Disciple Of Divine Justice/C8 A True Martial Artist
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Disciple Of Divine Justice/C8 A True Martial Artist
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C8 A True Martial Artist

In the Luofeng City, a young man wearing a green robe was sitting cross-legged on a bed in the City Lord Mansion. The Spiritual Force in his body was circulating crazily. The white Qi condensed in the air was like two young divine dragons, drilling into his nose and breathing. Every breath he took was repeated. It was quiet and at ease.

Suddenly, as if he had reached his limit, Han Binn opened his pitch-black and clear eyes. "Is this the only thing I can do?" He muttered to himself as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. He felt a little tired. While he was resting, he saw the pattern on his hand again from the corner of his eye.

"Hmm?" He suddenly realized that the black seal in his palm, the red heart in the middle, had actually flickered for a moment. Could it be that he was seeing things? Just as he was wondering if he was seeing things due to exhaustion, the red spot once again emitted a weak light. Although it was only a flash, it was extremely clear.

His heart instantly tightened. This pattern that usually remained unchanged. . . Why did it flicker so frequently today? His mind immediately recalled the life and death battle a few days ago. Suddenly, he discovered an undetectable pattern. Every time the seal transmitted that pure energy to him, it was under his extremely exhausted state. Could it be that he had to exhaust all the Genuine Qi in his body before it would react?

As he thought of this, he felt the tiny bit of Genuine Qi in his body. He was hesitating whether he should take the risk. After all, if a person's Genuine Qi was really exhausted. . . Although his life wouldn't be in danger, he would faint for a short period of time. It couldn't be avoided. Lyu Mu of City Lord Mansion had always held a grudge against him. If he took advantage of the moment after he fainted. . . If he did something to take advantage of the situation, it would be no different from committing suicide. However, this Jade Heart was really suspicious. From the day of the duel until now, it had almost become a mental illness. He was really unwilling to give up just like that. After weighing the pros and cons, his curiosity got the final victory. He intended to give it a try. If he really wanted to harm Lyu Mu, who was a martial master, No matter how clear-headed he was, it would be futile.

He continued to sit cross-legged, enduring the extreme consumption of energy. The Genuine Qi in his body began to circulate crazily. His clothes were already drenched in sweat. He felt an infinite exhaustion. The last bit of energy in his body had just dried up. Just as he was about to lose consciousness, a fresh warm current flowed down his palm once again. It continuously surged out. In the blink of an eye, His body was filled with emptiness. He carefully experienced this majestic energy. To his surprise, he discovered that the Jade Hearts given by the Jade Heart were millions of times purer than the Spiritual Forces he had condensed. No, this could no longer be called a Spiritual Force. It was as if it had come from another world, a power that he had never seen before.

Due to the vast power being uncontrollable and continuously extending, his veins quickly swelled to the limit. A pain that felt like broken bones and bones followed, as if his entire body was going to explode. Helplessly, he tried to condense it into his dantian in his lower abdomen. Like a Spiritual Force, it began to circulate.

The bright sun in the sky had turned into a sky full of stars. Han Binn, who could only rely on his Spiritual Force for two hours at most, could only see the stars in the sky. He had been sitting with his legs crossed for a full day. The power of the seal was being consumed while being filled at the same time. The cycle continued without end. It was only when his aura reached its peak that his cultivation base seemed to have touched a bottleneck. Only then did he slowly stop. This time, the seal in his hand seemed to sense the youth's actions and slowly cut off the replenishment of his strength. It no longer continued to appear.

Looking at the Jade Heart in his palm, a trace of pleasant surprise flashed across his tender face. He did not expect that the parting item that his father had given him back then was actually such a magical treasure. But in the blink of an eye, he recalled what the bottleneck was just now. He tried to break through no less than ten times, but every time when he was about to succeed, he would stop advancing. This process was like waving an infinite amount of power and punching cotton. It was really unpleasant. Looking at the incomparably silent surroundings, in the end, he helplessly laid on the bed. He thought of Mr. Faang and could not help but feel a sense of loneliness. If he was here, he could definitely tell him what he had encountered at the moment. As he thought about it, he fell asleep. After all, even if he had enough energy, his body would not feel tired at all after cultivating for a day. However, there would be a huge consumption of energy in his mind.

