Disciple Of Divine Justice/C9 Three Days Road Test
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Disciple Of Divine Justice/C9 Three Days Road Test
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C9 Three Days Road Test

Today, as the Jun City's Heavenly Source City in Fengyuan County, the city gates were opened an hour earlier than usual. The bustling crowd in front of the gates had already gathered all the students from all over the county, and the disciples who had been nominated for the North Martial Hall's audition this time. There were nearly three thousand people in total, and it was a huge crowd.

"Brother Mo, why do you think a dignified Great Martial Master would go to a small place like the Fallen Phoenix? Managing the disciple selection of the North Martial Hall? That doesn't make sense. " A boy asked a youth who was half a head taller than him, who looked like an iron tower. He was known as one of the Three Heavenly Source Tigers. At the same time, he was also the young master of the Mo family, Mo Feng, from the three great families in the city. In this selection, In the face of the entire younger generation of Tianyuan City, he had become an official disciple of the North Martial Hall with the result of being ranked second.

"Who knows? A hillbilly like the Fallen Phoenix, what kind of young talent can she choose?" When the youth called Mo Feng heard this question, the corner of his mouth curled up, and his eyes revealed a trace of arrogance.

"Brother Mo, I heard that Luo Feng's Great Martial Master is a female? It can't be that she went there for a blind date, right?" Another boy looked at Mo Feng in front of him, and the corners of his mouth revealed an evil smile. He had a fawning look on his face and did not hide anything.

"Brother Mo, look, Lei Qianjin is here?" Mo Feng looked in the direction of the young man's finger. A girl in a pink dress passed through the crowd and happened to pass by them.

"We are also one of the three big families in Tianyuan City, but your Lei Family has declined. You actually chose a girl in the North Martial Hall's audition. What's wrong? Don't tell me your Lei Family doesn't have a kid with them?" Mo Feng teased the girl beside him and said without any restraint.

"The young master of your Mo Family is truly a young master. He even brought so many dogs with him when he went out. Aren't you afraid that you can't afford to buy dog food? " The girl called Lei Qianjin turned her head and looked behind Mo Feng. She also had a mocking expression as she retorted.

"What did you say? Stinky girl, aren't you afraid that I will take care of you when you are outside?" In an instant, the face of Mo Feng, who was known as one of the three tigers, changed. His eyes were filled with anger and revealed a trace of ruthlessness.

"Stop threatening me here. I won't fall for your trick. If you really have the guts to do whatever you want in the North Martial Hall, you won't be afraid that you will need so many dogs to protect you when you go out. " Lei Qianjin put her hands on her waist and fought back against Mo Feng.

"You. . . !" Mo Feng was clearly not a match for the girl in front of him in terms of quarreling. He was at a loss for words and was so angry that he became furious and did not know what to say.

"Look, Lin Qingtian is here!" Suddenly, a girl screamed from the crowd like a lovestruck girl. Immediately, the disciples in front of the city gate started to boil with excitement.

Everyone's gaze instantly focused on a handsome youth. That white robe stood out like a crane among chickens. Endless coldness was released from between his eyebrows. At times, he would not release his aura, reminding the people around him that he had already entered the true realm of martial artists.

"He is the number one on the Newborn Phoenix List in Tianyuan City? The eldest young master of the Lin Family, Lin Qingtian. "

"Wah ~! He was too handsome. If I marry someone in this life, I'll definitely find a husband like him. "

"Look at the one beside him. His clothes are similar to his! He is most likely the third son of the Lin Clan, Lin Qingcang. Currently, he is ranked third in the auditions. "

"Doesn't that mean that his Lin Clan has occupied two spots in the top three of the auditions?"

For a moment, the youths were whispering to each other. However, the content of their words were all words of respect towards the man in front of them. Numerous gazes of admiration and jealousy. It caused Mo Feng, who was standing at the side, to shoot out fury from his eyes. However, in the face of Lin Qingtian's profound gaze, Because, he knew that this young man in front of him. . . He was simply a monstrous genius.

"Lin Qingcang. . . " Lei Qianjin's eyes were fixed on the third ranked disciple of the Lin Family. Originally, the third ranked disciple should belong to her, but according to the rules of the North Martial Hall, the man who tied with her won. Even though no one knew who set the bullshit rules. However, the Lin Family must have done something with money.

"In this way, the top three on the Rookie Phoenix List in Tianyuan City will become the top three in the entire county in this audition. The order from before to now will not change at all. It can be seen that the so-called former is not exaggerated at all. " One of the martial masters of North Martial Hall looked at Zhennan Hou from Fengyuan County, who was standing beside him, and smiled. He also praised the so-called Newborn Phoenix Ranking.

"Martial Master Yu Hua, you must be joking. How can a mere Newborn Phoenix Roll Champion be compared to the famous North Martial Hall's audition?" Even though Zhennan Hou enjoyed the praise of the man beside him, he was still polite and modest. After all, he was the overall person-in-charge of the North Martial Hall's audition in Fengyuan County.

"That's the team from Luofeng City, right?" Zhennan Hou raised his head and looked into the distance where the heaven and earth were connected. A group of more than twenty figures were flying towards them in a flash.

