Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C27 Meeting Chen Rui Again!
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C27 Meeting Chen Rui Again!
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C27 Meeting Chen Rui Again!

The waiter's attitude left much to be desired, but Yu Kun didn't take it to heart.

Even as Elite Disciples of the Outer Sect, their status wasn't lofty, particularly because they were commoners.

Yu Kun, however, was there because of his close ties with Hsu Shaan, and he wasn't concerned about the social standing of those around him. After all, Yu Kun himself was from humble beginnings, and it was only with the system's assistance that he had managed to grow stronger.

Unaware of the earlier incident, Hsu Shaan and the others were elated to learn of an available spot at the Cloud Crane Tower and eagerly ascended to the third floor.

The main hall of the Cloud Crane Tower was a hive of activity. Yet, the ambiance shifted dramatically on the third floor, which was divided into private compartments adorned with tasteful decor.

Clearly, the third floor was the domain of Elite Disciples and the affluent.

Yu Kun and his companions settled into their seats, and soon enough, an array of food and beverages graced their table.

Yu Kun poured himself a full cup of wine and, gazing into it, felt a wave of contemplation wash over him.

"I never imagined this cup would contain traces of Spiritual Energy. It's beyond my ability to absorb, but it's clear that the proprietor of the Cloud Crane Tower is no ordinary individual. It's no surprise that Zeng Fan and the rest wouldn't dare to make a scene here," Yu Kun mused.

Then, with a chuckle, Hsu Shaan addressed the group, "Folks, I'm not one for speeches. But today, let's raise our glasses to Junior Brother Lin Jiang for his early rise to Elite Disciple. The road ahead is bright for Junior Brother Lin. To his success!"

All present nodded in agreement and downed their drinks in unison.

Yu Kun, unfamiliar with Lin Jiang, joined in the toast nonetheless.

The wine seemed to warm the atmosphere, and as they mingled, Lin Jiang offered Yu Kun some discreet compliments, earning his favorable regard.

Their jovial drinking was abruptly interrupted when the door to their compartment was kicked open. They all turned, stunned, to see who had arrived—it was Chen Rui.

Yet, seeing Chen Rui, a scion of a wealthy clan, wasn't out of place in such an establishment.

Yu Kun merely arched an eyebrow, choosing to remain silent. Seated at the far end of the compartment, he was out of Chen Rui's immediate line of sight, and besides, Chen Rui seemed to have indulged a bit too much in his drink.

The other disciples quickly identified him as Chen Rui, a well-known scion of a prominent family from the Outer Sect. Despite his cultivation level being significantly lower than Hu Qiu's, Chen Rui had a reputation for stirring up trouble.

At that moment, Chen Rui fixed a hostile gaze on Zeng Fan, Hsu Shaan, and their companions. He barked, "You bunch of paupers are making too much noise."

Upon hearing this, Hsu Shaan and the others tightened their fists, visibly frustrated yet feeling powerless. They didn't dare retaliate against Chen Rui.

Yu Kun, on the other hand, didn't make a move. He seemed rather amused, observing the unfolding drama with interest.

Chen Rui, noticing their reluctance to confront him, grew smugger. "I'm footing the bill today, and you're disturbing the peace. Leave now, and I'll let this slide."

From another booth, a voice chimed in, "Chen Rui, haven't you dealt with those loudmouths yet?"

This snapped Chen Rui back to reality. He called out, "Just a second!"

Then, with a dismissive wave, he warned, "Beat it, or I'll have you thrown out."

The faces of Hsu Shaan and his group turned grim, but they held back from challenging Chen Rui. Everyone there had grievances with the wealthy disciples, yet they were helpless against them.

Chen Rui was no exception; he was a tough nut to crack.

As they were about to withdraw, Yu Kun downed his wine and set the cup aside. He taunted, "Chen Rui, looks like you're asking for a beating."

Chen Rui, taken aback, demanded, "And who might you be?"

"The one who could beat you senseless," Yu Kun replied nonchalantly, advancing a couple of steps. No one would have guessed he was about to strike.

But strike he did.

Without resorting to Astral Energy, Yu Kun's punch had the power to floor Chen Rui.

Clutching his nose and howling in pain, Chen Rui attempted to rise but was promptly kicked out of the booth by Yu Kun.

"Rich kid or not, we're all Elite Disciples here. You have no authority over us."

After his remark, Yu Kun glanced over and casually dismissed the concern, "Don't worry about him."

Hsu Shaan, clearly taken aback, exclaimed, "I knew you were tough in a fight, but your way with words is something else. Just remember, Chen Rui has a cousin who's no pushover."

Yu Kun chuckled in response, "Oh, I'm well aware. His cousin has been itching to take me on for quite some time. If not for that, Hu Qiu wouldn't have come at me. Yet, here I am, still standing."

His words earned him a chorus of compliments from the others, to which Yu Kun responded with a cool, unbothered demeanor.

Moments later, the door swung open once more, but this time it wasn't Chen Rui who entered. Bent over and clutching his nose, Chen Rui skulked in the background, evidently back to his senses.

Chen Rui shot Yu Kun a venomous look, yet he held back from any confrontation.

It was clear to all that Chen Rui wasn't the star of this show. The spotlight belonged to the individual standing before him.

Dressed in the Flying Cloud Sect's disciple garb, the newcomer bore a face they hadn't seen within the sect's walls.

Yu Kun racked his brain but couldn't place the man.

"He must be an Inner Sect disciple, right? But his power... it surpasses theirs. He's likely one of the Elite Disciples who's flown under the radar. But obscurity doesn't mean lack of skill, or Chen Rui wouldn't be showing such deference," Yu Kun surmised.

Breaking the silence, the disciple inquired, "Who here is Yu Kun?"

Without hesitation, Chen Rui pointed directly at Yu Kun and declared loudly, "Brother Xu, that's him. He's the one who struck me earlier."

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