Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C29 Yu Kun's Challenge Letter.
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C29 Yu Kun's Challenge Letter.
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C29 Yu Kun's Challenge Letter.

Chen Rui clenched his teeth and spat out venomously, "Just you wait. You're in over your head, you fool! My brother will surely kill you, you worthless peasant!"

Yu Kun let out a dismissive snort. "Too bad for you, Chen Feng isn't here to save you."

Mid-sentence, Yu Kun lifted his leg, intent on booting Chen Rui from the room.

But before Yu Kun could act, Xu Zizhi from behind him let out a bellow, breaking free from the Demon Suppressing Ring. He lashed out with a palm strike, fueled by a deep-seated grudge and swirling with Astral Energy. It wasn't a technique from Martial Arts, yet its force was unmatched.

Yu Kun, however, just smirked.

"I knew you'd escaped the Demon Suppressing Circle. Trying to ambush me? Ridiculous!"

With a swift counter, Yu Kun's palm surged with Leviathan-roc Astral Energy, obliterating Xu Zizhi's attack in an instant. His palm then made a resounding connection with Xu Zizhi's face, sending him flying out of the room.

Xu Zizhi, once handsome, now sported a face flushed and swollen from Yu Kun's slap.

Yet Yu Kun didn't rush to deal with Chen Rui. Instead, he looked down at him and declared, "You've lost this round. When it's time for the Cloud Crane Tower to tally the damages, make sure you pay up."

He paused, then added with a hint of sarcasm, "A scion of a noble house like yourself surely won't miss a few Spirit Stones."

Seething, Chen Rui silently cursed before scrambling up and fleeing in disgrace.

The room was in shambles, the partition shattered. Clearly, their meal was over.

Yu Kun shrugged, a wry smile on his face. "My apologies, everyone. My personal affairs have dampened the evening."

Hsu Shaan chuckled heartily. "Not at all! Without Junior Brother Yu, we might have been thrown out of the Cloud Crane Tower ourselves! We're indebted to you for stepping in."

He paused, then offered, "The fine dining may be off the table, but there's still some rough wine and roast meat to be had! If you're willing, let's continue at my place—there's plenty for a feast!"

The others exchanged knowing smiles and readily agreed to the invitation. Yu Kun also nodded in assent to Hsu Shaan's offer.

Subsequently, they departed from the Cloud Crane Tower.

Unbeknownst to Chen Rui, Xu Zizhi, Yu Kun, and the rest, someone on the fourth floor was observing their every move.

The Cloud Crane Tower boasted five levels, with the topmost floor seldom open to visitors. Even the Elders of the Flying Cloud Sect seldom had the privilege of ascending to this exclusive level.

Typically, only Inner Sect disciples and the truly affluent elite earned the right to step onto the fourth floor of the Cloud Crane Tower!

The individuals who had witnessed the scene from the fourth floor were indeed several Inner Sect disciples.

While Chen Feng was not present, the group consisted of several familiar faces. Though Yu Kun had not met most of them, they had all seen him.

Among them were Yan Changge and Yaen Hongling, as well as Yaen Hongling's betrothed, Xu Yeran, along with other Inner Sect disciples.

Yu Kun and his companions, having only reached the third floor, had not indulged in luxury. Being disciples from humble origins, they seldom frequented a place like the Cloud Crane Tower.

In contrast, the Inner Sect disciples on the fourth floor spared no expense. Each dish on their table far surpassed the value of what Yu Kun and his friends had enjoyed. The wine they sipped was of the highest caliber, a treasured vintage from the Cloud Crane Tower's reserves, with a single pot worth an entire Spirit Stone.

After Yu Kun and his group had left, Yan Changge set down his cup and huffed, "Yu Kun has really crossed the line! Merely an Elite Disciple, and yet he dares to challenge one of the Inner Sect! Chen Feng may only rank four hundred ninety-seventh among us, but his strength is beyond what any Elite Disciple could hope to match."

Yaen Hongling remained silent, methodically chewing her greens as if oblivious to the earlier confrontation below.

Xu Yeran chuckled, "My apologies for the spectacle. That Xu Zizhi is nothing more than a servant of the Xu family. We allowed him to practice within the sect due to his modest talent. To think he'd be defeated by someone of humble birth today! Rest assured, upon my return, he will face severe punishment."

Yaen Hongling glanced at Xu Yeran but remained silent.

Yan Changge spoke with a frosty tone, "I believe Yu Kun lacks respect for us, the scions of prominent families. Should he make it into the Inner Sect, I'll be sure to give him a proper lesson. But for now, an Elite Disciple isn't worth my effort."

Xu Yeran chuckled, "It's well-known that you're a man of your word."

As they were discussing Yu Kun, another voice echoed through the room.

"This individual is quite fascinating. We may be scions of the Wealthy Class, but our families' fortunes won't last forever. His presence ensures we don't become complacent in our familial glory."

Upon hearing these words, all the Inner Sect disciples present showed a look of deference. Even the haughty Xu Yeran and Yan Changge, along with the aloof Yaen Hongling, bowed to the young master who had spoken.

The speaker, clad in a yellow robe and a jade crown, was none other than the Little Prince who had previously supported Yu Kun outside the Death Match Arena.

At that moment, however, the Little Prince was indulging in crab with an almost comical enthusiasm.

"It's crab season now. The richness of the roe is simply irresistible. These crabs were sourced by the Cloud Crane Tower from Yueyang Lake in Chuhan Country. Dig in, everyone! And if we don't finish, don't hold it against me for not settling the bill."

Seeing his antics, they couldn't help but laugh.

The Little Prince ranked among the strongest on the Inner Sect disciple leaderboard. While the top ten rankings were traditionally revealed at the end, it was common knowledge that the Little Prince was a shoo-in for the top spots, with the potential to vie for the very top.

Yu Kun found the simple pleasures of drinking and feasting at Hsu Shaan's abode far more to his liking than the grandeur of the Cloud Crane Tower. Truth be told, Yu Kun harbored no grand ambitions; he cherished this unfettered lifestyle above all.

Satiated from the meal, Yu Kun said his goodbyes and retreated to his quarters.

Despite his altercation with Xu Zizhi earlier in the day, Yu Kun was aware that Xu Zizhi's standing was not particularly notable.

Chen Rui possessed a spatial item, yet Xu Zizhi did not. Yu Kun surmised that Xu Zizhi might belong to a wealthy clan, but his rank within it was certainly not elevated. Thus, Xu Zizhi's opinion mattered little to Yu Kun.

Currently, Yu Kun's focus was on Chen Feng.

Regardless of whether Chen Feng agreed to face off in the Death Match Arena, a confrontation with Chen Feng was inevitable for Yu Kun.

But Yu Kun's boldness in challenging an Inner Sect disciple like Chen Feng was not without assurance.

His confidence stemmed from the item that Zhou Xingtian's disciple had delivered to him.

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