I can't even die like this. Haha... I..."

Suddenly, Qi Zhuohao's voice stopped because he had already realized. Nan Yudia's eyes were staring at him unblinkingly. He had actually forgotten. There was still Nan Yudia here. His words seemed to have gone too far!

"Uh! Miss Nan, I'm really sorry. I was too happy, so..."

Qi Zhuohao hurriedly explained. Hearing this, Nan Yudia grinned and said, "It doesn't matter. Oh right, your clothes are very wet. I'll go away for a while. I'll come back after you dry your clothes."

Nan Yudia had a lot of clothes in her storage bag. She had taken advantage of the time when Qi Zhuohao was unconscious to change into dry clothes. Qi Zhuohao only had two sets of clothes, and the one in his bag was already soaked in the water.

"Okay!" Qi Zhuohao answered casually. His body was wet and he felt very uncomfortable. He had the same idea.

It was currently midsummer, and the temperature of the sun was very high. In just an hour, Qi Zhuohao's clothes were dry. Just as he put on his clothes, Nan Yudia's voice coincidentally came over.

"Qi Zhuohao, I roasted a few fish. Come over and eat quickly!"

There was a small stream not far from the pond, and there were many fish in the small stream. Nan Yudia was bored, so she grabbed a few fish. She put some firewood on the grill to roast. She was not hungry, but she knew... Qi Zhuohao must have been starving for a long time.

Qi Zhuohao responded immediately after he heard her. He packed up his backpack and ran over while smelling the fragrance. He already knew that Nan Yudia had a storage bag with all kinds of seasonings. The grilled fish must be very delicious!

Qi Zhuohao's idea was indeed not bad. Nan Yudia's method of roasting fish was quite unique. The fragrance of the seasoning made him praise endlessly. He ate five grilled fish in a row. He still wanted more, but unfortunately, he really could not eat anymore. One had to know that the fish in this small stream was very big. It was about two feet long!

"I really didn't expect Miss Nan to have such culinary skills. I admire you, I admire you!"

Nan Yudia was delighted when she heard this. She waved her hand and said, "I learned all of this from grandma. It's nothing."

"Alright, we can't stay here. We have to leave." Nan Yudia changed the topic and said.

This place was three hundred zhang tall cliffs. One look and she could tell that it was a big canyon. Nan Yudia knew very well in her heart. It was obviously impossible for them to climb up. They could only follow the downstream of the canyon to find a way out. They must not be trapped in the canyon!

Qi Zhuohao nodded his head heavily. They were going to participate in the disciple examination of the Thousand Searching Sect. Their time was limited, and they had to leave this place as soon as possible. If they delayed the disciple examination of the Thousand Searching Sect, they would suffer a great loss!

After getting up and taking a few steps, Qi Zhuohao was stunned. He pointed at the bottom of the cliff in surprise and said, "Miss Nan, look, there is a cave there. Why don't we go and take a look?"

It was a cave that was only as tall as an adult. The cave's entrance was covered by thick weeds. If one did not pay attention, they really would not be able to find it. When they were on Earth, Qi Zhuohao had read many fantasy novels. Many of them recorded that a certain protagonist fell off a cliff and got a fortuitous encounter, or that he went into a cave and got a shocking treasure. Since then, the Golden Scale Dragon Transformation, Qi Zhuohao also wanted to try his luck.

"Alright! It doesn't matter even if I take a look!" Nan Yudia was also very curious. There was actually a cave at the bottom of the cliff. She did not know if there were treasures inside. In any case, going into the cave to take a look wouldn't take too long.

When Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia walked into the cave, the two of them were instantly stunned. The cave entrance was very small, but it was very wide inside. Furthermore, there were many strange stones inside the cave that were emitting a faint red light. The cave was extremely bright!

"This cave is really a paradise, it's so beautiful!"

Qi Zhuohao couldn't help but sigh. He walked into the cave first. The cave was very deep, and he couldn't see the end of it. After walking for about seven minutes, he and Nan Yudia finally arrived at the end of the cave.

Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia were stunned when they arrived there. At the end of the cave, there was a round stone platform. The stone platform was carved with exquisite and profound patterns, and in the four directions of the stone platform, there were statues of different shapes, and above the stone platform... A saber and a sword floated in the air, and the saber and sword emitted a faint red and grey glow. It was extremely beautiful!

