Beautiful Female CEO Loved Me/C16 Accumulation
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Beautiful Female CEO Loved Me/C16 Accumulation
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C16 Accumulation

Heavens, that was a collection that had accumulated for five to six years. A collection like that would sell for at least eight thousand yuan. I felt a little uncomfortable, as if I had fallen in love for the first time. The only difference was that I didn't recover for that long, and after taking a shower, I had already figured it out. Since he was past puberty, he should just focus on actual combat. Why would he need to read a magazine? Forget about the money, let's just treat it as a waste of money.

There was nothing left to pack in the house. I lay on the couch and watched TV, planning what to do tomorrow. He would definitely continue to buy things. After that, he would buy a laptop. He would go to the store manager to pay for the broadband service. He would also end up losing money!

I was tired. Seeing that it was already 12 o'clock, I immediately turned off the TV and went to sleep. The first day of sleep in this new house was a little unsteady. Moreover, one could always hear faint sounds of movement outside the door. It seemed like there was nothing new after listening carefully. It took a long time for him to fall asleep …

The night passed unknowingly, the morning sun shone in from outside the window, I woke up, didn't get up immediately, but dilly-dally until ten o'clock. The first thing I did when I woke up was to stretch my muscles, wash up, change my clothes, and go out. When I looked closely, I saw that they were all condoms, at least a few thousand of them. And they all looked like inferior products.

There was no corridor outside and several large cartons were stuck inside the door frame. As the door opened, all the condoms naturally fell down quickly. If this thing contained poisonous gas, then I would be the first person to be killed by the condom!

There was no doubt that this was Lin Yinger's doing. As long as it was a few thousand, only that Great Demon Girl had the free money and mental state to take revenge. Buy a bottle of 502 and seal the door, or seal the keyhole, or put red oil in big letters? Must use condoms, and thousands of them, how much of a waste? What a lunatic! What I don't understand the most is that Lin Yinger is actually able to find the right door, I didn't bring her up here right? With so many floors and so many residents, how could she possibly find them …?

Before I could think of the reason, my phone suddenly rang. It was Ming Caichen who called: "Brother, are you at home? I'm outside the sector. "

I asked, "What do you want?"

"If you ask me, I'll go up. I've already finished the Schedule, so I'll take it for you to help me take a look. Are you there?" "Un, see you later!"

After hanging up the phone, I sent Lin Yinger a short message: Great witch, you are ruthless. Then she threw the phone aside and tore out the boxes. The condoms were all kicked into the living room, and the whole shoe was covered in oil. It was extremely disgusting.

Ming Caichen went upstairs, seeing the mess all over, he had a strange expression on his face: "Bro, you're planning to open a poor quality condom workshop?" After I explain the whole situation, Ming Caichen laughed loudly and said, "So cute? I'd like to meet this woman. It should be interesting to talk to her, right? "

I disdainfully said, "You're such a lowly person."

"Everyone has their own ambitions, what's there to think about?" Ming Caichen pulled me to the sofa and sat down, "I'll think about how to deal with the condoms then. I'll first take a look at the Schedule, I wrote it all night long and still haven't slept, but I'm very energetic. If you think it's okay, I'll go and take a look at the rental matters later …"

I shivered. "You don't have to do that, right?" Do you dare to think clearly before doing anything? "

Ming Caichen passed a portion of Schedule in his hands to me: "I've already thought about it all night, and you think I haven't thought it through clearly? Take a look first. "

Although the large pile of condoms in front of me was making me anxious, I still helped Ming Caichen look at the Schedule. Even though it was written in an unprofessional manner and there was no format at all, the content was definitely eye-catching and refreshing. All kinds of analyses were very reasonable, and there were no exaggerations in it.

Just as I finished reading, Ming Caichen asked impatiently: "How is it?" Seeing me nod, he immediately revealed a joyful smile. "Then hurry up and help me change it. Make it more formal so that I can take the loan. After that, we can gather some money …"

"Why should I? I'm not free. "

"You're a professional talent, so it's impossible for me to change it!" Ming Caichen smiled sinisterly, "That's why I'm doing PR work, like making loans. Do you remember we have a classmate? Duan Ping, she works in the bank and is only involved in loan business. "

I recalled, I really can't remember what Duan Ping looked like.

Ming Caichen said: "Sister Steel Teeth with glasses, do you remember? The one behind me, I've already told her, there should be no problem, or the lowest interest rate. However, everything still depends on the Schedule. Everything depends on you, I want it on Monday, and today is Saturday. You only have this one or two days' time. "

"I didn't promise you, did I? "Besides, if two days aren't enough, I still have to deal with these condoms. This is more than enough for me, unless you …"

"Don't try to trick me." Ming Caichen immediately got up from the sofa and walked out the door, "I'm going, you handle it yourself, see you next Monday …"

I took off my leather shoes and threw it at him. At the same time, I cursed, "Ungrateful bastard, I'll smash you to death …"

After that, I went to the supermarket and bought some things that Qiao Nan had brought back. I had already seen a man pushing a tricycle outside the district's gate, and that was the porter, I brought him to my house and spent 400 yuan on the condoms. I felt that if I wanted to take revenge on this, I must definitely not let Lin Yinger off lightly, but I must think of a clever way to make Lin Yinger suffer a loss.

