Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C36 Yu Kun Became Famous.
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C36 Yu Kun Became Famous.
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C36 Yu Kun Became Famous.

After receiving the evolution point, the baby Leviathan swam around joyfully, flipping over in its excitement.

Growth Value was for Yu Kun to enhance his cultivation level, whereas evolution points were specifically for evolving the baby Leviathan.

Yu Kun's evolution points had previously reached 100, and after defeating Hu Qiu, he gained an additional three points.

However, upon vanquishing Chen Feng, his evolution points skyrocketed by 40.

"Chen Feng was an Inner Sect disciple who had advanced to the Soul Refining Stage, so it stands to reason that his high level of cultivation would yield me 40 evolution points!"

But when Yu Kun checked the requirements for evolution, he was overwhelmed.

"One hundred and forty-three out of a thousand! Does this mean I need to defeat dozens of Chen Fengs for the baby Leviathan to evolve? The Flying Cloud Sect doesn't even have five hundred Inner Sect disciples!"

He pondered for a moment, then shook his head, dismissing the wild thoughts.

"Let it go. Cultivation isn't something that happens overnight."

With that, Yu Kun gently closed the eyes of the bloodied Chen Feng and rose to his feet, leaving the Death Match Arena behind.

A hush fell over the spectators before they erupted into heated discussion.

Outer Sect and Elite Disciples swarmed around Yu Kun, who, in that moment, became the center of attention.

"You've actually beaten an Inner Sect disciple! You're sure to become one yourself in the future!" remarked one of the more composed Outer Sect disciples.

"Move aside! I think I'm falling in love!" Yu Kun was initially pleased until he realized the admirer was a man.

"Senior Brother Yu, you're incredible!" Yu Kun agreed with the disciple's praise, silently commending him.

"Senior Brother Yu..."

While the Outer Sect and Elite Disciples buzzed with excitement, the Inner Sect disciples were less than thrilled.

The silence was soon broken by the Little Prince's raucous laughter from the Inner Sect.

"Today is indeed my lucky day! I haven't forgotten the Spirit Stones you all owe me! Those who won the bet, come on over. Let's split our winnings..."

In a moment, a chorus of lamentations rose from the Inner Sect disciples. Many had fallen victim to the Little Prince's raid, losing their cherished Spirit Stones.

Yan Changge's face, however, betrayed his sour mood.

"Chen Feng! You couldn't even beat an Elite Disciple! I even gave you half a Soul Fixing Fragrance! You're nothing but a failure!" he bellowed.

As Yan Changge's anger flared, he noticed someone quietly slipping away. Turning, he saw Yaen Hongling already heading out of the Death Match Arena.

"Cousin! Where are you off to?" he called out, unable to contain his voice.

"I'm going back to train," Yaen Hongling replied without looking back. "It's best I focus on my cultivation, or I risk being defeated later on."

Yan Changge's face darkened at her words.

But the harsh reality was unchangeable. Chen Feng, his prized hopeful, had been defeated, while Yu Kun, a disciple from a Humble Class, had triumphed. The loss of Spirit Stones paled in comparison to the sting of his humiliation.

"Damn it!" Yan Changge muttered under his breath.

"If he's got the strength, he'll surely strive to join the Inner Sect! But I refuse to let him. I can't stand the thought of mingling with lowborn riffraff!"

As Yan Changge was plotting his next move, the Little Prince called out, "You won't get away! Hurry up and hand over the Spirit Stones you owe!"

Reluctantly, Yan Changge handed over the Spirit Stones to the Little Prince.

In stark contrast to the Inner and Outer Sect disciples, the Elders maintained an eerie calm, their silence profound.

After what seemed like an eternity, Zhou Xingtian spoke up, "The technique he just executed doesn't appear to be the Great Vajra Palm, yet it seems to be derived from the same lineage."

"Indeed," another Elder confirmed. "That technique isn't part of the known Great Vajra Palm repertoire."

The implication was clear, and the Elders all understood.

Since it wasn't a technique currently in use, it had to be one that was lost to time!

Everyone was aware that the Great Vajra Palm, even if not the sect's crowning jewel, was still an exceedingly rare martial art. And Yu Kun had actually mastered it!

A short time later, Zhou Xingtian couldn't hide his smugness as he spoke up first, "He once completed a Sect Mission I posted, and I rewarded him handsomely. We have a very good relationship!"

The other Elders silently branded him as sly. Then, another Elder chimed in, "Zhou Xingtian, don't overstep. Taking on disciples is a matter of destiny! For all you know, Yu Kun might not even hold you in high regard!"

Zhou Xingtian lifted his chin defiantly, "I am an Intermediate Rank Martial Disciple. Who would dare to underestimate me?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself here. While Yu Kun is still around, why don't you ask him directly about his intentions?"

"Hold on, it looks like he's already left..."

The Elders snapped out of their reverie, only to notice that the once-thrilled crowd around the Death Match Arena had dispersed. The Inner Sect disciples had also departed, albeit reluctantly, leaving only Little Prince who had made a tidy profit. The Outer Sect disciples were buzzing with excitement, nearly ready to hoist Yu Kun on their shoulders and carry him off.

"The trials for the Outer Sect disciples to advance to the Inner Sect will start soon. I'll have another chance to approach him then," one Elder mused.

With various plans in mind, the Elders dispersed one by one.

Regardless, today's duel had catapulted Yu Kun to fame within the Flying Cloud Sect.

Now, not only did many Outer Sect disciples know of Yu Kun, but even some Inner Sect disciples had begun to hold him in high esteem.

As an elite disciple capable of defeating an Inner Sect member, Yu Kun had undoubtedly earned his place among them.

"He managed to defeat an Inner Sect disciple while being an elite disciple himself? He's certainly got some skills..."

Xu Yeran, having heard about the Death Match Arena's events from another Inner Sect disciple, tapped his fingers thoughtfully, a look of intrigue crossing his face, "Still, the gap between the Inner and Outer Sects isn't easily bridged. If I'm not mistaken, he must have used the cultivation imprint of a powerful figure to secure his victory! Without that imprint, he surely would have been defeated."

"However..." Xu Yeran paused briefly before speaking up, "The cultivation mark isn't significant. If he's bold enough to challenge Chen Feng, then that mark isn't his key to winning. His martial arts skills appear to be quite exceptional! With that in mind, he's certainly caught my attention."

Xu Yeran continued at a measured pace, "Besides, Hongling has taken an interest in him lately. And since she's my betrothed, her interest should be reserved for me alone."

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