The next morning, it was already late in the morning. Han Binn was actually still sleeping soundly. "Creak!" With a soft sound, the bedroom door was pushed open. Han Binn, who heard the sound, instantly turned around. Then he saw Yu Xuan. Facing the people that the entire Luofeng City respected, he cast a curious glance at them. He didn't know why this Great Martial Master had come to his room so early in the morning.

Yu Xuan was also startled when she felt Han Binn's condition. She realized that this young man had only been gone for a day, but his aura had increased by so much. "Based on your current cultivation level, you should have encountered that bottleneck. " Before she could open her mouth, Yu Xuan had already said the difficult problem that had troubled her last night.

"What is that bottleneck?" After hearing the Great Martial Master's words, he immediately asked.

"Stepping into the true path of martial arts. " She looked at the incomparably excited youth in front of her and smiled. A trace of satisfaction flashed across her eyes.

"Mr. Faang said that I have already reached the level of forging metal. Could it not be considered stepping into martial arts?" Han Binn really could not understand. After six whole years of bitter cultivation, he could not even be considered a true martial artist.

"What you are talking about is the cultivation of the Body Arts. 30% relies on hard work. 70% relies on talent. What I am talking about is the true cultivation of martial arts. If I can successfully break through that bottleneck. . . You can be considered a true martial artist. You can also be said to be at the beginner level of martial arts. " Hearing the young man in front of him ask such a childish question, She shook her head helplessly, then went to the bed.

"Martial artist?" When he heard these two words, Han Binn's pitch-black eyes lit up. So that was how it was.

"Then how can we break through this barrier?" But then he thought of everything that happened last night, and a sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart. He shook his head and asked.

"Condensing Genuine Qi, reaching External Form. " Great Martial Master Yu Xuan casually taught him, a disciple of the North Martial Hall who had just entered the sect.

"The so-called form is to achieve the naked eye. It can be seen with the naked eye. Although you and Chiang Jingyao were able to achieve this level during the duel, your aura was chaotic. There was no order at all. A truly qualified martial artist can release a white Genuine Qi that is like a cloud and fog. That is the sign of stepping into the path of martial arts. " Han Binn still had a confused expression on his face when he saw Han Binn. Yu Xuan faced the young man in front of her and answered the method to become a true martial artist in one breath.

"Thank you, Great Martial Master, for teaching me. ~!” Han Binn stood up and bowed in the face of Yu Xuan's teachings. He had never thought that he would learn so much before he even arrived at the North Martial Hall. He truly admired this woman who was a Great Martial Master, for being so patient.

"You are a student of the North Martial Hall to begin with, explaining your cultivation in martial arts. It is my duty, so there is no need to be overly polite. " He looked at Han Binn, a sixteen year old young man. With such humility, Yu Xuan also revealed a rare smile. She was young to begin with. After this smile, it was like a warm spring flower blooming. It was very bright and beautiful. It caused the face of the youth in front of him to turn red, and he shyly lowered his head.

"I came here today to inform you that I will lead your Luofeng City tomorrow. The twenty qualified disciples and Chiang Jingyao left for the Heaven's Origin of the Jun City. Assemble with the selected disciples of Fengyuan County and return to North Martial Hall. That's why we need to prepare the things you need to bring. " Seeing Han Binn's embarrassment, Yu Xuan changed the topic. She told him the purpose of this trip.

After sending off the Great Martial Master, Han Binn, who already had nothing on him, Now that he had obtained the technique. He had used up all the Genuine Qi in his body. As expected, the pattern on his palm once again provided him with an endless amount of energy. It was for his own use. When the pure Genuine Qi in his meridians reached its limit, Han Binn changed the pattern on his palms. He used the Spiritual Force to walk outside the walls of the meridians, trying his best to compress the energy in his body. The pain he experienced during this period was no less than the pain he experienced in the past. The feeling of having his body tempered like steel for the first time. Large beads of sweat dripped down once again.

