Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C23 Kill Him!
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C23 Kill Him!
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C23 Kill Him!

"Hu Qiu is out to kill me!"

Realizing this, Yu Kun was taken aback, but he didn't hesitate to unleash his Astral Energy in full force. He set about dismantling the Astral Energy rope binding him.

But the rope that Hu Qiu had crafted was no ordinary restraint; Yu Kun found he couldn't obliterate it completely.

"Anyone else might not even manage to break this Astral Energy rope! Good thing I've got an ace up my sleeve!"

Yu Kun inhaled deeply, focusing his Astral Energy rather than letting it scatter. He was ready to deploy a Martial Arts technique.

Yu Kun had initially believed Hu Qiu simply wanted to reclaim the Space Ring through combat. Now, it was clear Hu Qiu intended to end his life!

With that realization, Yu Kun's resolve hardened—no more holding back.

In a flash, Yu Kun concentrated his Astral Energy to its peak and executed a Martial Arts move.

The second stance of the Great Vajra Palm, Vajra Subduing Devil!

With a thunderous bellow, Astral Energy burst forth from Yu Kun like a barrage of daggers. In the blink of an eye, the Astral Energy rope Hu Qiu had formed was obliterated, and dozens of Astral Energy blades plunged into Hu Qiu's flesh.

Yet, as an Elite Disciple, Hu Qiu was not so easily defeated.

"You've surprised me, breaking the Astral Energy rope! But now that you're free, your strength must be nearly spent! Die!"

Hu Qiu unleashed a ferocious roar as he launched his long-prepared Martial Arts technique.

Yu Kun, unfamiliar with the technique but recognizing its formidable power, immediately summoned Vajra Worshipping Moon to meet Hu Qiu's assault head-on.

The two Martial Arts techniques collided, and Hu Qiu's Palm Technique was instantly extinguished. Yu Kun's Astral Energy Palm Imprint struck true, hitting Hu Qiu squarely in the chest and sending him reeling backward.

As the dust settled, Yu Kun allowed himself a moment of relief.

"Have I taken a life? But it was he who sought mine first."

Approaching the fallen Hu Qiu, Yu Kun remarked, "Bet you didn't see me breaking out of your Astral Energy Rope, did you?"

Hu Qiu coughed up blood and managed a wry smile. "How can your Astral Energy be so potent? You actually broke free from the Astral Energy ropes! And how can you keep your Astral Energy flowing without pause?"

Yu Kun was aware that for the average person, it was impossible for Astral Energy to circulate without interruption due to the inevitable fluctuations that followed. But Yu Kun was an exception. He didn't possess a Qi Sea at all! His cultivation was solely the result of the Leviathan-roc System devouring Spiritual Energy and condensing it.

This unique ability allowed Yu Kun to wield martial arts without cease.

Still, Yu Kun had no intention of sharing this secret, even with Hu Qiu on the brink of death.

"My cultivation methods are unique, beyond your comprehension," Yu Kun said, pausing briefly before adding, "I have one more secret to share with you."

He spoke deliberately, "I am at the High Rank Qi Refining Stage."

Shock flickered in Hu Qiu's eyes, but it was swiftly replaced by resignation. With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes for the last time.

The disciples of the Flying Cloud Sect who witnessed the scene felt as though they had watched an epic drama unfold.

Zhou Xingtian's face lit up with delight as he whispered to himself, "Who would have thought he'd reach the High Rank Qi Refining Stage? With his level of cultivation, he's practically an Inner Sect disciple. If he passes the Inner Sect disciples' trial, he'll officially join their ranks! I must take him under my wing then!"

Yaen Hongling was more astonished than her fellow Inner Sect disciples. To them, reaching the High Rank Qi Refining Stage wasn't particularly alarming.

But Yaen Hongling alone knew that not long ago, Yu Kun was only at the Intermediate Rank Qi Refining Stage.

"How quickly did he progress from Intermediate to High Rank? How can anyone cultivate so rapidly? Could it be... could what he claimed that day actually be true?"

Her mind drifted back to their encounter in the Cultivation Room. She had insisted they were even, but Yu Kun had confidently predicted Chen Feng's eventual defeat at his hands.

At that time, Yaen Hongling had dismissed Yu Kun's claims as mere bluster. Little did she expect that in just over twenty days, Yu Kun would ascend to the High Rank of Qi Refining!

For a moment, Yaen Hongling was speechless, struggling to find the words to describe the transformed Yu Kun.

Chen Feng was utterly stunned. He clenched his fists, silent, before swiftly turning on his heel and departing.

Behind Chen Feng and Yaen Hongling, the Little Prince maintained his nonchalant demeanor. Yet, his gaze towards Yu Kun had taken on a new quality.

In that moment, Yu Kun was nearly spent from his battle with Hu Qiu. He had executed Vajra Subduing Devil and Vajra Worshipping Moon in succession without replenishing his Astral Energy. Even at his advanced stage, it was a strain to endure.

"Hu Qiu may not have been as formidable as that giant python, but he was trickier to handle. Martial artists have many peculiar techniques. It appears I've been underestimating my peers. From now on, I cannot afford to be arrogant or careless!"

Yu Kun reflected inwardly before turning his attention to Hu Qiu.

Though Hu Qiu lay dead, his eyes remained open, betraying a hint of regret.

Yu Kun respectfully closed Hu Qiu's eyes, then rose to approach the plaque of the Death Match Arena.

The Elders from the Flying Cloud Sect who had witnessed the duel nodded in approval of Yu Kun's honorable conduct.

Yu Kun reached the plaque and gathered the imitation ring and the martial arts tome left by Hu Qiu.

"What martial arts has he bequeathed? The Demon Suppressing Ring?"

Yu Kun, intrigued, began to peruse the text.

After leafing through several pages, enlightenment dawned upon him. By the final page, Yu Kun had fully grasped its contents.

"This is the very technique Hu Qiu wielded against me! And there's the Chen Clan's seal. This bears the mark of Chen Feng and Chen Rui's lineage. Clearly, it was Chen Feng who sent Hu Qiu after me!"

Yu Kun inhaled deeply, surveying the arena, but Chen Feng was nowhere to be seen.

"You're fortunate. With my newfound strength, I'm well-equipped to confront you. I must master the Demon Suppressing Ring to thwart any future attempts you might make with it. Once I'm an Inner Sect disciple, rest assured, I won't let you off lightly!"

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