Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C43 Soul Refining Stage Chen Rui
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Evolution Depends On Swallowing/C43 Soul Refining Stage Chen Rui
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C43 Soul Refining Stage Chen Rui

Yu Kun was intent on advancing to the Soul Refining Stage, so he certainly wouldn't opt for a mission that took half a month to complete. In reality, he had selected just three straightforward tasks, which he estimated would take no more than ten days to finish in total.

Yet, for reasons unknown, Yu Kun couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed. "Is it just my imagination? Why do I constantly feel like I'm being tracked? Perhaps I'm just being paranoid," he mused, massaging his temples. He chalked it up to exhaustion, suspecting it was causing him to hallucinate and feel out of sorts.

"Two of the missions are already done," he reminded himself. "For the third, I need to scout the terrain surrounding the Flying Cloud Sect, which I'm nearly finished with. Just a few dozen more kilometers of exploration, and I can head back to the sect tomorrow."

With that thought, Yu Kun pressed on with his exploration. By the half-day mark, he had completed his survey, sketching the landscape he encountered and jotting notes in his travel journal.

"At last, all three missions are complete! There's a small village ahead where I can rest for the night and make my return to the Flying Cloud Sect tomorrow."

As Yu Kun entered the village, he noted its proximity to the sect and the villagers' nonchalance at the sight of warriors like himself. After exchanging pleasantries with a local, he arranged to stay at the villager's home for the night.

The villager was straightforward and hospitable, agreeing to host Yu Kun in exchange for payment. With a reflective sigh at the villager's entrepreneurial spirit, Yu Kun paid up.

The villager then showed Yu Kun to a tidy room. While it wasn't as luxurious as the accommodations within the Flying Cloud Sect, Yu Kun was unfazed and settled in.

After a brief rest, Yu Kun stood up, ready to practice his Martial Arts. But just as he began, a subtle tremor in his heart caught his attention—the baby Leviathan had sensed something.

"This creature can detect treasures imbued with Spiritual Energy. Could there be such a treasure hidden in this village?" Yu Kun's curiosity was piqued. He sprang up from the bed, eager to search the village for any concealed treasures.

Just as Yu Kun rose to his feet, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air from outside the room.

A jolt of alarm shot through Yu Kun.

"Could it be a monster instead of a treasure? I prefer not to interfere in others' affairs, but I'm a guest here. I can't stand by and let this family come to harm!"

With that thought, Yu Kun sprang into action, flinging the door open and stepping out.

In the courtyard, he was met with a horrific sight: the very family that had welcomed him lay strewn across the ground, lifeless. The perpetrator of this atrocity was none other than Chen Rui.

"You?" Yu Kun's initial shock quickly gave way to a surge of anger.

"Martial artists train for many reasons, not necessarily to vanquish evil or defend the weak, but slaughtering innocents is inexcusable! How could you murder these villagers?"

Chen Rui's sneer cut through the tension. "I didn't think you'd have the courage to show yourself. What does it matter if I killed them? You killed my brother, didn't you?"

"We were bound for the Death Match Arena; death there is to be expected!" Yu Kun's fists tightened as he spoke deliberately, "It all makes sense now. I felt like I was being followed the whole journey—it was you! I had no intention of dealing with you, but you've crossed a line by killing innocents and taking their lives. Well, you've brought this on yourself!"

As Yu Kun braced for combat, Chen Rui's maniacal laughter echoed around them.

"Do you really think I'd just walk out here to meet my end? I came prepared, ready to exact revenge for my brother! Prepare to die!"

With that, Chen Rui's laughter boomed as the energy within him exploded. In a mere moment, his aura had ascended to the Soul Refining Stage.

Yu Kun was taken aback.

"How has his power surged so suddenly? This isn't his true strength! The baby Leviathan detected fluctuations in his power; he's definitely resorted to some underhanded tactic!"

Regaining his composure, Yu Kun's fearlessness returned.

Chen Rui might have reached the Soul Refining Stage, but Yu Kun was undeterred. Chen Feng had possessed the same level of power and yet had fallen to Yu Kun at the Death Match Arena. The odds were in his favor!

Channeling his Astral Energy, Yu Kun unleashed the Vajra Worshipping Moon technique.

However, Yu Kun witnessed Chen Rui unleash a martial arts technique. The wildly fierce astral energy collided with the Vajra Worshipping Moon in an instant.

Despite Yu Kun's Leviathan-roc astral energy possessing the power to obliterate other astral energies, it was scattered by Chen Rui. The residual energy struck Yu Kun, forcing him to stagger back several steps and spit out blood tinged with black stains, a clear sign of injury to his meridians and internal organs.

"How has his strength surged so dramatically? Both he and Chen Feng have attained the Soul Refining Stage, yet Chen Feng isn't nearly as formidable. How can he possess such overwhelming power?"

Yu Kun was astounded, sensing that something was amiss.

"He initially declined my challenge, only to abruptly accept it later! He couldn't break through to the Soul Refining Stage, but then he did so overnight! His strength was significantly inferior to mine, yet it skyrocketed beyond mine in an instant! There has to be someone manipulating these events from the shadows!"

With a furrowed brow, Yu Kun felt as though he was on the verge of grasping a clue, but he couldn't pinpoint who was responsible.

Nevertheless, now was not the time for contemplation. Chen Rui had repelled him with a single move, laughing triumphantly, "My strength now surpasses yours! You don't stand a chance! Though killing you means my own death, I'll do so gladly, dying without regrets!"

Yu Kun, momentarily taken aback, then realized, "You've used some life-consuming secret technique to burst forth with such immense power? No wonder you've gained so much strength so quickly!"

At that moment, a desire to withdraw crept into Yu Kun's heart.

He intended to retreat only temporarily. With Chen Rui's newfound might, Yu Kun was outmatched and knew better than to engage in a direct confrontation. He needed to find the right moment to strike back.

Chen Rui sneered, "Exactly! I've acquired the incomplete core of my brother's Martial Soul, granting me this temporary surge in strength. Though my end is near, there's still time enough to finish you!"

Yu Kun was taken aback once more.

"An incomplete Martial Soul core? That's precisely what I need to evolve my Leviathan-roc Martial Soul! I can't run now; I must defeat him! He struck first and has slain innocent villagers. This may not be the Death Match Arena, but I have no choice—I must kill him!"

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