Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C30 Cultivation Imprint.
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C30 Cultivation Imprint.
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C30 Cultivation Imprint.

Yu Kun confided to Chen Rui his plans to challenge Chen Feng. It might have been Chen Rui's timidity, or Chen Feng's indifference to the challenge, that resulted in days passing without a response for Yu Kun.

Yet, Yu Kun wasn't concerned with Chen Feng's reply, as he was preoccupied with a matter of greater significance. Following his victory over Hu Qiu, Inner Sect Elder Zhou Xingtian had his disciple, Zong Ruizhi, deliver a gift to Yu Kun.

Initially, Yu Kun anticipated nothing more than a Spirit Stone or a similar trinket. But upon laying eyes on it, he was struck with awe—Zhou Xingtian had bestowed upon him an extraordinary gift. It was a fragment of Zhou Xingtian's own cultivated abilities, a treasure far surpassing the value of Spirit Stones. With its activation, Yu Kun's strength could surge to tenfold in a mere moment.

This newfound power was the true catalyst for Yu Kun's boldness in challenging Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's position at the lower end of the Inner Sect disciple rankings was of no consequence. Yu Kun would have issued the challenge even if Chen Feng stood a hundred ranks higher, such was the might of Zhou Xingtian's gift.

"Zhou Xingtian has parted with a slice of his cultivation, a sacrifice that will cost him in the short term," Yu Kun mused. "Yet, his swift ascension to an Intermediate Rank Martial Disciple, aided by the Shadow Soul Grass, speaks volumes of his exceptional nature. Even a portion of his cultivation, divided as it is, represents a time-saving boon."

With his mind made up, Yu Kun resolved to reciprocate the generosity shown to him. "A good deed deserves another. The Shadow Soul Grass, while valuable, is merely the leftover dregs of a baby Leviathan—insignificant to me. Now, with Zhou Xingtian offering a piece of his cultivation as a reward, I vow to join his tutelage once I ascend to Inner Sect disciple."

With determination, Yu Kun set about mastering the imprint of Zhou Xingtian's power.

But as he endeavored to harness the imprint of Zhou Xingtian's cultivation, Yu Kun noticed something peculiar. The imprint, once the size of half a brick in his grasp, had diminished.

Even though it was imperceptible to the average person, Yu Kun was acutely aware that it was diminishing in size.

"Why is it shrinking? It's you again!"

Staring into his Qi Sea, Yu Kun felt a surge of helplessness, on the verge of tears.

Within his Qi Sea, the baby Leviathan continued to greedily consume the cultivation base imprint.

"All you do is eat! Devouring so much will lead to your evolution. If Chen Feng has an ace up his sleeve, I'm bound to lose without this cultivation base imprint!"

Yu Kun was inwardly fuming when he suddenly noticed the weight in his hand lightened—the cultivation base imprint had vanished without a trace.

Yu Kun was utterly disheartened.

"Last time, after you ate the Flying Shadow Grass, there was a bit left. This time, you've completely finished it off!"

Yu Kun was so frustrated he was at a loss for words.

Yu Kun's confidence in challenging Chen Feng hinged on that cultivation base imprint. Chen Feng was an Inner Sect disciple, likely to have hidden strengths. If he played his trump card, Yu Kun had no guarantee of victory.

The baby Leviathan's routine was simple: sleep or eat anything in sight.

Adding to Yu Kun's dismay, just when he expected the baby Leviathan to regurgitate something valuable, it simply stretched out lazily and fell asleep.

Yu Kun was seething with anger.

"Fine. There's fortune in misfortune! I refuse to believe you won't give anything back!"

With that thought, Yu Kun took out a Spirit Stone and began to channel the Leviathan-roc System to absorb the Spiritual Energy within.

The Leviathan-roc System was capable of producing the baby Leviathan, but Yu Kun was clear that the baby Leviathan was not the system itself. The baby Leviathan was related to the system, yet distinct from it.

For his cultivation, Yu Kun had to depend on the system.

"I had no intention of advancing to the Soul Refining Stage so soon! I've heard that the strength of the Martial Soul forged at the Soul Refining Stage is immensely beneficial later on! But now, I'm left with no choice. I must rush to break through to the Soul Refining Stage to stand a chance against Chen Feng."

With this resolve, Yu Kun began to voraciously absorb the energy from the Spirit Stone.

The Martial Path was divided into four realms: Power Refining, Qi Refining, Soul Refining, and Intent Refining.

If Power Refining is the foundation and Qi Refining the advancement, then Soul Refining truly establishes one as a martial artist!

In Yu Kun's recollection, a martial artist's Martial Soul emerges at the Soul Refining Stage, influenced by their cultivation techniques, experiences, and mental state, among other factors. Martial Souls vary in type and strength.

A martial artist's progress is deeply tied to their Martial Soul!

Take the Martial Disciple Stage, where one must condense a Soul Embryo to wield the power of the four elements: Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. Without a strong Martial Soul, forming the Soul Embryo is a formidable challenge. Even those with a formidable Martial Soul often need Heavenly Treasures to harness elemental power. Inner Sect Elder Zhou Xingtian is a prime example.

"I've only recently entered the Qi Refining Stage and haven't had many experiences, let alone any extraordinary encounters. If I attempt to condense my Martial Soul now, I'm likely to end up with the weakest kind, akin to that of an ordinary soldier or mere dust. Aspiring to a more formidable Martial Soul seems out of reach!" Yu Kun mused, sighing inwardly.

Despite feeling somewhat resigned, he had no alternative. If Zhou Xingtian's cultivation imprint were intact, there'd be no need for a breakthrough; it would be powerful enough to vanquish Chen Feng. But with the baby Leviathan having consumed his cultivation imprint, his only option is to attempt condensing his Martial Soul to advance to the Soul Refining Stage.

Amidst his quandary, Yu Kun felt a tremor in his Qi Sea.

His Qi Sea had been destroyed long ago, now home to the baby Leviathan. Thus, its tremors were the leviathan's own.

To Yu Kun's astonishment, the baby Leviathan shuddered, expelling some dark substance.

Yu Kun's eyes twitched involuntarily.

"You're actually defecating in my Qi Sea? Leave! I have no use for such a flawed system!"

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