Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C16 Punishing Lee Qiang!
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C16 Punishing Lee Qiang!
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C16 Punishing Lee Qiang!

Yu Kun paid no attention to Lee Qiang. Turning to Zhou Xingtian with a respectful bow, he said, "Elder Zhou, you may not be aware, but I'm quite conscious of my own limits and never bite off more than I can chew. However, due to a conflict with a disciple from the Inner Sect, I was coerced into taking on this mission under duress!"

"Thankfully, I managed to find the Shadow Soul Grass for you by sheer luck. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to fulfill the mission. Elder, with your formidable power, you can surely discern the extent of my cultivation skills."

Zhou Xingtian surveyed Yu Kun, nodding slightly in acknowledgment. "Indeed, your cultivation is at the Intermediate Rank of Qi Refining, placing you just above average among the Elite Disciples. Ordinarily, this mission would be beyond your reach. But since you've succeeded, I will reward you accordingly. In addition to Spirit Stones and access to the Cultivation Room, I will bestow upon you a Grade Two Martial Arts technique."

He paused briefly, then added, "Furthermore, who assigned you this mission? Tell me their name, and I will see to their punishment."

At these words, Lee Qiang's face drained of color, and he stumbled backward, his eyes filled with a desperate plea.

Lee Qiang had thought his plan foolproof, never anticipating Yu Kun's success.

Moreover, Yu Kun had not only found the Shadow Soul Grass, which was a tier above the Flying Shadow Grass!

"Now I'm doomed! The Shadow Soul Grass is immensely valuable to Elder Zhou. Even though it won't guarantee a promotion to the Inner Sect, he's sure to look favorably upon me! My end is near!"

Watching Lee Qiang's crestfallen figure, Yu Kun couldn't help but revel in a moment of triumph.

"If he hadn't bullied me and had simply assigned me any task, would I have gone to such lengths? But then again, had he not done so, I wouldn't be receiving these rewards."

Yu Kun pondered, then extended a finger, pointing it slowly at Lee Qiang.

Catching Zhou Xingtian's eye, he saw the Elder's instant understanding.

Worried that Lee Qiang might escape retribution, Yu Kun added, "It was Lee Qiang who forced this task upon me. Remember what I told you, Lee Qiang? You've made your bed, now lie in it—don't expect any sympathy from me!"

Lee Qiang's complexion turned ashen as he collapsed to the ground.

His protector was none other than Chen Feng, merely an Inner Sect disciple.

How could an Inner Sect disciple hold a candle to an Elder?

Elder Zhou Xingtian cast a disdainful glance at Lee Qiang, his face contorted with revulsion.

"The more I see you, the more repulsive you become. I won't kill you—just scram!"

With those words, Elder Zhou waved his hand dismissively, sending a burst of energy that thrust Lee Qiang away.

Lee Qiang, feeling like he had narrowly escaped death, bowed profusely in gratitude. But then, a chilling realization struck him.

His cultivation had vanished.

Elder Zhou snorted, paying Lee Qiang no further mind. He turned to Yu Kun and said, "I possess some Grade Two Martial Arts that might be beyond your grasp. However, I do have a Grade Two Movement Technique that you could learn with a bit of talent. I'll impart it to you as a reward. Here, take these Spirit Stones and this token—it grants you one day's access to the Cultivation Room."

He handed Yu Kun a brocade pouch and a manual.

Yu Kun expressed his thanks to Elder Zhou and carefully stowed the gifts.

Yet, wary of revealing the Leviathan-roc Space, Yu Kun opted to slip the items into his pocket. Secretly, he transferred them into the Leviathan-roc Space.

Without a Space Ring, openly storing the items would have raised eyebrows.

Elder Zhou, observing Yu Kun's earnest demeanor, showed a flicker of approval.

"Retrieving the Shadow Soul Grass has earned you significant merit. With it, I can form a Soul Embryo within seven days and ascend to the rank of Intermediate Martial Disciple. Should you join the Inner Sect later, you may become my disciple."

With that, Elder Zhou departed.

A smile crept onto Yu Kun's face.

"Though I wield the Leviathan-roc System, breakthroughs still demand time. Now, with favor from an Inner Sect Elder, I stand to gain immensely. Once I'm part of the Inner Sect, I'll no longer be oppressed, and Chen Feng won't dare target me with his vile schemes! My Growth Value has surpassed 4,000. Another session in the Cultivation Room should ensure my advance to the High Rank Qi Refining Stage. And once I've mastered this Grade Two Movement Technique, my place as an Inner Sect disciple will be all but guaranteed!"

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