Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C40 Misfortune!
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C40 Misfortune!
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C40 Misfortune!

Just moments ago, as Wu Baishun and Bai Qingfeng's battle reached a critical juncture, teetering on the brink of disaster, Yu Kun deftly defused the looming crisis.

From a distance, Hsu Shaan and his companions witnessed Yu Kun's intervention and approached. Yu Kun himself appeared nonchalant, yawning and squinting as if the resolution of the conflict was no work of his own.

Bai Qingfeng, fists clenched, demanded, "Who are you, exactly?"

"My surname is Yu," replied Yu Kun.

"Yu..." Bai Qingfeng repeated, as recognition dawned on him. "You're the one who defeated the Inner Sect disciple? Your talents are truly remarkable! But this year, I am determined to become an Inner Sect disciple myself!"

With those words, Bai Qingfeng swept away, making sure to collect his followers before departing.

Yu Kun made no move to stop him, letting Bai Qingfeng go on his way.

Wu Baishun let out a reflective sigh. "Our fight was dangerously close. Without your intervention, we could have sustained serious injuries. You've earned your reputation for defeating Inner Sect disciples, even neutralizing our Astral Energy. Your power is truly immeasurable."

Yu Kun simply nodded, offering no reply.

His actions were not solely to assist; they were also a test of their capabilities. Using the power of the Leviathan-roc Astral Energy to obliterate, Yu Kun had gauged that Wu Baishun and Bai Qingfeng were closely matched in strength. Yet, as a Young Genius, Bai Qingfeng likely had a slight edge over Wu Baishun.

"Nevertheless, neither is a match for me. It seems my ascension to Inner Sect disciple is assured this time," Yu Kun mused.

He turned to Wu Baishun, bowing slightly. "I must confess, it was more luck than skill. Had you not been engaged in combat, I wouldn't have had the chance to dissipate your Astral Energy."

By then, Hsu Shaan and the others had arrived. Wu Baishun greeted each with a bow, "Brother Hsu! Brother Hsu..."

Their cheeks flushed with modesty. Wu Baishun was their superior in strength, and yet he addressed them as brothers, a gesture they found overwhelmingly humbling.

Yu Kun had a keen eye for character, and he quickly discerned the temperaments of Wu Baishun and Bai Qingfeng.

"Bai Qingfeng is a young prodigy, and with early fame comes a certain arrogance. Even though he recognizes that I'm stronger, he's still convinced he can beat me. It's not that he underestimates me; it's just his overconfidence speaking!"

As for Wu Baishun, his demeanor was unassuming, and he exuded a straightforward simplicity, not at all like a young genius. He would address everyone as 'brother,' regardless of who they were...

Yu Kun was aware that Wu Baishun likely had better social standing than Bai Qingfeng, but when it came to accomplishments, Bai Qingfeng might have the edge. Nevertheless, this was of no consequence to Yu Kun. Having gauged the capabilities of both men, he had all the information he needed. Yu Kun had no intention of forging new friendships within the Outer Sect before his transition to the Inner Sect.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Yu Kun took his leave from Wu Baishun, departing the Martial Training Field alongside Hsu Shaan and the rest.

In the quarters of the Elite Disciple, Bai Qingfeng furiously shattered a vase, cursing under his breath.

"He had the gall to stop me! Unforgivable!"

Still seething, Bai Qingfeng destroyed another vase, which somewhat soothed his anger.

As he was about to demolish a third vase, a knock came at the door.

Bai Qingfeng, despite his frustration, decided to answer it.

"You clearly harbor resentment," the visitor observed, clenching his fist. "I can see you despise him. But you're not as strong as he is. I can offer you a way to help..."

Bai Qingfeng let out a cold laugh.

"An Inner Sect disciple? That's hardly impressive. I'll be joining the Inner Sect ranks soon enough myself."

"Indeed," the man replied. "But you were defeated by someone you didn't expect. I'm sure you can't accept that. You're no match for him now, but with my assistance, you can turn your defeat into victory..."

After a moment of silence, Bai Qingfeng spoke slowly, "That's an intriguing offer. What is it that you want?"

"I want nothing from you! Just take care of that lowlife for me; I refuse to let him set foot in the Inner Sect of the Flying Cloud Sect!"

Mid-sentence, the man seemed to catch himself, abruptly cutting off his own words.

This man was none other than Yan Changge.

Bai Qingfeng may not have been acquainted with Yan Changge, but he couldn't help a cold smirk.

"Do you take me for a fool, or perhaps you think I'm a mere weapon at your disposal? How absurd! I concede that I'm no match for him, and yes, this is a bitter pill to swallow! But..."

Bai Qingfeng spoke deliberately, emphasizing each word, "I will prevail. I'll use my own strength to make it into the Inner Sect and then, I'll defeat him with my own hands. I need no one's help, nor do I wish to be used as a pawn! If you're so eager to confront him, why not do it yourself? You're an Inner Sect disciple, after all!"

With a dismissive flick of his sleeve, Bai Qingfeng declared, "Stop bothering me. You'd be better off seeking Wu Baishun's help than wasting your time with me."

With those final words, Bai Qingfeng shut the door decisively, leaving Yan Changge standing outside.

Bai Qingfeng's resolute actions left Yan Changge fuming to the point of rolling his eyes in frustration.

"Such insolence from an Outer Sect disciple! Were it not for your noble family background, I would have..."

Yan Changge took several deep breaths, slowly regaining his composure.

"No matter. If he won't agree, I'll just have to find another way. I cannot—will not—allow him to enter the Inner Sect or get anywhere near my cousin! The exalted bloodline of our family will not be sullied by anyone!"

With a determined clench of his jaw, Yan Changge turned on his heel, resolved to seek out another Elite Disciple.

The Outer Sect was teeming with disciples, nearly ten thousand of whom were elite. Yan Changge was confident that among this multitude, there would surely be someone with the requisite strength and willingness to be under his command.

Yu Kun, of course, was blissfully unaware of all these machinations, and it was unlikely he would ever find out.

But even if Yu Kun were privy to these schemes, he wouldn't give them a second thought. Yan Changge was worrying needlessly. Yu Kun could swear that although the body's original owner might have harbored feelings for Yaen Hongling, he himself felt nothing for her now.

If Yu Kun were aware that Yan Changge was targeting him for such a trivial reason, he would undoubtedly confront him without a second thought and deliver two sharp slaps to Yan Changge's face. To Yu Kun, this was nothing short of an unwarranted calamity!

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