Drunken Sword/C6 Fall(2)
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Drunken Sword/C6 Fall(2)
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C6 Fall(2)

"Brothers, relatives, wuu ~ Those who are on good terms with me, wuu ~ I'm leaving!" Don't f * cking think about laozi! " He threw his head back and roared! Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. He kept going!

His consciousness gradually dissipated and his vision gradually turned black! The aura of death gradually covered his entire body!

Finally, the frenzied figure stopped fighting. The proud and unyielding head slowly lowered. Those terrifying black eyes lost their luster, but they still stared angrily!

The setting sun gradually shone into the canyon. A destitute figure dressed in shabby clothes appeared. A black cap cast a shadow over his face! A long and narrow shadow stretched out behind him …

The Dao Protectors had finally stopped fighting!

Forever staying in this nameless canyon!

Nola finally felt relieved! His heart was bleeding as he stared at the mess on the ground. This battle was completely out of budget. He alone had wiped out two-thirds of the Holy Spirit Sect's top-level fighting force. He himself was the same as well.

"Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards. His face was like golden paper! If it weren't for the ambush and the chase, the whole Holy Spirit Sect would probably have died in battle. Could he be spared? Without an answer, there was no way to think about it! But surely, this was the most brutal battle that the entire Holy Spirit Sect had experienced since its establishment!

Several marquis rushed forward to lend Nola a hand. Carrying him on their shoulders, they looked back at the devil-like young man who was peacefully sleeping bowed deeply!

This black-eyed youth was worth remembering. This youth's spirit and perseverance were worthy of everyone's admiration!

Moments later, everyone left the ground and disappeared into the canyon!

Darkness shrouded the earth as Yi Xuan's body turned ice-cold!

"Am I dead? Is this death? " In the darkness of the space, a faint voice could be heard murmuring as it floated in the air! The soul really exists? Where is this place? " The voice rang out once more and disappeared!

After an unknown amount of time, an illusory figure gradually took shape in this pitch-black space. It was blurry, as if it could break apart at any moment!

It was unknown how much time had passed before that figure gradually became solid. Shockingly, it was the dead Wang Yi! At this moment, Wang Yi was completely naked, her body curled up as her eyes were tightly shut! His entire figure was floating around in the air!

There was no concept of time here, no spatial transformation! He did not know where it was and how much time had passed!

Suddenly, at a certain moment, his tightly shut eyes trembled and his fingers trembled! His eyes slowly opened! Blackeye surveyed his surroundings in confusion!

"Where is this?" Is this where a person should go after death? " After a moment, she reached out her hand to touch something, only to find that there was nothing there! He raised his leg and was about to move, but his entire body seemed to hang in the air without being able to exert any strength!

"Where is this place?" What form do I exist in? " Yi Xuan felt as though she was constantly rolling, and that feeling was like a leaf fluttering in the wind! The only thing that could move at will was his brain!

He gradually felt fear, endless fear!

"What happened after I died? What about his mother? Where's Dad? Where are those old iron men? Where are our comrades? "What happened to the Holy Spirit Sect?" Questions arose incessantly, but no one answered them! There was no answer!

The fear that had been there had already been replaced by numbness. Gradually, they began to accept a reality: There was no one here, no one knew where this was, there was no concept of time here, no one knew what kind of existence they were, and no one knew where they were going!

As time went by, Yi Xuan gradually discovered that her memory was declining. The life on Earth was gradually forgetting. Forget it, forget it. It was useless to remember it!

"Who is my Old Iron? What was I used to do? "

"How did I die?"

Floating in the air!

"I am from Earth, my name is Wang Yi Xuan!" In the end, he would never forget these two pieces of information that were left in his head!

An unknown amount of time had passed by as the empty and increasingly pitch-black pupils of Yi Xuan blankly stared at the pitch-black space. "I am Wang Yi Xuan, I am from Earth!"

In a certain instant, a bright spot appeared in the dark space, and the bright spot gradually grew larger …

Too bright, too dazzling! Yi Xuan subconsciously closed her black pupils. After a moment, her eyes slowly opened. A gentle light appeared before her eyes. Immediately, she felt a piercing pain in her eyes as her eyes gradually narrowed as they became accustomed to the light …

He was finally able to completely adapt to the light, and his black pupils recovered a bit of spirit!

He was surprised to find that he was floating in the air and the wind was blowing. He was like a ghost, but a ghost that could survive in the daytime! He looked down and saw a vast and boundless continent below his feet.

The mountain range was continuous, lush and verdant. Halfway up the mountain, white clouds shrouded the entire area! The large rivers roared and rolled into the distance!

As his body gradually descended, the buildings on the ground could finally be seen clearly! This was a small village. There were at least a few hundred families, and it was surrounded by an endless field! The arrangement of the houses was uneven, but the houses were made of classical wood.

One figure after another hurried in and out of the village. Some of them were wearing linen clothes, some were wearing blue robes, some were wearing straw sandals, and some were wearing square shoes!

However, everyone had long hair! Some were tied into ponytails hanging from the back of the head, while others were coiled up in a bun at the back of the head!

Wang Yi Xuan was swaying as she floated above the village. Day after day! Despite the weather, he did not float out of the village even half a step. It was as if he was tied up by an invisible rope!

It was unknown when it happened, but the pair of pitch-black eyes became even more profound and even became increasingly pitch-black! My name is Wang Yi Xuan, I am from Earth! " Wang Yi Xuan repeated this sentence, but did not know what it meant! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out where the Earth was.

The rest of his memories were about the day after day of life in the village!

Suddenly one day, a couple returned home from a rather dilapidated small courtyard in the southwest corner of the village. They attracted Wang Yixuan, who watched them quietly.

"The doctor said there is! There really is one! " The woman was happily rubbing her stomach, while a man beside her was smiling in an honest and straightforward manner!

From then on, Wang Yixuan paid attention to the couple and watched them go out every day to do farm work and go home to rest! The woman was not the least bit pampered. Although she was pregnant, she still got down to work and went home to wash and cook!

He had been in this village for one or two years, and every year, there would be women who became pregnant and had new lives to live. Even if this woman was pregnant, he did not know why, but he still paid special attention to this pair of women!

It was a natural intimacy! He could feel a sense of warmth and security from this woman!

As time passed, the woman's stomach became bigger and bigger. It was not too far from the date of delivery!

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