Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent/C8 Heart Beauty Not Ugly
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Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent/C8 Heart Beauty Not Ugly
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C8 Heart Beauty Not Ugly

These few middle-aged men were the experts of the Wen family in Taihee Town. The man with the mustache was Wen Tao's father, Wen Bishi. He was also the patriarch of the Wen family. He looked at Wen Tao's corpse. Wen Bishi's face was filled with killing intent and resentment.

"Elders, for today's matter, it's better for us to not act rashly. Evil devils are not something we can afford to offend. You should investigate the origin of this devil first, then we will report this matter to the County Lord! "

Wen Tao was dead. Wen Bimu was furious and sad, but he didn't lose his mind. The means of the devil was beyond his imagination. He didn't dare to personally seek revenge from that devil. He had to rely on the hands of the County Lord of Thousand Stars County.

"Yes, Family Head, we will do it right away!" A few middle-aged men answered hastily. They didn't dare to chase after that Flame Evil Devil.

Qi Zhuohao had used almost all of his strength. The experts of Wen family had already arrived, and the profound strength in his heart was rapidly decreasing. He didn't dare to be neglectful. He had to take advantage of the fact that he could still maintain the Fire God's Fury state to escape from Taihee Town.

Qi Zhuohao was very clear in his heart that once his profound strength was exhausted, with him being a mortal, he absolutely wouldn't be able to escape from the Taihee Town. He was very nervous and anxious because he didn't know whether the experts from the Wen family had caught up or not.

He carried Nan Yudia and ran at full speed. Wherever Qi Zhuohao passed... To them, Flame Evil Devil was like the king of hell. They were all praying in their hearts that Flame Evil Devil would not hurt them!

Qi Zhuohao had no time to pay attention to the terrified expressions of the people of Taihee Town. He did not want to do this either, but there was nothing he could do! After rushing out of Taihee Town in one breath, he finally let out a sigh of relief. And at this time, the profound energy in his angry heart had already been exhausted. The profound fire around his body disappeared and he returned to his original appearance.

Nan Yudia had already fainted. While she was worried, Qi Zhuohao carried Nan Yudia and rushed into a dense forest. Not long after, he really did not have any strength and directly fell with Nan Yudia under a large tree.

Nan Yudia only weighed about 90 kilograms, and with the Fire God's Fury status removed, Qi Zhuohao was just an ordinary person. He could carry Nan Yudia and run three to four miles in the forest. It was already his limit.

Qi Zhuohao gasped for breath. He really wanted to lie on the ground and rest, but he knew he could not do that. Nan Yudia was seriously injured. If he did not control and regulate her, Nan Yudia might not be able to sleep.

Qi Zhuohao was definitely a layman when it came to healing. There was nothing he could do about it. He could only rummage through Nan Yudia's backpack, hoping to find some healing pills. The heavens did not disappoint those who were willing to work hard. Indeed, Qi Zhuohao found a bottle of pills - healing pills!

The pill was refined by an alchemist, and the Medicinal Pill was refined by an alchemist. In fact, an alchemist was the lowest level Mortal Rank alchemist. Only Earth Rank alchemists could be considered true alchemists!

Mortal Rank alchemists were divided into three grades. The Treatment Pill was a second grade Mortal Rank pill. Only alchemists above the second grade of Mortal Rank could concoct it.

After pouring out two Healing Pills, Qi Zhuohao opened Nan Yudia's mouth and put the Healing Pill into her mouth. He also took out a pot of clear water from his backpack and poured it into Nan Yudia's mouth, helping her to swallow the Healing Pill.

After doing all of this, Qi Zhuohao was shocked to see that Nan Yudia's face, which was as pale as paper, quickly had a trace of blood on it. Moreover, it was slowly recovering its red color. He sighed in his heart. The effect of the healing pills was indeed powerful!

Letting out a slight sigh of relief, Qi Zhuohao looked at Nan Yudia's face. He originally thought that Nan Yudia was too beautiful and did not want to cause trouble because of her appearance. That was why he used a veil to cover his face. He did not expect that Nan Yudia was trying to cover up her ugly appearance.

To be honest, Qi Zhuohao looked at Nan Yudia's ugly face. He also felt slightly nauseous. This face really did not dare to flatter. However, Nan Yudia was kind and had a beautiful heart. This made Qi Zhuohao let go of the grudges and discrimination in his heart!

Leaning against the big tree to recover his strength, Qi Zhuohao patiently waited for Nan Yudia to wake up. After a full four hours, Nan Yudia finally opened her eyes and sat up. Her injuries were fine, but she was still very weak.

"Miss Nan, you are awake. This is great!"

Qi Zhuohao walked over and asked. Nan Yudia quickly turned her face and said, "Qi Zhuohao, thank you for saving me. I am so ugly. You, you should leave!"

"Miss Nan, how can you think that? I admit that your face is very ugly, but what is it? Your heart is very kind, compared to those beautiful faces. However, your heart is like a snake's scorpion. Not only are you not ugly, you are also very beautiful!"

As he spoke, Qi Zhuohao extended both hands to hold Nan Yudia's cheeks. He continued, "Miss Nan, the ugliness and beauty of her appearance are actually not important. If a person's heart is ugly, then that is true ugliness. If you reject yourself, who in this world would dare to accept you? "

As a high school student of Huaxia, Qi Zhuohao's academic results were excellent. He was eloquent, and not bad at all. Of course, what he said was from the bottom of his heart. Men cared about a woman's appearance, but they cared more about a woman's heart. A woman's heart was beautiful, but a person was not ugly!

Qi Zhuohao was the only person who did not care about her appearance other than Nan Yudia's family. Nan Yudia was very touched. What Qi Zhuohao said was right. Even she herself could not accept this appearance. Who would be friends with her?

