Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent/C3 The Purple Gas Entered His Body
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Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent/C3 The Purple Gas Entered His Body
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C3 The Purple Gas Entered His Body

The sky was filled with flying snow and cold wind. The two Horned Horse Chariots were flying at high speed.

In one Horned Horse Chariot, there was only Qi Zhuohao and the blue-clothed girl. Looking at Qi Zhuohao who was still trembling, the girl laughed lightly. She said, "Qi Zhuohao, you are really a special person. Quickly put on the white tiger skin! Don't freeze to death!"

"Thank you!" Receiving the white tiger skin, Qi Zhuohao cast a grateful look at the young girl. Fortunately, he met the young girl. Otherwise, his fate would definitely be miserable. The young lady had saved his life, and he would have a chance in the future... He had to repay the girl.

After wrapping the white tiger skin around his body, the coldness gradually disappeared. Qi Zhuohao enjoyed the warm feeling. He lowered his head and recalled what had happened today. His heart was unable to calm down for a long time!

On Earth, when Qi Zhuohao was young, a huge earthquake caused him to lose his family. It was already a foregone conclusion that he had transmigrated to Hongwu Continent. There was nothing on Earth that Qi Zhuohao would miss. He swore to himself that he would integrate into this world and become a martial artist!

Qi Zhuohao had been poor all his life and lived a mediocre life. Now that he had come to this world of martial artists, he had to change the past. He had to become a true powerful person, and he could no longer be looked down upon or oppressed by others.

"An ancient map, a distant legend, a mysterious ancient tomb, a strange coffin..."

Qi Zhuohao sighed in his heart. He smiled bitterly in his heart. He had never thought that... He was taken to another world by a coffin. However, Hong Tianlei had a completely different fate. If this matter was told to others... Who would believe it?

"Qi Zhuohao, my name is Nan, Gong... Nan Yudia. You seem to have suffered some kind of stimulation and lost your memory. But don't worry, you still remember your name. Perhaps you can recover your memory."

Nan Yudia looked at Qi Zhuohao. Her words touched Qi Zhuohao very much. Nan Yudia did not doubt him. Instead, she cared about him a lot. They had just met by chance. This proved that Nan Yudia was a very kind person!

Nan Yudia was covered by a veil. Qi Zhuohao could not see her face. Qi Zhuohao thought, Nan Yudia must be very beautiful!

"Thank you for Miss Nan's concern! Oh right. Miss Nan, where are you going? "Qi Zhuohao thanked her and then asked her a question. He could not continue to be so confused. He had to have a goal.

Nan Yudia did not hide anything and replied directly, "We are going to Thousand Stars County. I heard that Thousand Searching Sect in Thousand Stars County is recruiting disciples this year. I want to try. If I can join the Thousand Searching Sect, my strength will be greatly enhanced! "

"Thousand Stars County? Thousand Searching Sect?" Qi Zhuohao was at a loss. That dream had only given him the language, culture, and other things of the Hongwu Continent. There were many things in the Hongwu Continent, but his mind was blank. For example, he knew nothing about cultivation. He was a complete layman.

Nan Yudia laughed and shook her head. "I forgot that you lost your memory. I'm sorry!"

Nan Yudia's expression turned serious. She continued, "Qi Zhuohao, let me tell you about it! Thousand Stars County was only a small county city in Great Desolate Mansion, but... The Thousand Searching Sect in Thousand Stars County is a formidable Yellow Level Sect, and not only are they the genius warriors of Thousand Stars County. Even the geniuses of the nearby counties would fight to be the first to join the Thousand Searching Sect!"

" Is the Thousand Searching Sect really that powerful? "Qi Zhuohao was very surprised. He seemed to have found his first target after coming to the Hongwu Continent. That was to join the Thousand Searching Sect to cultivate. However, would the Thousand Searching Sect recruit an ordinary person like him?

" Miss Nan, what are the conditions for the Thousand Searching Sect to recruit disciples? "Qi Zhuohao asked with a look of anticipation.

After hearing Qi Zhuohao's words, Nan Yudia immediately understood. She knew that Qi Zhuohao also wanted to join the Thousand Searching Sect. She felt helpless about it. She replied, "The recruitment of disciples in the Thousand Searching Sect depends entirely on one's talent and comprehension. Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to become a Meridian Vessel martial artist first. A Vessel martial artist is the lowest level of martial artists, just like me. It's only at the 9th level of Meridian Vessel! "

"Forget it. You won't understand even if I tell you all this. You have lost your memory. It is necessary for you to understand the situation of the continent once again. This is a note from Hongwu. Take a closer look. It will be of great help to you."

Nan Yudia said. She took out a thick ancient book from somewhere and handed it to Qi Zhuohao. Seeing this, Qi Zhuohao did not dare to hesitate. He quickly took the book and thanked her before carefully reading it.

Immersed in the vast content of Hongwu's note, Qi Zhuohao gradually forgot the time. The notes of Hongwu were very complicated, but they were very useful. There were even records of martial artists' cultivation.

After reading the notes in the Hongwu, Qi Zhuohao had a new understanding of the Hongwu Continent. Hongwu Continent It was divided into five regions, and each region was incomparably vast. The Great Desolate Mansion was a prefecture under the jurisdiction of the Wuze Region. The Thousand Stars County was a small county city within the Great Desolate Mansion. There were not only cultivators in the Hongwu Continent, but also Mortal Beast and Demonic Beast. There were even soul spectral cultivators.