The four statues were only three feet tall. They were in the shape of dragons, tigers, phoenixes, and turtles. Qi Zhuohao did not know what they represented. But Nan Yudia was experienced and knowledgeable, and she knew that they were the statues of the four sacred beasts.

The four sacred beasts were the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise. They were also known as the Four Sacred Beasts. Together with the stone platform and the two swords, they were called the Four Sacred Beasts. Nan Yudia quickly thought that this should be a formation! And it should be a sealing formation!

Qi Zhuohao's gaze stopped on the sword and could not move away. The sword was completely grey and was about four feet long. There were exquisite patterns carved on the sword and the hilt was like a peacock with its tail open. It was beautiful and beautiful!

The blade was only about three feet long and it was completely fiery red. The handle of the sword was like rosy clouds and appeared somewhat strange. There were no patterns on the blade. It was very narrow and thin, and it was curved upwards. On one side, there were four simple and unadorned words carved - Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade!

Qi Zhuohao deeply liked this Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade the moment he saw it. Unconsciously, he ran over quickly and directly held the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade and the sword in his hand.

"Don't move!" Nan Yudia was shocked in her heart. She hurriedly said to stop Qi Zhuohao, but it was already too late. Qi Zhuohao had already held the sword in his hand. She was lost for a moment. He had actually let Qi Zhuohao destroy the sealing formation. This was going to be troublesome.

Nan Yudia reacted quickly and ran over. She pulled Qi Zhuohao and ran towards the cave entrance. She did not know what was sealed in this sealing formation. But she knew very well that this saber and sword were part of the sealing formation. Qi Zhuohao had taken away the sword and saber, which was equivalent to breaking the formation. If the seal was completely destroyed... Then the consequences will be unimaginable!

Qi Zhuohao was very depressed. Suddenly, the cave trembled, followed by an aged voice.

"Haha! I really didn't expect that this old man would actually see the light of day once more. Within a hundred years, this old man will be able to break the seal. You fools of the vast wilderness, wait for this old man. Your end is not far..."

Only at this moment did Qi Zhuohao understand that he had caused trouble. Fortunately, the owner of the voice did not harm them, otherwise...

After running out of the cave, Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia finally heaved a sigh of relief. On the side of the cave, there was actually a stone tablet. They were very surprised. When they entered, they did not see this stone tablet!

"Hidden Dragon Pond, Devil Suppression Cave!"

Seeing the six big words on the stone tablet, Nan Yudia immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. This is the Devil Suppression Cave In Hidden Dragon Pond, my god! Qi Zhuohao had caused a huge disaster. The two of them... He will become a sinner of Great Desolate Mansion!

When he heard Nan Yudia's gasp, Qi Zhuohao was puzzled and quickly asked, "Miss Nan, have you heard of Devil Suppression Cave In Hidden Dragon Pond?"

"Let's leave this place first!" Nan Yudia sighed and looked back at the cave. Her eyes were full of fear.

After walking along the valley for a mile, Qi Zhuohao asked about the Devil Suppression Cave In Hidden Dragon Pond again. He really did not understand why Nan Yudia was so afraid. He only took away the knife and sword in the cave. Even if he got into trouble, it would be a small problem.

Hearing this, Nan Yudia's tone became serious and said, "Qi Zhuohao, we got into big trouble. Do you know what kind of place Hidden Dragon Pond and Devil Suppression Cave are? That is the place where the Great Desolate's seniors and major powers suppressed the evil Baili Yinfeng a thousand years ago!"

"The blade and sword in your hand are part of the formation that sealed that devil. If you take them away, it means that the formation has been destroyed. Once the evil Baili Yinfeng breaks the formation, it will be a disaster for the Great Desolate!" Nan Yudia continued.

Nan Yudia's tone was very solemn. The devil Baili Yinfeng's strength was unfathomable. A thousand years ago, the seniors of the Great Desolate were unable to kill him. Instead, they had paid a painful price to seal him with the formation. Once Baili Yinfeng broke the formation and came out... Nan Yudia did not dare to think about the consequences.

"Qi Zhuohao, you should have heard the voice just now. He is the devil Baili Yinfeng. He can slaughter the entire Great Desolate!"

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