"Thank you, Qi Zhuohao!" Nan Yudia unconsciously reached out and grabbed the back of Qi Zhuohao's hand. Her eyes were a little moist.

Seeing this, Qi Zhuohao laughed and said, "That's right. Remember, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Believe in yourself!"

"En!" Nan Yudia replied softly. Then she let go of Qi Zhuohao and asked, "Qi Zhuohao, do you know why my face became like this?"

Hearing this, Qi Zhuohao sat in front of Nan Yudia and shook his head. "I don't know. Can you tell me?"

Nan Yudia sighed slowly and said, "Before I was six years old, my face was very normal. On the day I was six years old, my face suddenly became like this. Father and the others said that I was poisoned by a strange poison!"

Every time Nan Yudia thought of her face, she felt as if a knife was twisting in her heart. She was originally a stunning beauty, but she had been poisoned without any warning. She had become Ugly Girl, a person who hated seeing people. She forced herself to smile, but the pain in her heart, who understood?

"She was poisoned? Miss Nan, could it be that there is no antidote to this kind of poison? "Qi Zhuohao said in surprise. Poison could usually be cured with an antidote. Nan Yudia had an extraordinary background, so why didn't she look for an antidote to restore her original appearance?

" This kind of strange poison doesn't have an antidote. It is said that there is only one poison doctor in the world who can cure this kind of poison with a mysterious needle technique. As for that poison doctor, my father and the others have been searching for more than ten years, but they still haven't found him. "

Changing the topic, Nan Yudia said, "Alright, let's not talk about this matter. You better tell me, are you really a devil?"

As long as a martial artist saw Qi Zhuohao's previous appearance, they would think that he was a demon. But, for some reason? Nan Yudia did not believe that Qi Zhuohao was a devil. If Qi Zhuohao was a devil, why would he save her?

Evil demons only knew how to kill. They did not have a shred of pity in their hearts. Since Qi Zhuohao risked his life to save her, Nan Yudia had no reason to doubt him.

Although Qi Zhuohao's body was full of oddities, Nan Yudia could tell that Qi Zhuohao wasn't a bad person!

"Miss Nan, you must believe me. I really am not a devil. I also don't know how to explain this matter to you. You just need to understand that this is a special ability of mine."

Qi Zhuohao felt helpless in his heart. He didn't know how to explain the matter of the Fire Crystal Coffin and Zang Tian's Fury to Nan Yudia. Furthermore, this was his secret. He didn't want to tell anyone, including Nan Yudia.

"Qi Zhuohao, you don't need to explain. I believe you!"

Nan Yudia paused for a moment and continued, "However, Qi Zhuohao, just believing you is useless. What would others think of you? You don't need to say anything to understand that others will definitely think that you are a devil. You also know that demons are the public enemy of martial artists. Therefore, from now on, you don't need to use your special abilities in front of others. Do you understand? "

"Thank you for your reminder, Miss Nan. I understand!" Qi Zhuohao had learned about the devils from the notes in Hongwu. When he casted the Fire God's Fury... It seemed like he couldn't use the Fire God's Fury as he pleased in the future.

Qi Zhuohao knew in his heart that he wasn't a devil, a devil wasn't as powerful and divine as him! However, it was useless for him to explain. Once the experts of Thousand Stars County found out about his condition, he would definitely be hunted down. He would die without a burial ground!

Nodding her head slightly, Nan Yudia took out a few healing pills and consumed them. After that, she took out a black veil and covered her face.

"Qi Zhuohao, my injuries have not fully recovered. Once I have recovered, we will continue our journey."

Nan Yudia instructed and she did not speak to Qi Zhuohao anymore. Instead, she circulated her cultivation technique to treat her injuries. Seeing this, Qi Zhuohao helplessly shook his head. It seemed that Nan Yudia still did not let go of the matter of her ugly face!

Sitting on the side of the big tree, Qi Zhuohao recalled what had happened today. Wen Tao was the first person he killed. He did not know why. Before he killed Wen Tao, he was very afraid. But now, he had truly killed Wen Tao. That feeling had disappeared without a trace.

In fact, he even unconsciously fell in love with the feeling of killing Qi Zhuohao. Of course, this didn't mean that Qi Zhuohao was bloodthirsty by nature. He wasn't an evil person. The person he wanted to kill was a person who deserved to die, just like the evil people like Wen Tao!

Speaking of which, the reason why Qi Zhuohao was able to kill Wen Tao was because Wen Tao was scared silly by his appearance. His heart was filled with fear and helplessness, and secondly, Wen Tao had really reached the point of being at the end of his rope. He had no ability to fight back. He had used the Fire God's Fury!

The sun was setting in the west, and the night was falling! Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia relied on the weak moonlight to slowly walk on the official road leading to the Thousand Stars County. The reason they chose to walk at night was because they were afraid that the Wen family would discover their tracks.

Nan Yudia was a warrior at the ninth layer of Meridian Vessel Transformation and had night vision. The journey at night was like daytime. Qi Zhuohao was only a mortal and did not have night vision. Fortunately, he had the Spiritual Sense and it was not a problem for him to travel at night.

Originally, Nan Yudia planned to buy two Horned Horse and they would be able to reach Thousand Stars County very quickly. However, after Wen Tao's matter, they did not dare to return to Taihee Town and could only walk to Thousand Stars County.

Luckily, Taihee Town was only 300 miles away from Thousand Stars County and was not too far away!

At night, there were very few pedestrians passing by on the official road. Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia walked quickly. In the middle of the night, a wave of sleepiness hit them. Qi Zhuohao said weakly, "Miss Nan, there seems to be a village in front of us. Let's go and sleep for a night."

A mile ahead, there were lamps flickering. There was a small village there!

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