"Great Martial Master Yu Xuan from the Heaven Academy is always out of time. She only came after such a long time. Could it be that she still thinks that it was the past? Everyone has to wait for the Heaven Academy? " Beside Yu Hua, a martial master from the North Martial Hall, who was just like Yu Hua, said discontentedly. There was a look of contempt on his face.

"What good seedlings can be chosen in a small place like Luofeng City?" Yu Hua looked at Great Martial Master Yu Xuan, who was already in front of him, and said with a mocking tone. Due to the Heavenly Academy not having a single inner court disciple who was nominated for three consecutive years, they were punished by the Hall Lord and could only head to a remote small city to filter out the disciples.

"I handled some matters along the way, and was delayed for a while. " Yu Xuan did not pay attention to the ridicule of the man in front of her and only looked at Zhennan Hou as she nodded slightly and said. Then, she threw the register into Martial Master Yu Hua's hands.

"What kind of attitude is this?" Seeing how Yu Xuan treated him like air, Yu Hua was extremely displeased. As he roared, he glared at the Great Martial Master in front of him, his face filled with anger.

"The attitude of a superior being?" After saying that, the smiling beauty released the pressure of the Great Martial Master. It made everyone feel as if they had caught a huge mountain falling from the sky. That feeling. . . It shocked all the students who had just entered the academy. As the center of the pressure, Yu Hua's legs were trembling. There was a deep footprint on the soft ground.

"You ~!" Just as Yu Hua was about to flare up, he suddenly realized that the smile on the woman in front of him had long disappeared. What replaced it was the anger in her slightly narrowed eyes. In order to avoid causing trouble, he silently chose to shut his mouth.

Although Yu Xuan's actions just now were only for a split second, it still brought incomparable shock to the thousands of people in front of her.

"This is the aura of the Great Martial Master? It's too terrifying. "

"That's because you're so weak and lonely. Just now, we only felt the remaining power of the Great Martial Master. "

"Are you joking?"

" I don't want to meet such an opponent in my entire life. "

Looking at the noisy scene once again, Yu Xuan cleared her throat and shouted with a trace of Genuine Qi in her voice, "Everyone is here. All disciples who have passed the first test of the North Martial Hall this year, listen up. " She pointed to the north and said. "Three days, target the North Martial Hall. Let's go. " Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and the scene fell into silence once again.

"We won't arrive in three days? It's considered to be automatically forfeited, disqualified, and returned to where it came from. " Only then did Yu Hua react and continue speaking. Originally, this order should have been issued by him, the person in charge. Who would have thought that he would be tricked by the Great Martial Master in front of him?

As soon as he finished speaking, the black mass of people moved towards the north of Xuanfeng Empire with the momentum of thousands of men and horses, as if they were the ministers of the river. Their speed was so fast that it made people click their tongues.

"Why is there still an exam?" Han Binn, who was running side by side with Chiang Jingyao while activating the Genuine Qi in his body, looked at the young girl in front of him and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Now do you know why the competition in the city is called an audition?" Chiang Jingyao looked at Han Binn, who knew nothing about these basic questions, and shook her head helplessly.

"Although the journey is long, if someone leads the way, for martial artists, three days is sufficient. " Looking at the mocking look in the girl's eyes, Han Binn couldn't help but blush, but then he realized he had said something wrong again.

"Oh my God! You don't know the way. Are you really a citizen of Xuanfenn?" Chiang Jingyao covered her cherry lips as she ran, her face full of shock. She thought to herself, Could this be the road blind that her father once said?

"What a country bumpkin, he doesn't even know the road?" While they were talking, a pink figure caught up from behind. After hearing the conversation between the two of them, she laughed at them.

"You are?" Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Han Binn turned his head slightly and saw a girl around Chiang Jingyao's age appearing on his left.

"You are the eldest daughter of the Lei Family, Lei Qianjin, from Tianyuan City?" Before the girl could introduce herself, Chiang Jingyao revealed her identity because she saw that on the jade pendant at the girl's waist, there was a big word Lei written on it. There were not many people in Fengyuan County with the surname Lei who could have such a beautiful jade.

"What a clever girl!" Hearing Chiang Jingyao's reply, Lei Qianjin was clearly startled. She did not expect that a stranger she had never met before would actually reveal her identity in one sentence.

"After saying so much, none of you answered my question?" Han Binn frowned and looked at the two young girls beside him and said with a puzzled expression.

"These three days seem to be sufficient, but the North Martial Hall is located in the Beiwu Peak of Caifeng Mountain Range. The mountain peak is incomparably steep. Although it's not a big deal for us nominated disciples to be careful, we can still choose some cowardly disciples who are afraid of death. " Lei Qianjin looked at Han Binn and Chiang Jingyao in front of her and said slowly.

"Also, there are many demonic beasts roaming in the Colorful Phoenix Mountain. It is also an extremely dangerous place. So you must be careful when you get there. " Chiang Jingyao also added on from the side.

"Magic beast!" When he heard this word, Han Binn was stunned. He knew very well what this magic beast meant. But to use these difficulties to become a stumbling block in his path? It didn't seem to be enough.

Thinking of this, he increased the speed of his feet. At the same time, the corners of the youth's mouth raised slightly, his heart filled with anticipation.

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