After a short rest, I began to clean the greasy, smelly living room. It took me more than half an hour to restore it to its original appearance. It was two o'clock by then, and my stomach was growling with hunger. I hastily took out a bottle of air freshener and sprayed the whole house once, then opened all the windows and went out.

There was a saying that was very true: if one was unlucky enough to drink water, they could choke to death. Today, I really felt it. Just as I finished lunch and was about to take a taxi to Computer City, a sportscar drove towards me at a breakneck speed, stopping only a few inches away from hitting me. Through the windshield, I could clearly see that the person sitting inside the Driver was Mingyue, a Mingyue who had a complacent look on her face.

I chose the latter between turning around to leave and opening the window to curse at Mingyue. I walked over to the Driver and knocked on the window: "What, Zhang, do you know how to drive? And are you sure your eyesight is normal? Suitable for driving? "

Mingyue said, "Are you being polite? My name is Brightmoon. "

"I don't care what your name is, you almost bumped into me, do you understand?"

"Is that so?" Brightmoon said indifferently, "So what? So what? The road isn't yours, why are you standing out there? You want to pengci, don't you? "Come, roll twice on the ground for me to see."

I was already in a bad mood, so I exploded with anger. However, I knew that I had to control my emotions more and more at this moment. I took a deep breath and instead revealed a smile, "You think having a car is amazing, don't you? It's great to drive fast, isn't it? "If you have the guts, get out of the car. Get out right now."

"Why should I?"

"You have no seed."

"Who said that?" Mingyue got off the car. She thought that if I wanted to kill her, she wouldn't dare to do it, so she wanted to get off. "So what if I did, I want to fight?"

Fighting? What a joke, this is a busy road and there are already people stopping to watch the commotion. Even if Mingyue is a man, I still wouldn't do anything. What's more, it's a woman? I'm not stupid enough to make a scene. I pulled Mingyue into the Driver and at first, Mingyue didn't know what to do. When I finally reacted, I was already seated, but she suddenly opened her eyes and pulled at my lapels, looking as if she was about to use violence: "What? Are you trying to rob a car? "

I shrugged off her hand and said, "Cut the crap. If you have the guts, get in the car. If you don't have the balls, apologize to me."

Mingyue laughed coldly, "What a joke. Do you really need me to apologize to you? Get out of my car, or I'll scream for the car. "

"You can also shout 'molest' along the way and shout it out. See if the crowd believes you or not."

Mingyue looked around at the people watching and really did not dare to shout, so she finally made the decision to get on the carriage. She quickly got on a pair of Driver s from the other side, and the moment she sat down, she sneered: "Have you driven a car before? Can you drive? "

I didn't answer. I studied the buttons on the bridge for a moment, then closed my eyes and tried to imitate it before I buckled my seat belt.

Mingyue said with a look of disdain, "You don't know how to put on an act."

"You're looking down on people with your dog eyes. Don't say that I didn't warn you in advance. You'd better obediently buckle your seat belt."

"Who are you calling a dog?"

"Who answered?"

"You, you, you …" Mingyue raised her palm and wanted to slap me, but she didn't dare to do so. In the end, she swallowed her anger and buckled up her seat belt, "I'm warning you, if you crash, you can pay me back, but I don't think you can afford it. Just wash your ass and go to jail."

"Look at you, acting like a dog, talking like a dog with organs, do you know what reserve is? And from what you're saying, you really want me to go to jail if I crash into it, don't you? It's rare to see someone as unreserved and vicious as you. " I was speechless with this woman. She was in the car herself, and she was thinking about a little grudge.

Brightmoon's face darkened as she gnashed her teeth in anger.

I didn't want to talk anymore, so I put the car in gear and drove out, slowly, because I had to be familiar with the operation, and when I turned onto the quiet road, I started to speed up, faster and faster, and then I started to go berserk. I didn't slow down, I started to drift, and for a moment the road I passed was full of people shouting curses and people taking pictures with their cell phones, but I couldn't get a clear picture of it because the car was moving so fast and in the blink of an eye.

Mingyue had long since lost her composure from fright. She closed her eyes and grabbed the handle of the car door with both hands, screaming loudly when I turned the corner, but that was not enough for me. In the end, I wanted to make her puke so that she would know what it meant to drive fast. As I drove toward the suburbs, the road became more and more deserted, but gradually sirens began to sound behind me, and the loudspeakers were calling for me to stop. Can I stop? Unless I want to be detained.

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