Among the warriors, there were also some sub-occupations, such as alchemist, blacksmith, Formation Master and Beast Tamer. These sub-occupations were very profitable and were respected by others. However, it was very difficult to become an alchemist and so on!

What Qi Zhuohao was most concerned about was cultivation. The realm of the warriors in Hongwu Continent. From low to high, they were divided into nine major realms, namely Meridian Vessel, Essence Condensation, Spirit Accumulation, Huayuan, and so on. Each major realm. The difficulty of cultivation could be imagined.

One. A martial artist at the fourth level of Meridian Vessel could kill an ordinary livestock with a single punch. Meridians Vessel was the realm of opening the meridians in the body and stimulating the martial artist's own potential. The strength of Meridian Vessel Realm was reflected in the strength, agility, and Defensive Strength of the physical body!

Although Nan Yudia was only a 15-16 year old girl, she was a genius at the 9th level of Meridian Opening Realm. With just a finger, she could kill Qi Zhuohao. The world of martial artists had deeply attracted Qi Zhuohao.

Of course, it was rare to see a 15-16 year old genius like Nan Yudia who had cultivated to the 9th level of the Pulse Enrichment realm. A 15-16 year old martial artist with average talent could cultivate to the 3rd level of the Meridians Vessel. Just like Qi Zhuohao, who had transmigrated from another world, he was 18 years old and still could not enter the threshold of the Meridian Vessel Realm. Those were all the mortals of Hongwu Continent. If they could not cultivate, they would never be able to rise!

"Miss Nan, thank you. I will return it to you!" Qi Zhuohao passed the note of Hongwu to Nan Yudia. Currently, he was looking forward to the path of martial arts. He just did not know that his constitution, aptitude, and comprehension were... Did he have the qualifications to cultivate martial arts?

Seemingly seeing through Qi Zhuohao's worries, Nan Yudia took the note from Hongwu. She took out a crystal and said, "Qi Zhuohao, I can see that you really want to cultivate. I also know that. You have never cultivated before, even though your age has passed the best time to cultivate Meridian. However, if you can cultivate, you can slowly make up for it. Now, try your affinity with spiritual energy!"

After reading the description of Hongwu, Qi Zhuohao understood that Nan Yudia definitely had a storage bag with her. The storage bag was a spatial treasure that stored items. It was very precious. From this, it could be seen that Nan Yudia's identity was not simple.

This was a completely transparent nine-pointed crystal. Its name was Spirit Assessing Stone. Martial artists absorbed the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth to cultivate, and the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth was divided into nine attributes. The nine attributes were Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. They were Wind, Darkness, Ice, and Thunder. They only had blind dates with the attributes of the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. Otherwise, even if you can become a martial artist at the Meridian Vessel stage, you will still be able to become a martial artist. One would not be able to cultivate the subsequent cultivation methods. In the end, one would still be an ordinary person.

Using the Spirit Assessing Stone to test the spiritual energy affinity was very simple. One only needed to hold the Spirit Assessing Stone in their hands. Then, he would use his consciousness to sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He would be able to sense which attribute the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was of. The Spirit Assessing Stone would emit a corresponding colored light to prove that the test subject had affinity with it. The deeper the color of the Spirit Assessment Stone's light, the higher the affinity.

For example, the tester could sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the Spirit Assessing Stone emitted a fiery red light. Moreover, the color of the light was very deep, which meant that the tester had a very high affinity with the fire-attribute spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He had a bright future ahead of him! If the Spirit Assessment Stone emitted a faint blue light, it would prove that the tester had an affinity with the water-type natural spiritual energy. However, his affinity was extremely low, and his aptitude was mediocre!

Physiques and aptitude were closely related. Different physiques and aptitudes... There were also some people with extraordinary talent who decided the direction of martial artists' cultivation in the future. To be able to sense multiple types of spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth at the same time, such a genius... It was extremely rare to be called an abnormal martial artist!

Consciousness was a special ability that everyone was born with. It allowed martial artists to sense things that were invisible to the naked eye. If the tester could not even sense the world's spirit energy, then it proved that the tester's perception was extremely low. He was a trash!

Qi Zhuohao held the Spirit Assessing Stone in his hand. His heart felt uneasy. Only he knew that he was from another world. Did he have any consciousness? He didn't even know if he could sense the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth like this.

"Qi Zhuohao, don't be anxious. Relax and close your eyes. Carefully sense your surroundings. As long as your perception isn't too bad, you should be able to sense the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth!"

Nan Yudia instructed. Qi Zhuohao took a deep breath and tried his best to calm his heart. He slowly closed his eyes. However, his surroundings were dark. Qi Zhuohao couldn't see where the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth was.

"Could it be that there is no consciousness in the bodies of the people on Earth? So they can't sense the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth? "

Qi Zhuohao's heart gradually sank as he thought of this. More than half an hour had passed, but he still couldn't sense a trace of the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. It seemed like his comprehension ability was really poor, and he didn't have the qualifications to cultivate the Martial Dao!

"Could it be that I came here from another world just to die a superior death in Hongwu Continent, and live a mediocre life?"

Qi Zhuohao shouted in his heart, cursing the injustice of the heavens. His heart was filled with unwillingness. Even though he was brought to Hongwu Continent by the Fire Crystal Coffin, he still wanted to live a mediocre life. What was the difference between this and living a miserable life on Earth?

However, just as Qi Zhuohao was about to give up, the Fire Crystal Coffin in his arm suddenly glowed with a bright red light. Following that, the sky above the ice plains was filled with violent winds and dark clouds. A ray of purple light descended from the sky and entered Qi Zhuohao's body in the blink of an eye.

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