Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C100 The Signboard
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C100 The Signboard
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C100 The Signboard

In truth, Yu Kun had no desire to forge a plaque. It was only after witnessing the plaques of other Inner Sect disciples that he grasped the issue at hand.

The plaque symbolized the honor of being an Inner Sect disciple.

Yu Kun now understood why factions had formed within the Inner Sect; it was because their plaques had been vandalized.

"I've embarrassed all the Inner Sect disciples in the Test Square before. Once my plaque is displayed, many will want to destroy it! Guu Leshan might offer some assistance, but clearly, he won't fix everything."

Yu Kun was well aware that if he depended on the Little Prince to handle every issue, their relationship would be more of a subordinate than a friendship. Besides, Yu Kun didn't need the Little Prince to resolve everything.

"If I can't even defend my own plaque, then I don't deserve to be an Inner Sect disciple of the Flying Cloud Sect, let alone surpass the others!"

Returning to his grass hut, Yu Kun wasted no time in hanging both the plaque and the couplet gifted by the disciple from the forging hall outside his door.

Hee Dongqing observed silently, making no move to assist.

Once Yu Kun finished, Hee Dongqing spoke up, "I'll keep watch for you during the day."

Yu Kun gave a nod of acknowledgment.

He couldn't stand guard over the plaque all day, but he was prepared to confront anyone who dared to challenge it.

With Hee Dongqing on watch, Yu Kun seized the opportunity to start training in the newly acquired Martial Arts.

He began with the Grade Four Martial Arts he had been awarded by the Law Enforcement Hall.

The Grade Four Movement Technique was in a league of its own, far beyond the Grade Two. Yu Kun quickly realized it was beyond his comprehension.

"Thank goodness for the system!"

Muttering to himself, Yu Kun had the system absorb dozens of Spirit Stones before consuming the Martial Arts tome.

He mastered the technique instantly.

"Grade Four Body Movement Technique, Inch Step Style!"

Practicing in the yard, Yu Kun immediately noticed the stark contrast between the Inch Step Style and the Shocking Wind Step Style.

"The Shocking Wind Step Style is quicker, but it lacks the finesse of the Inch Step Style! The Inch Step excels in nimble maneuvers. By comparison, the Shocking Wind Step Style falls short."

Yu Kun was well aware that it was to be expected. The Shocking Wind Steps he practiced was a Grade Two Martial Art, a gift from Zhou Xingtian himself.

With his recent mastery of the Inch Step Style, Yu Kun's prowess had further advanced.

He diligently continued his training in the Inch Step Style, Origin Yang Finger Technique, and other Martial Arts.

Meanwhile, Yu Kun kept a vigilant eye on the outside. Should anyone dare to tamper with his plaque, he was ready to step out and set them straight.

Yu Kun had adorned his humble hut with a plaque, christening it the Leviathan-roc Hut.

While the hut itself didn't draw much attention, Yu Kun certainly did. Word of the new plaque spread like wildfire, reaching many Inner Sect disciples and even some Elders within half a day.

Inside the Inner Sect, Zong Ruizhi knelt, absorbing the teachings of an Elder—none other than Zhou Xingtian, Yu Kun's benefactor.

As Zhou Xingtian imparted Martial Arts wisdom to Zong Ruizhi, he paused, noticing a lapse in his student's focus. "Ruizhi, you seem preoccupied?"

Zong Ruizhi promptly rose and bowed, replying, "Yes, Master. I've come across some surprising news."

"What might that be?" inquired Zhou Xingtian.

"It concerns Yu Kun," Zong Ruizhi revealed. "He's hung a plaque."

Zhou Xingtian's expression shifted, a mix of shock and intrigue coloring his features.

He was among the select few privy to Yu Kun's achievement of condensing his Martial Soul. Yet, due to the Flying Cloud Sect Master's gag order, he had kept silent. Now, hearing of Yu Kun's bold move with the plaque, Zhou Xingtian couldn't help but feel a weight lifted off his shoulders.

After a brief pause, he queried, "What kind of plaque did he hang?"

With a wry smile, Zong Ruizhi responded, "Master, you might find it hard to believe. He hung a Spirit Jade plaque."

Zhou Xingtian rose abruptly, his emotions barely in check.

"A Spirit Jade plaque? He truly had the audacity? Then again, he was bold enough to make grand claims in the Test Square before even manifesting his Martial Soul."

Realizing his own outburst, Zhou Xingtian fell silent, choosing to keep further thoughts to himself.

Even though Yu Kun had boldly displayed his plaque for all to see, Zhou Xingtian would not voluntarily disclose the fact that Yu Kun had acquired a Martial Soul.

It wasn't the first time Yu Kun had revealed his Martial Soul, at least in a certain sense.

After much contemplation, Zhou Xingtian finally spoke, "If someone intends to dismantle his plaque, we can't assist him. But from this moment forward, I forbid anyone under my tutelage from touching his plaque."

Zong Ruizhi nodded, committing this to memory.

Inside the Inner Sect's Hall of Light, Elder Han Guangming's face was a picture of discomfort.

Aware of Yu Kun's achievement in forming a Martial Soul, yet silenced by Gong Liufeng's edict, Han Guangming was incensed by Yu Kun's audacity in hanging his plaque.

"A mere pauper enters the Inner Sect and overturns the Flying Cloud Tower's forecasts! It's an utter disgrace!" he seethed.

Taking a deep breath, Han Guangming bellowed, "Issue my command, effective immediately, spare no expense to destroy his plaque! I've heard he's crafted a Spirit Jade Plaque, the gall of the man. I'll shatter it myself eventually, and he'll be the laughingstock of the Sect!"

In the Yellow Dragon Pavilion, Gu Leshan and Gu Hao sat facing each other, with Gu Hao calmly preparing a pot of tea.

Handing a cup to Gu Leshan, Gu Hao informed him, "Little Prince, Yu Kun has hung a plaque in the Inner Sect."

"I'm aware," Gu Leshan replied nonchalantly, savoring his tea. "It's only natural for him to do so. Had he not, I would have suspected something amiss. What kind of plaque is it?"

"A Spirit Jade Plaque," answered Gu Hao.

Gu Leshan nearly spilled his tea.

"A Spirit Jade Plaque? That takes courage!"

With a hearty laugh, Gu Leshan said, "Uncle Guu Hao, would you mind warning a few individuals for me? They're likely to forget their rank and personally attempt to smash his plaque."

Gu Hao arched an eyebrow and gave a nod of agreement.

"There are others, though, whom I must visit myself," Gu Leshan continued. "As long as they refrain from acting, I'll stay out of it."

"These individuals are formidable; he stands no chance against them," Gu Leshan mused with a smile. "If he can't handle the rest, then he's not fit to be my friend."

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