Cloning the Cosmos/C5 Beauty, Food, And Money!
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Cloning the Cosmos/C5 Beauty, Food, And Money!
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C5 Beauty, Food, And Money!

Gibson Weapon Shop:

Since Mr. Gibson wasn't willing to eat, Rasul could only thank the gods for helping him save some coins.

Noticing that no one else was in the store, Rasul felt relief wash over him. "Mr. Gibson, do you have some inferior spirit stones?"

"You want to buy inferior spirit stones?" When Gibson heard Rasul, he raised his eyebrows and asked in a puzzled tone.

Like established before, inferior stones were only used by low-level Daniel Refining martial artists. Level-4 and above held nothing but disdain for them. Also, inferior stones were no different than ordinary stones to the general public—completely useless, to say. All in all, cold hard cash triumphed over inferior stones any day.

As for Rasul... He was kind of a freak. After all, he had the best talent in the entire Daniel Country's history, but he couldn't cultivate due to damaged meridians. So, stuff like inferior stones couldn't be more useless to him.

"Yes, I want to buy some inferior stones. Mr. Gibson, I wonder if you any stones leftover after today's sells."

This young man surnamed Gibson was one of the Gibson family's disciples. Despite being a member of one of the three great families—the Gibson family—he was just like Rasul, a bottom feeder. His talent was middle Level-10, and the biggest highlight of his life was reaching the Daniel Refining level.

Thanks to all that, this Gibson guy had no desire left to cultivate. He now wanted to live like an ordinary human, earning money and women—especially women.

For Gibson, if he had to choose between gold coins and inferior spirit stones, he would prefer money 11 out of 10 times.

"You are willing to buy the leftover inferior stones?" Initially, Gibson was a bit impatient. But after hearing the offer, he showed a broad grin.

Gibson guy thought Rasul was just like him. He had Level-10 talent, and Rasul was a cripple. In his eyes, they would both amount to nothing in their entire lives.

He knew that Rasul lost the use of his top-tier talent due to the aftermath of some battle between mighty experts. So, he was puzzled as to why Rasul would buy inferior stones. Shouldn't a cripple like him also save money since it was paramount and could literally secure anyone's life?

Of course, this was what Gibson thought. He would sure as hell not speak it. After all, someone was willing to buy his inferior stones, so why would he reject them? Money and the happiness that money brought over were way more valuable than any mystery that he might've had.

"Of course, I want to buy those stones," Rasul nodded and replied.

"I have 30 inferior spirit stones. Their current market price is about 11 gold coins. Just give me 300 gold coins. Consider it a discounted price." After this guy surnamed Gibson received Rasul's affirmative answer, he pondered for a moment before replying.

'300 gold coins!'

Rasul secretly calculated in his heart. The price Gibson gave was indeed fair.

To cultivators, objects that had spiritual Daniel were the essential foundation for cultivation. Money to them was literally dirt, especially to the stronger ones. They could earn hundreds and thousands of gold coins by killing a few strange beasts.

The actual market price of an inferior stone was 12 gold coins, so Gibson price was more than fair.

"The price is fair." Rasul nodded and agreed to this exchange price.

After that, Rasul looked a little embarrassed and continued, "But, Mr. Gibson, I only have 100 gold coins with me right now. I'm lacking 200 gold coins."

As Rasul spoke up to this point, he took out two medicinal herbs as thick as a thumb and about the size of a palm. They were shaped like tiger whips, and he said, "Mr. Gibson, these are two 20-year-old Tiger Mr. Levineg Herbs. As for what effects they have, I don't need to say much. You should be very clear about them, right?"

"Currently, a 20-year-old Tiger Mr. Levineg Herb in the market is worth about 100 gold coins. Two of them should be 200 gold coins. Adding this to the 100 I already have, I wonder if a trade's possible?"

"Tiger Mr. Levineg Herb! It's even 20 years old?!" When Gibson saw Rasul take out two tiger-like herbs, his calm expression immediately changed. Without Rasul's permission, he jumped over the counter and snatched them from Rasul's hands.

"Rosales, actually, I have 35 Ultra Spirit Stones in my hands. I need to leave three for my cultivation. As for the rest, you can take them as long as you give me these two herbs and 100 gold coins. Is that okay?"

Rasul unexpectedly obtained two more inferior stones this way. Of course, he was happy, so he stood quietly in the hall and waited for Gibson to retrieve the stones.

There were many shops in Old Howelllin Town, and most of the shop assistants were like Gibson guy. They, too, had poor cultivation talent and only yearned for beauty, food, and money. Rasul was well aware of the fact—this very fact was why he was confident that he could collect enough inferior stones quickly.

However, after this trade, Rasul was poor again.

It took him years to save 100 gold coins. Now that he needed more gold coins, he had to act more ruthlessly and selfishly.

Rasul brought out the 32 stones back to his attic. Without any hesitation, he started to duplicate Meridian Herbs.

Now, Rasul was a bit more experienced with duplicating Meridina Herbs. Also, the stones he got from Gibson were surprisingly high quality. Therefore, he ended up with 150 Meridina Herbs after using all 32 stones.

Rasul looked at the 150 Meridian Herbs in front of him, and his heart was filled with excitement. After his emotions calmed down, he started healing his meridians.

Perhaps it was because Rasul's body had adapted to the pain brought by the Meridian Herbs, but that night he consumed 40 Meridian Herbs. Unlike the previous night when he could only assimilate 30 herbs, this time he used 10 extra Meridan Herbs.

Following this arithmetic progression, 150 herbs lasted him only four nights. However, spending all that money came with benefits—now, half of his meridians were healed, and he seemed much more agile and strong.

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