Drunken Sword/C12 A Quartet of Movement and War Is about to Break Out(3)
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Drunken Sword/C12 A Quartet of Movement and War Is about to Break Out(3)
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C12 A Quartet of Movement and War Is about to Break Out(3)

"You … you …" Ying Zixiong held back his red face and could not utter a word for a long while! This was simply a hooligan! Bandits!

Everyone in the imperial court was watching this scene helplessly as well. The king extended his hand and ruthlessly wiped away the blood on his face. No one was surprised anymore. This wasn't the first time this group of old fellows had caused a ruckus in the imperial court!

What could he say to the fact that Wu Jianfeng had not made a move? You said that he wouldn't change! Besides, this guy had the military power. He had been guarding half of the country for dozens of years and he had never lost! Very awesome!

[He is really good at making trouble. Besides, he is wearing the same pants right side by side. What can you do about it!] Why did you say you, Ying Zixiong, had nothing better to do? Aren't you looking for trouble? [You are bullying your father-in-law in front of him!]

The emperor's face was full of black lines, "Enough, leave the hall!" "Old Lin, please stay with Marshal Wu for a while, I will talk about the Southern Wilderness with you!" As the crowd gradually left the hall, Liu Xiang and Ying Zixiong could only leave in anger. Only Lin Xiang, Marshal Wu, and the current Emperor remained in the imperial court!

"Old Lin, what do you think about this matter?" The emperor said with a different serious expression.

"Your Majesty, I feel that this darkness is the remnant pressure left behind by the arrival of a certain almighty being, but it does not have much effect on us. And it's not a disaster either! " Elder Lin's face was solemn! Wu Jianfeng also nodded. The three people present were all cultivators and their cultivation were quite high, so they could naturally feel that kind of pressure. Right now, everyone was also feeling very uncomfortable. It was as if a huge rock was pressing down on their hearts and making them unable to breathe! ~

"Hm!" That should be the case. Liu Xiang and the rest of the Battle Faction naturally understood this as well, but they were only taking the opportunity to start a war. However, according to the spies, both the Southern Flower Empire and the Azure Demon Empire had secretly moved food to the border. The war was not far away! I'm afraid they will take this opportunity to use troops against us! " The emperor rubbed his temples helplessly and glanced at the marshal, Wu Jianfeng.

"Sigh!" There was no other way! I'm afraid this is unavoidable! " Lin Xiang clearly knew about this matter.

"Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, our southern army has been short on food for the past two years! This time, both countries are using troops against us, so the pressure on our Southern Mountain's Army is really huge! " As the Generalissimo of the Southern Army, he was under a lot of pressure this time! If it was before, he would not even have to fear the two countries simultaneously using troops! However, in the past two years, the Southern Wilderness had suffered a severe disaster. The people had been displaced, and there was not enough food or soldiers. Thus, the battle force had been reduced!

This battle was not easy to fight!

"Your Majesty, you have to make a decision now. Northern Frontier, these years the war has been relatively small and the food has been plentiful these two years. I think we should transfer the food and supplies to the Eastern and Southern armies to deal with the war! In the future, we will do our best to delay the fighting so that it can continue to grow stronger! " Wu Jianfeng was also a straightforward person!

"Yes, Your Majesty. The southern and eastern armies have borne more than 80% of the burden this time, especially when facing off against more than half of the Demon Army. We still have to deal with more than half of the Southern Flower Army, which is under a lot of pressure!" The northern troop only needed to deal with a small portion of the demon army, while the northern demon army of the royal family showed no signs of being used! That's why the pressure on the northern troop is relatively small! " Lin Xiang frowned as he pondered! ~

"That's right!" It's time for us to make our decision! " The emperor closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Eh? The pressure has disappeared, and the black mist outside has dispersed! " Suddenly, Wu Jianfeng frowned and felt his body lighten. It felt much better. He raised his head to look outside and saw the sun shining brightly without a single cloud in the distance!

"The war is about to begin!" Lin Xiang looked at the cloudless sky and helplessly sighed! It was always calm before the storm!

The black fog that had shrouded this continent for a quarter of an hour gradually dispersed. All the citizens began to return to normal lives, but the impact could not be avoided. Everyone was discussing about the black fog this time, and the hearts of the people began to waver!

The government had no choice but to step in and fend off all the rumors. It took them a lot of effort to keep this matter under control!

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