Every time he compressed a layer, there would be space for the black seal to be released once again. This repeated. It was a total of twelve hours. Just as he felt like his entire body was about to explode, a milky white aura. . . Born from his Dantian, he was pleasantly surprised to find a new Spiritual Force. It was simply incomparable to his previous strength. Although it was only a tiny bit, it seemed to have a mind of its own. Circulating the energy in his dantian, it started circulating automatically. Enduring the pain of swelling. . . He continued to compress and condense until he formed a white ball of mist. Although it was incomparably clear, it was abnormally loose and thin. It was as if it would dissipate at any moment. At this moment, the tears that flowed out due to the pain and stimulation slipped from the youth's closed eyes unknowingly.

Han Binn pursed his lips, gritted his teeth, and used all his strength to change his hand seal for the last time. He forcefully squeezed the Genuine Qi, which originally occupied a hundred percent of the space in his meridians, into sixty percent of his Dantian. After that, the white fog ball rapidly circulated according to the Circulatory Cycle Revolution, quickly condensing and absorbing the surrounding energy. This time, the ball of fog had finally taken shape.

The young man who was lying on the bed felt an unbearable pain, and his tears fell down like rain. He was like a wounded beast, and he let out low growls. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling of the bedroom, and at the same time, he revealed an endless persistence. Slowly, he fell asleep just like that. Han Binn had a dream. He dreamt that his father was smiling at him kindly. He saw Mr. Faang nodding at him, and then he felt warm lying on the beach. It spread all over his body.

She slowly opened her eyes and found Yu Xuan and Chiang Jingyao standing in front of the bed. Both of them looked at her with concern.

"Your action of breaking through the bottleneck overnight is simply foolish. You don't want your life anymore?" This was the first sentence Yu Xuan said when she saw Han Binn wake up.

"The path of martial arts is a bumpy one to begin with. You don't need to risk your life. How can you succeed?" The young man on the bed looked at the woman who had taught him how to truly step into the martial path yesterday. He smiled faintly.

"If you didn't have a body forged from refined metal, your tendons would have exploded and you would have died long ago. You're simply a madman. " Yu Xuan looked at his absent-minded smile, her face full of anger, and kept shaking her head.

Han Binn did not pay any attention to what she said, and strode out of the room. He came to the courtyard outside the bedroom and shouted. His body was immediately surrounded by a faint milky white Spiritual Force. He clenched his hand and felt a strength that he had never felt before. A trace of satisfaction flashed through his clear eyes. He said in a low voice, "From today onwards, I, Han Binn have truly taken the first step in the path of martial arts. " He clenched his fist in an instant. He felt that the surrounding air had been drawn over.

"Are you done yet? Are we still in a hurry?" Chiang Jingyao, who was standing at the side, looked at the young man in front of her with a jealous look on her face. Hearing this urging, She finally pulled Han Binn, who had gotten carried away by his success, back into reality. He scratched his head awkwardly. He said apologetically, "I'm sorry. I was too happy. I actually forgot that I still have to hurry today. "

Yu Xuan also looked at the mysterious young man in front of her with a puzzled expression. It only took two days for a half-baked person to officially step into the ranks of martial artists. Even if he had a body that was forged from refined jade metal, where did the Spiritual Force that could allow him to break through come from? When he thought of this, he shook his head. The greatest taboo of martial artists was to guess other people's trump cards. Why was it that whenever he encountered this young man, his mind would always be in chaos? They secretly cursed themselves for making such a low level mistake as Great Martial Masters.

On top of a tall building in City Lord Mansion, he looked at the three figures walking out of the courtyard. Faang Wuji had a panoramic view of everything. With a gratified smile on his face, he said to himself in a low voice, "I hope that by relying on Young Lord's talent, I can help him realize his dream as soon as possible!"

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